Saturday, June 7, 2014

Christ prayed in agony

Taking yesterday's excerpt and expounded on it--

'True prayer, must be aflame.'

Quoted from- 'THE NECESSITY OF PRAYER  By E.M. BOUNDS' (Excerpt 19)


A prayer of desperation certainly seems to contain the fire we are talking about, however is all prayer, prayer of desperation? Should it be? Seriously. A lot of people, people who aren't even prone to praying will find themselves calling out to God for help in time of need, you know what I'm talking about. And yet people who are prone to praying, those who are truly seeking a daily, living, breathing walk with their Savior, do they pray with intensity, with desperation?  When we have a desperate need, such as an medical emergency where a lot of non-praying people begin to pray, they are invoking God's mercy because they recognize He has power, they are hoping He has power to intervene on their behalf. We who daily strive to be Christ's during times of no emergency, shouldn't we still be desperately seeking our God's intervention in this world on behalf of everyone. I say everyone because how could we leave even a single person out of the desire for them to find salvation in Jesus Christ, our Lord, and for those who have found Him already- to keep strong in Him while the enemy attacks them with subtle and not so subtle desperation of his own. True prayer being aflame, is something real. Our Savior taught us how to pray and it was with sincerity, it was in truth. When our Savior prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane he sweat blood!

Luk 22:44  And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.

Such prayer!

Truly this was the time of the greatest temptation of our Savior. Facing the great temptation to save Himself, to call ten thousand angels to His aid, He knew He had to resist the temptation. The temptation is NOT the sin! It's consenting to the temptation, it's giving temptation a realization, making it something desired, something desperately wanted more than to obey God! 

Our Savior prayed so desperately, He prayed in agony! He knew what was to come, He knew the worst thing imaginable in all of mankind and He was a man, was to happen to Him. It wasn't the torture to come, it wasn't even the physical pain of death He was going to face, it was the separation from His Father! To be separated from God, this was the agony He faced!

Do we realize how horrific it truly would be to be completely and utterly separated from God?!  This is what we all face should we fail to accept the great sacrifice made by our Savior. Is it any wonder we too need to pray with a flame, with a fire, with a desire for salvation?  Are we desperate to be saved from sin's evil? Are we? Shouldn't we be?!  This is REAL.  Salvation and damnation are REAL, and we must pray as if they are real and not some mere possibility of being real, with the equal chance of it not being real.

Please, LORD, please help us to comprehend the enormity of what is at stake here. You prayed in AGONY, You sweat great drops of blood, all because You knew if You did not give into temptation then You were going to be separated from Your Father, Our Father, God. That temptation had to be more than we can imagine, more than anything we'll face in our entire lives. Help us LORD, help us to pray with a fire, pray with desire, pray with true heart conviction and not by rote, not without the love we need to truly have in our hearts for You. Please, let the Holy Spirit be in us when we pray because we truly do not know how we are to pray acceptably to You.

All in YOUR LOVE! Your amazing, amazing love!

'There is no incense without fire'

'True prayer, must be aflame.
Christian life and character need to be all on fire.
Lack of spiritual heat creates more infidelity than lack of faith.
Not to be consumingly interested about the things of heaven, is not to be interested in them at all.
The fiery souls are those who conquer in the day of battle, from whom the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and who take it by force. The citadel of God is taken only by those, who storm it in dreadful earnestness, who besiege it, with fiery, unabated zeal.
Nothing short of being red hot for God, can keep the glow of heaven in our hearts, these chilly days.
The early Methodists had no heating apparatus in their churches. They declared that the flame in the pew and the fire in the pulpit must suffice to keep them  warm. And we, of this hour, have need to have the live coal from God's altar and the consuming flame from heaven glowing in our hearts.

This flame is NOT mental vehemence NOR fleshy energy. It is Divine fire in the soul, intense, dross-consuming -- the very essence of the Spirit of God.

No erudition, no purity of diction, no width of mental outlook, no flowers of eloquence, no grace of person, can atone for lack of fire.

Prayer ascends by fire. Flame gives prayer access as well as wings, acceptance as well as energy. There is no incense without fire; no prayer without flame.

