Mat 12:37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.
Jesus' words.
Jesus only speaks truthfully. So when He says- 'By thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned', does He really mean it?
Mat_15:11 Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.
Mat_15:18 But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.
How many times have you said something only to regret it the moment it was out of your mouth? Yet to say you didn't mean it would be a lie, wouldn't it? A better apology would be sorry for whatever it was you said. When it comes out of our mouth, we mean it. We might regret it but we wouldn't have said it if we weren't thinking it and we wouldn't be thinking it if we weren't feeling it, believing it? Right?
Seriously. We say a lot of things we wish we could unsay. We regret letting things come out of our mouths. We'd rather keep them as thoughts left unspoken because they are hurtful.
I'm going to get a bit personal here for a moment, if it's too personal then uhm...close your eyes and skip ahead? Hey, it was a thought.
I suffer from PMS. I'm sure almost everyone has heard of this. It's been the stuff of jokes for a long time. However, it is a very serious thing. I never thought it was real, until after the birth of my first child. Then suddenly this crazy thing was happening to me out of nowhere. I couldn't understand it. I would feel this fury inside of me, this pent up anger over absolutely nothing. The sensation is awful, to feel this thing without rhyme nor reason was in itself infuriating. I could feel this living, breathing monster inside of me and I had very little, if any control over it. I'd snap at everyone as a result of this monster in me and yes, I'd regret it later, truthfully, I'd often regret it even as the words were streaming out of my mouth but the control switch was broken. I couldn't turn it off! I was at the mercy of my hormones.
Now that you know that bit about me (even though I've probably mentioned it before), I have another thing to add. The PMS monster in me has been changing lately, why? Because of the change of life, the dreaded menopause. I've felt that the PMS monster has morphed into super menopause monster who has NO timetable! The PMS monster at least had a timetable. I could expect it monthly for up to a week but no longer, sometimes only for a day or two then it would disappear, don't ask me why. This menopause monster however has decided to stick to NO timetable and is liable to pop up out of the blue at any moment. I'm not lying! I'm being very, very serious! This is a horrible thing to deal with because I truly feel it is out of my control.
I know there are medicines etc out there and I'm going to try the natural remedies route, but the point I'm going to make by telling this is- out of my mouth goes HORRIBLE THINGS and while I have a VERY real thing to blame it on, I'm not sure that our Savior is going to listen to excuses.
Mat_12:34 O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
Luk_6:45 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.
Do you see what I'm getting at?
Mat 12:37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.
There is a SUPER importance to the words we speak! We talk so casually. We speak so nonchalantly. We claim it as our right to speak and say whatever we want to. More and more children are brought up believing they can say whatever they want and it shows in the disrespect that is rampant in our young people today. Just fifty years ago a child wouldn't dream of sassing his or her parents without expecting a swift and decided punishment. Yet today we speak and speak and speak as if none of our words have an eternal weight resting upon them, when the truth is EVERY SINGLE WORD has eternal weight.
Think about that for a moment, just a few moments really think about the implications of Jesus' words.
For by thy words---- thou shalt be justified.
By thy words---- thou shalt be condemned.
Every IDLE word we will have to give account of.
Mat 12:36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
IDLE words. What are idle words?
Careless words, lazy words, every word, these can be idle words. Do you imagine you can speak all day long just a bunch of idle words, words that have no substance at all? You might not want to answer yes to that because it would really be putting yourself down, wouldn't it? To imagine that you spoke all day of useless chitchat. You want to believe that all the idle words have somehow got weight to them, even if that idle word caused laughter, that was something wasn't it?
We do NOT want to believe we have to really give account for every word we speak. I shudder at the thought knowing how many hateful things I've spoken especially when I haven't felt in control of my own self during my "monster" moments.
Every word.
Will your words justify you, or will your words condemn you?
Do we really place any importance on these words of our Savior? If we don't, we are going to be accountable for that too, aren't we?
It's at times like these a lot of people just want to throw their hands in the air and give up on being a Christ follower because it's too darn hard, it's too much, it's too impossible. Well guess what? It's supposed to be impossible for us to accomplish on our own. It is. We have to yield ourselves to CHRIST, to the Holy Spirit living in us. Even me with my "monster" problem, I have to yield myself to the Holy Spirit. My God is greater than anything in this world, even my "monster" problem which is very real, very physically comprehended. I could use my "monster" as an excuse but that would be wrong, I'd be lying to myself if I said I can't help it, just as others with mental, emotional, and physical issues that cause them to speak out would be lying to themselves. Tourette's syndrome comes to mind as something someone might throw up there instantly, and sure, that's real and it has it's roots in something that a person can't control. I'm POSITIVE that our SAVIOR knows what is truly uncontrollable and what isn't and whether a person is yielding to Him or not. Is this the excuse I'm looking for? Not really. I know after I speak rashly I've done wrong and I know I need to seek forgiveness for it and this is a never ending cycle of seeking forgiveness, because I REFUSE to give up and give into Satan who wants nothing more than for me and everyone else to give into despair of ever being right with God.
