Pro 25:28 He
that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and
without walls.
2Co 10:5
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against
the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the
obedience of Christ
Col 3:2 Set
your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
1Co 9:27 But I
keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when
I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.
What are all the
above verses telling us?
We must rule over
our own spirits.
We must cast down
our imaginations.
We must cast down
everything that tries to put itself above the knowledge of God.
We must bring into
captivity EVERY thought- to the obedience of Christ.
We must set our
affections on things above, not on things here on earth.
We must keep our
bodies under subjection.
Do you comprehend
the importance of realizing how truly involved in our own spiritual life we
have to be?
None of those verses
talk about God doing these things for them. We aren't told that God must keep
our bodies under subjection. We aren't told God must set our affections on
things above. We aren't told that God has to cast down our imaginations for us,
that God has to bring captive our every thought. We aren't told that if God
doesn't rule over our spirit we are like a broken city without walls of
We have CHOICES to
make, God won't choose for us! Even if
we want God to choose for us, He can't because CHOICE is ours and never taken
from us. Being a Christian is a LIFE LONG choice, not a single choice and no more.
We will daily face many choices that determine our spiritual walk and we must
choose to have our God, our Savior, our Holy Spirit influence our choices. We
will have every bit of help we need once we choose, but that power of choice
will forever remain untouched by any other unless we choose to give it to one
who has no qualms at all over stealing our power of choice and doing all he can
to keep it. Satan wants to take away our power of choice and will do all he can
to convince people that he can and has done that to them, it's a lie, it's
deception, but the evil one deceives many in this way. We must choose GOD all the time, not just
once or twice a day, but in our entire lives we must make a choice for God.
We have to knock but
He will open for us. We have to seek but He is found. We have to ask but He is
the giver.
We aren't told to
open for ourselves, or to be what we find, or to give ourselves. We are told
Luk_11:9 And I
say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock,
and it shall be opened unto you.
Ask, seek,
knock. Make the choice to ASK, make the
choice to SEEK, make the choice to KNOCK.
We have a part to
play in our spiritual life a huge part that so few want to talk about because
it means comprehending that being a Christian is not something that is a part
of us simply because we lay claim to the name. Being a Christian is an entire
life endeavor, a way of life in all things.
Being a Christian is recognizing the war, the battle we are daily
engaged in. Not a single day will pass by when we are not in that battle. There
is no 'leave' for the soldiers in this war.
May our Savior
forgive us, and may we be kept from evil, all through HIS Love!
'What the Christian
must therefore control by his will are:
(a) his own spirit,
maintaining it in its proper state of being neither too hot nor too cold. The
spirit needs the control of the will just as do the other parts of man. Only
when one’s volition is renewed and is filled with the Holy Spirit is he able to
direct his own spirit and keep it in its proper position. All who are
experienced agree that they must engage their will to restrain the spirit when
it becomes too wild or to uplift it when it sinks too low. Only so can the
believer walk daily in his spirit. This is not contradictory to what we
mentioned before about man’s spirit ruling over the whole person. For when we
say the spirit rules the total man we
mean that the spirit, by knowing the mind of God intuitively, governs the whole
being (including the volition) according to God’s will. Whereas in stating that
the will
controls the man we
mean the will directly controls the entire man (including the spirit) according
to the will of God. In experience these two perfectly agree. “A man without
self-control is like a city
broken into and left
without walls” (Prov. 25.28).
(b) his own mind and
all the rest of his soul’s abilities. All thoughts need to be subjected fully
to the control of the will; wandering thoughts must be checked one by one—“take
every thought captive to obey Christ” (2 Cor. 10.5). And “set your minds on
things that are above” (Col. 3.2).
(c) his own body. It
ought to be an instrument to man, not his master by virtue of unrestrained
habits and lusts. The Christian should exercise his volition to control,
discipline and subdue his body in order that it may be entirely submissive,
ready to do God’s will and hindering not. “I pommel my body and subdue it” (1
Cor. 9.27). (KJV 1Co 9:27 But I
keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when
I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.) Once the
believer’s volition has achieved a state of perfect self-control he will not be
hindered by any part of his being, because the moment he senses God’s will he
immediately performs it. Both the Holy Spirit and man’s spirit need a will
under self-control by which to execute God’s revelation. Hence on the one hand
we must be united with God and on the
other hand subdue our whole being so as to render it obedient to us. This is
imperative to spiritual life. '
Excerpt The
Spiritual Man by Watchman Nee