Sunday, June 24, 2012


Col 2:8  Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

Spoiled-  to LEAD away from the TRUTH.

People will try their best to lead you away from the TRUTH.

People will lead you away through-



Do any of those things sound familiar to you? We all grow up learning about philosophy- right? We learn that various people have various philosophies they follow. One person's philosophies might be different than another's. Some study the various philosophies and then become followers of the ones or one they like the most. 

'Philosophy is the study of existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language.' (wiki)

Some philosophers-

    Thomas Aquinas
    Francis Bacon
    Rene Descartes
    Lao Tzu
    Friedrich Nietzsche
    Ayn Rand
    Jean Jacques Rousseau
    Benedict de Spinoza
Some of these names are familiar to you, others not so much. Each one of these people had their OWN ideas about life and often times led OTHERS to take up their ideas and believe them, follow them. People following the ideas of MEN, rather than GOD. This is something we CANNOT do, follow MEN and their ideas no matter how wonderful they can make things seem. They come up with their ideas and entice others to them and led them NOT in the way everlasting. 

Vain deceit.

Vain- devoid of truth, empty.
Deceit- leading one to falsehood, away from the truth.

Spoiled- led away from the truth by things that have NO truth in them, in beliefs that are empty, by falsehoods, by lies.  People love to believe lies because they soothe their conscience. Lies tell us that it's fine to sin, lies tell us that we don't have to resist sin, lies tell us that we are only human and therefore that gives us the excuse to sin, lies tell us that we are NOT obligated to keep the commandments of God, lies fill us with so much that we grow to love them rather than truth because they comfort us in our sins. Truth makes us face the reality of our sinfulness and tells us that we need to REPENT and ask forgiveness, not make excuses.

Traditions of men.

There are many, many traditions that MAN has made up and covered them over in a lacquer coating of godliness so they can pull them off as God's traditions but they are nothing more than LIES. Traditions of men. Not ordained by God. Traditions that fill the lives of people who think they are doing what God would have them do, but it's not what God wants at all. It's what men want. These traditions of men are DEADLY to the truth. We are to BEWARE of these traditions. We can get caught up in them thinking God is in them but He's no where near them at all. When you try to explain some of the traditions people get very offended and take up the defensive. They hold fast to their traditions because to believe that people - that they - could be so duped and for so long, just goes against everything they want to comprehend. Is it any wonder we are told to beware of traditions men create? Those traditions have the power to deceive and that deception has the power to lead people astray, to lead them to destruction, not life.

 Rudiments of the world.

People get stuck in the basics and never advance and being caught up in the rudiments of the world is to be caught up in the groundwork- the beginning of things- never advancing further into the truth. How many people holdfast to their beliefs because they have been passed down from generation to generation and NOT a single generation has care to grow in truth, but rather stick with the same old thing.  Holding fast to the truth is a good thing, as long as it's a truth that is guiding you, not stunting you. The world is ruled by Satan and he has filled it with many, many lies to placate people into his beliefs. People don't want to think about that because it unsettles them. They don't want to believe that the things they've held onto forever might need something more. The Jewish people did NOT believe in Jesus as God's Son, they held fast to their old truths not wanting to grow in grace and knowledge of the LORD.  Today many people hold fast to the beginning of their conversion and never grow, never get past  drinking the milk of babes to the meat that our Savior would have us take in.

Col 2:8  Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

People will lead you astray, the only way to truth is in CHRIST through HIS word to us. If you do NOT study the word of God for yourself but rely on others to do it for you, then you will be opening yourself up to believing LIES. You have to study God's word for yourself! Pray and study, pray and study!  We cannot stand before God and say, it's their fault they told me it was the truth.  God requires us to study for ourselves, not follow other men and their beliefs no matter how wonderful they sound, no matter how Godly they sound.  We have to take every belief to the Bible, to the true word of God and study to know whether it truly is all truth.

2Ti 2:15  Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

We have to do this, we are accountable to God, to do this.


We have to BEWARE of those who would lead us astray.  They won't come bearing signs or shouting, telling us that they are leading us astray. They will deceive us, lie to us, fool us, trick us, all the while making us believe they are right with God and following His truth. It's up to us to BEWARE.

All by the grace of GOD.
All through HIS love may we NOT be led astray!
Help us to beware!
Guide us to ALL TRUTH!

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