Whether it's PMS or the Meno Monster, or a more serious condition like Tourette's, or maybe it's an autistic issue, the wiring in our brains has become scrambled- whatever it is- if we can feel guilt over our mouth speaking awful things, then we need to seek forgiveness, not excuse it. Yes, the excuse might be real, but it doesn't matter. It's the KNOWLEDGE beyond the reason that things that have come out of our mouths have hurt others, or things that have come out of our mouths have condemned us. As soon as we have that knowledge we need to repent. We might need to repent daily, hourly, minutely but with knowledge comes accountability.
We are accountable for our words.
We have to STOP making excuses and accept the accountability.
Our words matter in the eternal scheme of things, they truly do.
We need to do a lot more THINKING before we speak.
Some might advocate just saying whatever you feel like saying so you don't bottle up emotions, but those same advocates are not probably thinking about the words of our Savior. If we can keep from speaking idle words, from harsh words, from harmful words we should. Having the thoughts will be bad enough but at least as thoughts no other person around us is harmed or influenced. Yes, we'll still need to seek forgiveness for our thoughts if they are uncharitable and such, we can't escape truth whether in our thoughts or in our deeds.
Jas 1:19 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath
Swift to hear…….. SLOW TO SPEAK.
How many men are supposed to be swift to hear and slow to speak?
By the grace of God may we heed the words of our SAVIOR!
We will have to give account of all our words… maybe we'd do well to try and remember this every morning when we wake up and go about our day.
Our words matter, they eternally matter.
Please LORD, keep the door to our lips! Please LORD, keep us from idle words! Please LORD, help us to surrender to You our every word! Guide us and keep us in You through the Holy Spirit!
Thank you Father for all Your love!
By Your grace, mercy, and amazing love! In YOUR righteousness always!
Jesus' words.
Jesus only speaks truthfully. So when He says- 'By thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned', does He really mean it?
Mat_15:11 Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.
Mat_15:18 But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.
How many times have you said something only to regret it the moment it was out of your mouth? Yet to say you didn't mean it would be a lie, wouldn't it? A better apology would be sorry for whatever it was you said. When it comes out of our mouth, we mean it. We might regret it but we wouldn't have said it if we weren't thinking it and we wouldn't be thinking it if we weren't feeling it, believing it? Right?
Seriously. We say a lot of things we wish we could unsay. We regret letting things come out of our mouths. We'd rather keep them as thoughts left unspoken because they are hurtful.
I'm going to get a bit personal here for a moment, if it's too personal then uhm...close your eyes and skip ahead? Hey, it was a thought.
I suffer from PMS. I'm sure almost everyone has heard of this. It's been the stuff of jokes for a long time. However, it is a very serious thing. I never thought it was real, until after the birth of my first child. Then suddenly this crazy thing was happening to me out of nowhere. I couldn't understand it. I would feel this fury inside of me, this pent up anger over absolutely nothing. The sensation is awful, to feel this thing without rhyme nor reason was in itself infuriating. I could feel this living, breathing monster inside of me and I had very little, if any control over it. I'd snap at everyone as a result of this monster in me and yes, I'd regret it later, truthfully, I'd often regret it even as the words were streaming out of my mouth but the control switch was broken. I couldn't turn it off! I was at the mercy of my hormones.
Now that you know that bit about me (even though I've probably mentioned it before), I have another thing to add. The PMS monster in me has been changing lately, why? Because of the change of life, the dreaded menopause. I've felt that the PMS monster has morphed into super menopause monster who has NO timetable! The PMS monster at least had a timetable. I could expect it monthly for up to a week but no longer, sometimes only for a day or two then it would disappear, don't ask me why. This menopause monster however has decided to stick to NO timetable and is liable to pop up out of the blue at any moment. I'm not lying! I'm being very, very serious! This is a horrible thing to deal with because I truly feel it is out of my control.
I know there are medicines etc out there and I'm going to try the natural remedies route, but the point I'm going to make by telling this is- out of my mouth goes HORRIBLE THINGS and while I have a VERY real thing to blame it on, I'm not sure that our Savior is going to listen to excuses.