Ardent desire is the basis of unceasing prayer. It is not a shallow, fickle inclination, but a strong yearning, an unquenchable ardour, which impregnates, glows, burns and fixes the heart. It is the flame of a present and active principle mounting up to God. It is ardour propelled by desire, that burns its way to the Throne of mercy, and gains its plea. It is the pertinacity of desire that gives triumph to the conflict, in a great struggle of prayer. It is the burden of a weighty desire that sobers, makes restless, and reduces to quietness the soul just emerged from its mighty wrestlings. It is the embracing character of desire which arms prayer with a thousand pleas, and robes it with an invincible courage and an all-conquering power.'

Quoted from- 'THE NECESSITY OF PRAYER  By E.M. BOUNDS' (Excerpt 18)


More intense study of this tomorrow… for now please, reread and reread this.   Truly there is no incense without fire, and remember this…

Luk 1:8  And it came to pass, that while he executed the priest's office before God in the order of his course,
Luk 1:9  According to the custom of the priest's office, his lot was to burn incense when he went into the temple of the Lord.
Luk 1:10  And the whole multitude of the people were praying without at the time of incense.
Luk 1:11  And there appeared unto him an angel of the Lord standing on the right side of the altar of incense.

Prayer and incense- the whole MULTITUDE of people were PRAYING without at the time of the INCENSE.

And this…

Isa 6:5  Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts.
Isa 6:6  Then flew one of the seraphims unto me, having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar:
Isa 6:7  And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.
Isa 6:8  Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.

Holy fire!

Yes, more tomorrow by the grace of our glorious God!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Vomited Out and Totally Unaware

'A lack of ardour in prayer, is the sure sign of a lack of depth and of intensity of desire;  and the absence of intense desire is a sure sign of God's absence from the heart! To abate
fervour is to retire from God. He can, and does, tolerate many things in the way of
infirmity and error in His children. He can, and will pardon sin when the penitent prays, but two things are intolerable to Him -- insincerity and lukewarmness.

Lack of heart and lack of heat are two things He loathes, and to the Laodiceans He said, in terms of unmistakable severity and condemnation: "I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of My mouth."

This was God's expressed judgment on the lack of fire in one of the Seven Churches, and it is His indictment against individual Christians for the fatal want of sacred zeal.

In prayer, fire is the motive power. Religious principles which do not emerge in flame,
have neither force nor effect.

Flame is the wing on which faith ascends; fervency is the soul of prayer.

It was the "fervent, effectual prayer" which availed much.

 Love is kindled in a flame, and ardency is its life. Flame is the air which true Christian
experience breathes. It feeds on fire; it can withstand anything, rather than a feeble
flame; and it dies, chilled and starved to its vitals, when the surrounding atmosphere is
frigid or lukewarm.

True prayer, must be aflame.'

Quoted from- 'THE NECESSITY OF PRAYER  By E.M. BOUNDS' (Excerpt 17)


'I will spue thee out of My mouth.'

He will THROW US UP! He will VOMIT US OUT! Why? Because we do not believe we have an real NEED of our SAVIOR. Seriously. We may mouth the words but our hearts are saying otherwise. It is our heart, it is our desire for Christ that matters. He would rather we be HOT or COLD, but not this LUKEWARM being who is neither. Lukewarm and believing they have no need of Christ, seriously. They believe they are rich in and of their own accord, when they are destitute! They believe they can see when they are really blinded by their own delusions.  They believe they are clothed but they are really stark naked! What sort of delusions are they under that that can believe all that when it's untrue?

Rev 3:17  Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked

They don't KNOW they are WRETCHED, they are MISERABLE, they are POOR, they are BLIND, and they are NAKED.  This could be US! Because these people don't know their own awful condition!

Are we those blind, wretched people?! Are WE?! GOD FORBID!

We need to BUY from our SAVIOR that which will keep us from being those MISERABLE people!

Rev 3:18  I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.

How do we buy anything of our Savior? What sort of currency can we use? FAITH!

Our currency is believing in CHRIST FOR ALL THINGS, FOR ALL OUR NEEDS! HE gives us the GOLD, He gives us the WHITE RAIMENT, He gives us the EYESALVE.  Just like forgiveness we cannot earn these things! We have to get them from our SAVIOR! We have to ACTIVELY get them from Him DAILY. Seriously, DAILY!

