Monday, September 16, 2013

Moral Monitor

Ecc 12:13  Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
Ecc 12:14  For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

The conclusion- the end- of the whole matter- of everything…


This is our duty as human beings.


Because God will bring EVERY work into JUDGMENT.
EVERY SECRET THING- good or evil.


We've been studying this for a bit and no wonder, it's something we really need to believe.  It's easy to understand, yes? But harder to make a reality. To live with this belief in mind.

We must live with the comprehension we are to be judged by our Creator and Redeemer.

It's much too easy to live not believing we will be judged, or not caring, or believing but telling ourselves that no matter what we will be judged favorably.

How differently would people act if they truly believed they were being judged?

Someone could make a fiction movie about this -

There is a world where people live with a monitor attached to them. This monitor lists everything action they make, every word they speak, even their thoughts and each act, every word and thought are judged instantly. You grab up your monitor and look at it every evening going through all the things you've done and next to each act is  a mark for acceptable or unacceptable. You must then make a REAL apology for each unacceptable act. 

Now of course there has to be a story here- beginning, middle, and end.  The beginning- life, how you live with the monitor- the middle, an actual day in and day out enactment of this sort of life. The end however, what makes this a movie so to speak is that when a person dies their monitor goes blank- all the data going back to a mainframe. The mainframe goes through all the data and a determination is made- did that person live their life acceptably, were their apologies sincere, did they try to keep their evil actions to a minimum or did they live a life uncaring, even boasting of their evil? Based on this final evaluation a determination is made whether or not they deserve a new life in a new world that is being created. If it is determined they are undeserving then they are reserved for permanent termination.  The end of the movie shows a new world unveiling and millions of people filling it, while many more millions are destroyed.

Okay, people might think that this movie wouldn't make millions at a box office, but you know what... it's exactly what people think about life.  They don't care for it, it's not the type of story they want to believe or like, and it's not the sort of life they want to believe in either. People don't want to be accountable for their actions.

It's true that we can NEVER be good enough, that we NEED a SAVIOR and it's our Savior who we are apologizing to, asking forgiveness for our wrong doings. When we truly trust and believe in our Savior to forgive us, to save us with HIS righteousness He will know. When He is our everything, He knows. When we live our lives knowing that He is our all in all and we want to keep His commandments, then we are His, He knows us. We must be His. This is REAL! 

We aren't talking about a fictional movie, we are talking truth, we are talking REAL LIFE, OUR LIVES!

Do you believe it?  Do you wish you had a monitor attached to you? It would make our lives easier in some respects wouldn't it? But seriously, we are all accountable- every good or evil deed of ours we are accountable for and will be judged on. 

God knows we fall far short of being good, and that our righteousness truly is as filthy rags. We are only saved by the grace of our Lord, but we have to be willing to believe this, to believe in our SAVIOR, our GOD, our CREATOR, our REDEEMER!

May we believe!

All by His love, His grace and mercy!

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