Mat_12:34 O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
Luk_6:45 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.
Do you see what I'm getting at?
Mat 12:37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.
There is a SUPER importance to the words we speak! We talk so casually. We speak so nonchalantly. We claim it as our right to speak and say whatever we want to. More and more children are brought up believing they can say whatever they want and it shows in the disrespect that is rampant in our young people today. Just fifty years ago a child wouldn't dream of sassing his or her parents without expecting a swift and decided punishment. Yet today we speak and speak and speak as if none of our words have an eternal weight resting upon them, when the truth is EVERY SINGLE WORD has eternal weight.
Think about that for a moment, just a few moments really think about the implications of Jesus' words.
For by thy words---- thou shalt be justified.
By thy words---- thou shalt be condemned.
Every IDLE word we will have to give account of.
Mat 12:36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
IDLE words. What are idle words?
Careless words, lazy words, every word, these can be idle words. Do you imagine you can speak all day long just a bunch of idle words, words that have no substance at all? You might not want to answer yes to that because it would really be putting yourself down, wouldn't it? To imagine that you spoke all day of useless chitchat. You want to believe that all the idle words have somehow got weight to them, even if that idle word caused laughter, that was something wasn't it?
We do NOT want to believe we have to really give account for every word we speak. I shudder at the thought knowing how many hateful things I've spoken especially when I haven't felt in control of my own self during my "monster" moments.
Every word.
Will your words justify you, or will your words condemn you?
Do we really place any importance on these words of our Savior? If we don't, we are going to be accountable for that too, aren't we?
It's at times like these a lot of people just want to throw their hands in the air and give up on being a Christ follower because it's too darn hard, it's too much, it's too impossible. Well guess what? It's supposed to be impossible for us to accomplish on our own. It is. We have to yield ourselves to CHRIST, to the Holy Spirit living in us. Even me with my "monster" problem, I have to yield myself to the Holy Spirit. My God is greater than anything in this world, even my "monster" problem which is very real, very physically comprehended. I could use my "monster" as an excuse but that would be wrong, I'd be lying to myself if I said I can't help it, just as others with mental, emotional, and physical issues that cause them to speak out would be lying to themselves. Tourette's syndrome comes to mind as something someone might throw up there instantly, and sure, that's real and it has it's roots in something that a person can't control. I'm POSITIVE that our SAVIOR knows what is truly uncontrollable and what isn't and whether a person is yielding to Him or not. Is this the excuse I'm looking for? Not really. I know after I speak rashly I've done wrong and I know I need to seek forgiveness for it and this is a never ending cycle of seeking forgiveness, because I REFUSE to give up and give into Satan who wants nothing more than for me and everyone else to give into despair of ever being right with God.
Whether it's PMS or the Meno Monster, or a more serious condition like Tourette's, or maybe it's an autistic issue, the wiring in our brains has become scrambled- whatever it is- if we can feel guilt over our mouth speaking awful things, then we need to seek forgiveness, not excuse it. Yes, the excuse might be real, but it doesn't matter. It's the KNOWLEDGE beyond the reason that things that have come out of our mouths have hurt others, or things that have come out of our mouths have condemned us. As soon as we have that knowledge we need to repent. We might need to repent daily, hourly, minutely but with knowledge comes accountability.
We are accountable for our words.
We have to STOP making excuses and accept the accountability.
Our words matter in the eternal scheme of things, they truly do.
We need to do a lot more THINKING before we speak.
Some might advocate just saying whatever you feel like saying so you don't bottle up emotions, but those same advocates are not probably thinking about the words of our Savior. If we can keep from speaking idle words, from harsh words, from harmful words we should. Having the thoughts will be bad enough but at least as thoughts no other person around us is harmed or influenced. Yes, we'll still need to seek forgiveness for our thoughts if they are uncharitable and such, we can't escape truth whether in our thoughts or in our deeds.
Jas 1:19 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath
Swift to hear…….. SLOW TO SPEAK.
How many men are supposed to be swift to hear and slow to speak?
By the grace of God may we heed the words of our SAVIOR!
We will have to give account of all our words… maybe we'd do well to try and remember this every morning when we wake up and go about our day.
Our words matter, they eternally matter.
Please LORD, keep the door to our lips! Please LORD, keep us from idle words! Please LORD, help us to surrender to You our every word! Guide us and keep us in You through the Holy Spirit!
Thank you Father for all Your love!
By Your grace, mercy, and amazing love! In YOUR righteousness always!