Monday, February 8, 2010

Unto them that look for him shall he appear

Heb 9:28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

Unto them that look for him.

Are you looking for Jesus Christ? What do you do when you look for someone? Looking is an active pursuit not passive. You can't say you are looking for someone with your eyes closed, everyone would know that you're lying. You can't see with your eyes closed. Telling someone to look for something they can't see is a fool's game, right? It's like telling someone to look for the very breath they are breathing. We are to look for a very real Jesus Christ to return and for those of us who are looking we will see him again because He will appear to us and when He appears it will be without the sin He took upon Himself for us because the atonement will be complete. The heavenly sanctuary service will have been fulfilled.

We can't take our minds off Christ's appearing it needs to be ever before us. Our lives must be lived under the constant assurance that Christ will appear to us again as long as we look for Him.

When we fear retribution we often hide from the source of that retribution. Our looking for Jesus is like looking for love, true love that is beyond anything we can ever imagine. We can't fear the coming of the Lord, we have to live daily in hope of His return.

By the grace and mercy of our Lord and Savior may we look for His return, look for Him in a very real way to appear to us. Let us keep Him ever before us.


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