And we PRAY DAILY, we must seek our SAVIOR DAILY and seek Him in faith, in hope, in His righteousness, in HIS giving us the HOLY SPIRIT, and we must BUY this from HIM. To BUY this means it is something we are seeking to obtain desperately enough to pay for it, it is a want, a need, we must give all our ourselves to HIM, for HIM to give all of HIMSELF to us. He will not force anything of HIMSELF upon us, not a single bit. But we must BUY of Him all that would keep us from being lukewarm, miserable, poor, blind, and naked.

PLEASE LORD, we would be on FIRE for You! We don't want to be lukewarm! We don't want to be blind!  Please, Lord, please we don't want to be poor or naked! We want to be RICH IN YOU!  By YOUR LOVE, we thank You! We praise Your Holy NAME!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

'Have we the desire which presses us to close communion with God?'

'Do we really feel these inward pantings of desire after heavenly treasures? Do the inbred groanings of desire stir our souls to mighty wrestlings?

Alas for us! The fire burns altogether too low.

The flaming heat of soul has been tempered down to a tepid lukewarmness.

This, it should be remembered, was the central cause of the sad and desperate condition of the Laodicean Christians, of whom the awful condemnation is written that they were "rich, and increased in goods and had need of nothing," and knew not that they "were wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind."

Again: we might well inquire -- have we that desire which presses us to close
communion with God, which is filled with unutterable burnings, and holds us there
through the agony of an intense and soul-stirred supplication?

 Our hearts need much to be worked over, not only to get the evil out of them, but to get the good into them.

And the foundation and inspiration to the incoming good, is strong, propelling desire. This holy and fervid flame in the soul awakens the interest of heaven, attracts the attention of God, and places at the disposal of those who exercise it, the exhaustless riches of Divine grace.'

Quoted from- 'THE NECESSITY OF PRAYER  By E.M. BOUNDS' (Excerpt 16)

It Is true- 'Our hearts need MUCH to be worked over, not ONLY to get the EVIL OUT of them, but to get the GOOD INTO THEM.'  This is truth! And our hearts need to be cleansed by our SAVIOR, a cleansing that removes all that is evil and allows all that is good to take its place. We need this and it can be found through PRAYER, intense prayer, prayer of the type we so seldom experience.

Please, God, may we have this experience in praying to You. May our souls be filled with You, as we are renewed in You through prayer. Our Savior prayed constantly, should we do no less?

Please, Lord, please save us from our own lukewarmness. We are POOR, BLIND, and NAKED- we need You because You are our riches, our sight, our clothing! You are all we need! Please, save us from ourselves!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Is Heaven our Earthly Treasure?

'We fail much more in desire, than in its outward expression. We retain the form, while the inner life fades and almost dies.

One might well ask, whether the feebleness of our desires for God, the Holy Spirit, and for all the fulness of Christ, is not the cause of our so little praying, and of our  languishing in the exercise of prayer?

Do we really feel these inward pantings of desire after heavenly treasures? Do the inbred groanings of desire stir our souls to mighty wrestlings?

Alas for us! The fire burns altogether too low.

The flaming heat of soul has been tempered down to a tepid lukewarmness.'

Mat_6:21  For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Mat_13:44  Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.


How much do we contemplate our treasures?  Do you have an earthly treasure? What DO you spend most of your time thinking about? Before you say, 'nothing', think about it, you must think, right? What things in your life would you be devastated to lose?

I ask again, Is Heaven our Earthly Treasure?

Heaven is the only treasure that we cannot lose. Yet we keep making earthly things our treasures.

Do we live with the DESIRE for heaven in us? Is this desire a part of our real, every day lives? Do we LONG for heaven?  Honestly, we must have this desire real inside of us. A desire for the heavenly, not the earthly. A desire for Heaven's will to be done on earth, not our earthly will to be done in heaven.  All too often we are putting our earthly desires far in front of our heavenly, this has got to change! By the grace of God this has to change now! Heavenly desires begin here and now. Our Savior came to bring us the good news of our salvation, of His preparing a place for us IN HEAVEN.

Please, LORD, please create a desire for the heavenly in us! Please, LORD, make this desire something REAL, something that consumes us beyond any earthly treasure.

All BY YOUR GRACE let our prayers be filled with the desire for the heavenly, by faith believing in YOU for ALL things we need. Guide our prayers, fill our prayers with YOU, YOUR LOVE!

