Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Tailor Made Truth

2 Corinthians {13:8} For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth.

For all our brilliance man cannot control the world we live in.

From day to day man cannot control the temperature outside, cold or hot, it's out of their hands. We have to make little environments to alter because we can't control what happens outside those little environments.

We're a the mercy of the rain, that is something we can't change. Droughts, floods, flourishing, all beyond man's control on the grand scale.

We see science fiction movies where men control such things, because man is forever seeking ways to control everything. The intentions are good. Control the climate, the heat, the cold, the wind, the rain and you can create a perfect environment for all. So the intentions are very good and with the technology that keeps advancing at such an astonishing rate I wouldn't be surprised if down the line such a thing become possible. How much today has become possible while people kept believing it would be impossible? Fifty years ago a computer wasn't something you owned, it was for the government, for scientist, twenty years ago even, most people didn't have computers they were novelties and not something the majority of people would have use for. That old, who would have thought? Well the impossible has become the possible.

We can change things. We can change that which at one time seemed impossible to change.

One thing we'll NEVER be able to change is the truth.

People will try, they always try, but it's not subject to change. We can't do anything against the truth. It cannot be altered. In the end when all is said and done the truth will remain. Everyone with their own beliefs is at the mercy of the truth and whether or not their beliefs conform to the truth or try to alter it to suit them.

We do that don't we? We try to twist things about to suit us. We try to make little changes here and there so it fits us better. We try to tailor make the truth so we can live in it comfortably. We trim a little here, we trim a little there, we add a bit of that there, and maybe touch up that just a smidgen. Tailor made truth we live by and all is well. The thing is, with the truth not being something subject to alteration, what's happening when it's being twisted and molded to suit a person? It's becoming a... lie.

2 Thess.
{2:10} And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. {2:11} And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie
{2:12} That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

We we don't love the truth for truth's sake, but try to change it...we are allowed to believe our lies, the lies we create so the truth doesn't call for any undue hardship on us, so the truth fits snug into our lives without upsetting anything. The trouble is that truth tailoring turns the truth into a lie and everyone that wears that tailormade truth suit will be damned.

You might say with all the truth floating about there, how do we know the real truth. My truth, your truth, her truth, his truth, their truth everyone interpreting it all differently.

2 Corinthians {13:8} For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth.

The truth is the truth and it's up to each of us to find it through Jesus, He is the truth, He is the way, He is the life.

The truth will be the standard by which all of us our judged.

There is only one truth, Jesus, the Messiah, the Savior, the only Son of God our Father.

As when the Apostle Paul walked the earth along with the Apostle Peter, they didn't deliver the truth in the same manner, their methods were different but the truth was the same.

No matter who we are, no matter what we do, we can believe in the truth to salvation. While you might be compelled to live a life dedicated to the service of others through the medical field, and I might be compelled to live a life dedicated to a factory making products people use, we can both believe in the truth of God and live our lives in that truth. Living our lives in the truth doesn't mean we'll be the exact same in all we do. We are a diverse people, each individual different from the others in looks, in deeds, in thoughts, but we can have a common thread that runs through us all in the truth, in Jesus.

We can't alter the truth, we can live for it though. We can let the truth alter us, but we can never change the truth, never. We have to seek the truth in Jesus, not follow the truth as others tell it to us. We need to know the truth for ourselves, the truth has to be alive and real to each of us. We can speak the truth to others, we can proclaim Jesus our Lord and Savior, we can proclaim Him Savior of all mankind and it's the truth, unalterable and each person must choose the truth, or by default they choose a lie. One truth, many, many lies.

Tailormade truth, Jesus the designer, one size truly does fit all and perfectly.

If a fashion designer creates a gorgeous gown and you buy it then take off a ribbon here, add a bow there, cut that out and replace it with something else, is that design still the one the fashion designer created, or a new creation that you made from the original? It's a new creation, that fashion designer can no longer claim the gown as theirs in its entirety. Most likely to them you would have ruined their gown. When we wear Christ's truth and start snipping and sewing on it, adding this and that, taking away from it, it truly is no longer Christ's truth. The moment we change the truth, it becomes a lie, not another truth for there is only one truth and we can't change it, its impossible.

Jesus Christ, our Truth.


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