Do you have your own
righteousness? Seriously. Do you have your own righteousness? What do I mean by
righteousness? I mean this-
Webster's 1828
Dictionary has this to say-
1. Purity of heart
and rectitude of life; conformity of heart and life to the divine law.
Righteousness, as used in Scripture and theology, in which it is chiefly used,
is nearly equivalent to holiness, comprehending holy principles and affections
of heart, and conformity of life to the divine law. It includes all we call
justice, honesty and virtue, with holy affections; in short, it is true
2. Applied to God,
the perfection or holiness of his nature; exact rectitude; faithfulness.
3. The active and
passive obedience of Christ, by which the law of God is fulfilled. Dan 9.
4. Justice; equity
between man and man. Luke 1.
5. The cause of our
Do you have your OWN
holiness? Your own perfection?
There is something
that mankind calls good, and another thing mankind calls bad, they call things right and they call things
wrong. They believe if they hurt no one
and live by a personal code of conduct that they are righteous, but the truth
of the matter is, ANY good, ANY right things we do matter not at all if they
are done out of anything but LOVE. If we do good so we can be called good, if
we do right so we can be called right, it means nothing in the grand scheme of
things because all that goodness, all that right doing is being done out of a
selfish heart, a proud heart, a heart that wants to be able to say to itself
and perhaps others that it is a good heart- and therefore the person having
that good heart is a good person. The
glory for which that heart seeks can be ignored because they are a good person
and if it takes a selfish heart to be a good person to others, what harm is
there in that? All the harm in ...well, eternity. I could have said all the harm in the world,
but it's not this world we want to live for, is it?
How much of our
lives are spent living for this world?
All of it some would say, not believing a person could live for any
other sort of world. We take great stock
in being able to say this is our home and we need to take pride it in. If Aliens from outer space were to invade us
we'd quickly rise up and defend our earthly home. If people from other
countries degrade our country, then pride for our home country rises up. We can
whittle that down to people from our hometowns having hometown pride, because
people value their roots, right? Yet
the deepest roots of people going back hundreds maybe thousands of years in a
single home town, mean very little in the grand scheme of things.
Satan wants us to
take pride in anything and everything of this world, of this life, but let me
ask you- what did Jesus take pride in of this world? Jesus, prideful? Never. However, Jesus did speak longingly and at
great lengths about things, what sort of things? HEAVENLY THINGS. His entire message was a HEAVENLY message.
The gospel He brought to us was a HEAVENLY gospel, the gospel of the Kingdom of
God, the gospel of the grace of our Savior whose sole purpose in taking on
flesh and divesting Himself of His completely spiritual essence was to give all
of us a chance to experience the kingdom of heaven.
Heaven is NOT
guaranteed to anyone! Too many believe they have an automated free pass to
heaven upon death, but this isn't true! If it were true, why did Jesus, why did
our God, Jesus, take on flesh and die for us?
Rom 10:3 For they being ignorant of God's
righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not
submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.
We can't be ignorant
of God's righteousness! We have to
constantly believe in GOD'S righteousness!
And God's righteousness tells us our pride should be in HEAVEN where GOD
DWELLS, where our SAVIOR DWELLS. By the
Holy Spirit may we live in HIM now and forever- more tomorrow by the grace of JESUS our