1Th 5:5 Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.
Rom 13:12 The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.
Joh 12:36 While ye have light, believe in the light, that ye may be the children of light.
Eph 5:8 For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light
Children of light and children of darkness. It sounds like some good versus evil story doesn't it? Perhaps it could be, or already is a title of a movie or a book somewhere. It doesn't really matter if there is a fictional movie or book about this, but it does matter that there is a non-fiction book about this very subject. Ultimately good vs. evil is the reality we live in right now. Good vs. evil is what the Bible is all about. Good vs. evil is a choice we ALL have to make. You, right now are either a child of light or a child of darkness.
You are apart of this story. There is no getting out of it, no rejecting the script. No choice- but the choice to choose which side you want to be on. We do get that choice, we just don't get the choice as to whether or not we have to choose. There is no sitting this out.
You are a child of the light or you are a child of the dark.
Unfortunately we live in a day and age where being a child of the dark is something to be desired. Having a bad reputation is no bother at all, in fact it gives you more standing among your peers and such. Being a child of the dark and having a worldly successful life is something people long for. We truly live in a world where we are calling evil - good.
The night is far spent…
The day is at hand…
Let us therefore cast off the works of darkness…
And let us put on the armor of light.
The works of darkness surround us on every side. There isn't a single facet of our lives that isn't affected by darkness. The darkness is trying to steal the light from all our lives and in every single way it can.
Cast OFF the works of darkness. This is an action to be performed. A casting off. You have to have something on in order to cast it off, right? The works of darkness in all their sneaky subtle ways will try and infiltrate our lives until they become a part of us, so much a part of us we cannot imagine ever living without them. We will feel the weight of our works of darkness ONLY if we get closer to the light. Light exposes the things that are hidden in darkness, things clothed by darkness. When something is made up of darkness when light touches it, it can no longer be completely dark, right? There is not a cave, not an ocean deep, not a single place in outer space that cannot be touched by light. Light can be brought to the darkest sea bottom- even remotely, mechanically. You can sink a light in the deepest hole if you desired. And once that light is near that darkness that perhaps has NEVER been touched by light before, not ever, it will be changed, forever altered. Dispelling the darkness from our lives means being a child of the light. We HAVE to cast off the works of darkness, there is NO doubt about that. If you think for a moment you haven't any works of darkness to cast off then PRAISE GOD! You are truly living wholly, fully in the LIGHT of our Savior! You are wearing the armor of LIGHT.
We need that armor on us but we have to be willing to cast of the works of darkness that encumber us hindering the armor from fitting to us perfectly.
You are a child of light or a child of darkness and the night is far spent… the day is at hand.
By the grace of God we will be CHILDREN of LIGHT!
Lord help us to cast off the works of darkness that would engulf us and steal all Your light from our lives. Please LORD, by YOUR mercy and grace, through YOUR love, help us, save us, because we cannot save ourselves.
All in YOU, always!
Rom 13:12 The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.
Joh 12:36 While ye have light, believe in the light, that ye may be the children of light.
Eph 5:8 For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light
Children of light and children of darkness. It sounds like some good versus evil story doesn't it? Perhaps it could be, or already is a title of a movie or a book somewhere. It doesn't really matter if there is a fictional movie or book about this, but it does matter that there is a non-fiction book about this very subject. Ultimately good vs. evil is the reality we live in right now. Good vs. evil is what the Bible is all about. Good vs. evil is a choice we ALL have to make. You, right now are either a child of light or a child of darkness.
You are apart of this story. There is no getting out of it, no rejecting the script. No choice- but the choice to choose which side you want to be on. We do get that choice, we just don't get the choice as to whether or not we have to choose. There is no sitting this out.
You are a child of the light or you are a child of the dark.
Unfortunately we live in a day and age where being a child of the dark is something to be desired. Having a bad reputation is no bother at all, in fact it gives you more standing among your peers and such. Being a child of the dark and having a worldly successful life is something people long for. We truly live in a world where we are calling evil - good.
The night is far spent…
The day is at hand…
Let us therefore cast off the works of darkness…
And let us put on the armor of light.
The works of darkness surround us on every side. There isn't a single facet of our lives that isn't affected by darkness. The darkness is trying to steal the light from all our lives and in every single way it can.
Cast OFF the works of darkness. This is an action to be performed. A casting off. You have to have something on in order to cast it off, right? The works of darkness in all their sneaky subtle ways will try and infiltrate our lives until they become a part of us, so much a part of us we cannot imagine ever living without them. We will feel the weight of our works of darkness ONLY if we get closer to the light. Light exposes the things that are hidden in darkness, things clothed by darkness. When something is made up of darkness when light touches it, it can no longer be completely dark, right? There is not a cave, not an ocean deep, not a single place in outer space that cannot be touched by light. Light can be brought to the darkest sea bottom- even remotely, mechanically. You can sink a light in the deepest hole if you desired. And once that light is near that darkness that perhaps has NEVER been touched by light before, not ever, it will be changed, forever altered. Dispelling the darkness from our lives means being a child of the light. We HAVE to cast off the works of darkness, there is NO doubt about that. If you think for a moment you haven't any works of darkness to cast off then PRAISE GOD! You are truly living wholly, fully in the LIGHT of our Savior! You are wearing the armor of LIGHT.
We need that armor on us but we have to be willing to cast of the works of darkness that encumber us hindering the armor from fitting to us perfectly.
You are a child of light or a child of darkness and the night is far spent… the day is at hand.
By the grace of God we will be CHILDREN of LIGHT!
Lord help us to cast off the works of darkness that would engulf us and steal all Your light from our lives. Please LORD, by YOUR mercy and grace, through YOUR love, help us, save us, because we cannot save ourselves.
All in YOU, always!