Friday, December 24, 2010

In the World, Not Of the World

1Jn 4:4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

Ye are of God
Little children
And have overcome them
Because greater is he that is in you
Than he that is in the world

We want to be OF God don't we? I know I want to be OF God. Because the only other alternative is being of the world and we know who rules this world- the world Jesus was not OF. If we are with Jesus we are NOT Of this world. We CAN'T be of this world if we are with God. We can be IN this world, but we can't be OF this world.

This point keeps popping up lately, over and over for me as if there is something I need to learn, something I'm missing, or neglecting. Perhaps it's the season right now where the world is celebrating Christmas. I grew up celebrating Christmas. I grew up with family traditions associated with Christmas. We get together and celebrate the birth of Christ. Yes, I know that Christ was not born on Christmas day. Yes, I know that the celebration stems from pagan origins. Yes, I understand all this and at the same time I don't want to give up the family get together. Tonight at our annual Christmas Eve get together it was especially hard because it's the Sabbath as well. It is GOD'S holy day, GOD'S sanctified day, GOD'S blessed day, it's the day God made for us to draw closer to Him - in His rest. Glaringly throughout the night over and over and over again it was clear that this family get together was filled with worldliness, filled with things that aren't of God no matter how much I don't want to admit it to myself let alone anyone else. I want to convince myself that it's harmless teasing, harmless joking, harmless disobedience- but what it all really is - is worldliness- it's being part of the WORLD, not being of God. My sister did her best to make it geared towards God- with it being the Sabbath and all, and through NO fault of her own it was twisted into worldliness at every possible turn.

I absolutely cringe at the mere thought of not attending a family get together because of my principles because it comes across as my being HOLIER than thou and nothing more. It doesn't endear any of the family to me. For me to NOT attend would be angst-filled and cause all sorts of hurt feelings all the way around. The thought of being estranged from my family is awful to me and yet we know that many will choose family over God. Many would rather suffered eternal death than give up their loved ones here and now. I don't want to be one of them.

What are we to do? Or rather I suppose I want to know what I should do. Am I willing to lose all here and now for eternal life with my Savior? Do I need to separate myself or do I need to 'stay in the world' but 'be kept from evil'?

That was Jesus' prayer for us- part of it.

Joh 17:15 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.

If we take ourselves OUT of the world- we aren't really doing as Jesus would have us do, are we? If we take ourselves out of all interaction with the world because the world and the majority of the people inhabiting it are Satan's, are we actually contradicting God's will. Jesus prayed that we DON'T get taken out of the world. Jesus wants us IN the world we are NOT to be a part of. Jesus wants us KEPT from evil not by taking ourselves OUT of the world and secluding ourselves, associating only with like believers - because truly even like believers can be of the world. We are all called to Christ uniquely in our own ways. My walk with Christ is not a single other person's walk with Christ and vice versa.

Are you thinking I'm trying to justify my family get togethers? Maybe I am but I'm trying to understand what it is God wants from me personally in my walk with Him. I just can't believe God wants us to make ourselves hermits. I fully believe that God can and has used people in the world surrounded by those who are of the world to let their lives be a living testimony to others.

No, we are NOT to join in the idolatry, the blasphemy, the God mocking, the unseemly acts that are of the world. We have to stand against them.

There are so many ways to view this and it's a matter very close to my heart, obviously.

Any of you reading this, do you ever find yourselves faced with this sort of situation? How do you view the fact we are to be in the world, but not of the world?

Luk 6:22 Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake.

THEY shall separate you from their company.

2Co 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,

COME OUT from among them and be ye separate.

They will separate you AND be ye separate.

The danger of association arises when we are tempted to take part in the sinning. The danger of association comes when we become part OF the worldly we are around. If we are easily swayed we senselessly place ourselves in temptations way.

I know I need to do A LOT more praying and studying on this subject for many personal reasons, but enough for now.

May God open my eyes and lead me in the way everlasting through His glorious LOVE.

By Your grace Lord, by Your grace.


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