We need our earthly treasure here and now to be heaven!

Quoted from- 'THE NECESSITY OF PRAYER  By E.M. BOUNDS' (Excerpt 15 from 2 days before)

Monday, June 2, 2014

Thoughts wandering during prayer?

Yesterday I didn't expound on what I'd read at all so we're doing that today, by the grace of God. So let's read this again pausing here and there to contemplate what is being said…

'Holy desire is much helped by devout contemplation. Meditation on our spiritual need,  and on God's readiness and ability to correct it, aids desire to grow. Serious thought  engaged in before praying, increases desire, makes it more insistent, and tends to save us from the menace of private prayer -- wandering thought.'

Quoted from- 'THE NECESSITY OF PRAYER  By E.M. BOUNDS' (Excerpt 14 from yesterday

******* Who among us hasn't had our minds wander during prayer? Seriously. I'd love to be able to say my mind has never wandered, my thoughts have never taken any wrong turns while I was praying, while I was speaking to my God, but I wouldn't be telling the truth.

If we were talking with someone and suddenly we started doing something else, that person we were talking to would be a little confused, wouldn't they? They'd wondered why we stopped talking to them. They'd wonder why we were suddenly ignoring them in favor of doing something else. They might even ask us what we are doing, why we are doing it. Then again they might get angry and not say a word. If we were in the habit of behaving that way, they'd most likely accept that we are in the habit and shrug it off if our friendship meant something to them. However, if we simply let our minds wander away to something else during prayer we are stunting the communication we are having with our Father God, GOD, Our HEAVENLY FATHER! We are present before our Creator, our Savior, our King, our Everything, the most important Being we could ever be in audience with and we let our minds wander?!

Satan will do everything he can to get us to let our minds wander, to lose focus on God.

Here, E.M. Bounds is saying that we need to spend time in 'devout contemplation'. We need to meditate on our 'spiritual need'. We need to meditate on God's willingness, His readiness, His ability to fix our 'Holy Desire' to heal us, to help us desire HIM.  If we THINK about praying, about our prayers before we actually pray perhaps it will be true that our thoughts won't tend to wander. This is something very worth trying, isn't it?

To think, truly think about praying is this something we need more of?  I know forms of prayer that aren't said with true heart feeling are wrong, and I know we shouldn't always think about what we are going to say, we must leave room to let the Spirit guide us, but perhaps we need to think more. We are seeking an audience with God. We are believing He hears our prayers.  We honestly need to think on this MORE.

Php_4:8  Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Thinking on our GOD and our communication with our GOD cannot be a bad thing, all by HIS GRACE, by HIS LOVE!

'Alas for us! The fire burns altogether too low'

'Holy desire is much helped by devout contemplation. Meditation on our spiritual need,  and on God's readiness and ability to correct it, aids desire to grow. Serious thought  engaged in before praying, increases desire, makes it more insistent, and tends to save us from the menace of private prayer -- wandering thought.

We fail much more in desire, than in its outward expression. We retain the form, while the inner life fades and almost dies.

One might well ask, whether the feebleness of our desires for God, the Holy Spirit, and for all the fulness of Christ, is not the cause of our so little praying, and of our  languishing in the exercise of prayer?

Do we really feel these inward pantings of desire after heavenly treasures? Do the inbred groanings of desire stir our souls to mighty wrestlings?

Alas for us! The fire burns altogether too low.

The flaming heat of soul has been tempered down to a tepid lukewarmness.

This, it should be remembered, was the central cause of the sad and desperate condition of the Laodicean Christians, of whom the awful condemnation is written that they were "rich, and increased in goods and had need of nothing," and knew not that they "were wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind."

Again: we might well inquire -- have we that desire which presses us to close
communion with God, which is filled with unutterable burnings, and holds us there
through the agony of an intense and soul-stirred supplication?

 Our hearts need much to be worked over, not only to get the evil out of them, but to get the good into them.

And the foundation and inspiration to the incoming good, is strong, propelling desire. This holy and fervid flame in the soul awakens the interest of heaven, attracts the attention of God, and places at the disposal of those who exercise it, the exhaustless riches of Divine grace.'

Quoted from- 'THE NECESSITY OF PRAYER  By E.M. BOUNDS' (Excerpt 14)