Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Faith- believing without tangible proof

Heb 11:6  But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

We must believe!

It's easy for us to believe in what we can see, touch, taste, isn't it?

I can believe in my mother because I can touch her, I can see her, I can hear her,  she's real to me.

I can believe in the air because I know what it is like to not get air, but I can't see.

I can believe in love because I have been shown love by the sacrifice of my Savior, He is love. His sacrifice has occurred, it's what is called a done deal.

Yet there are those who will tell us we have no way to prove the reality of a God taking on flesh.

There are skeptics that will tear apart what you believe by telling you that you have to be able to see it, touch it, hear it, taste it, smell it for it to be real.

Yet, those same skeptics cannot ever truly believe in love- no matter what they say or do, because God is love, and they can't believe in God. They'll make up something and call it love, but it won't ever be true love.

We can only know true love through God. People can say whatever they want.  Those who do not believe in God cannot love.  I know many people will rail against this. They'll tell me their atheist friend is the most loving person in the world, so I'm dead wrong.  They'll tell me those who believe in other gods will tell me the same. Those who believe in pagan lore,      etc.  will have the same thing to say and they'll mean it with all their hearts. I have people who I call friends who do not believe in God, they are good people, but the truth is GOD IS LOVE, what they have is not real LOVE it's a love of their own devising and that love of their own devising can mimic what people want to believe love is, and not what it really is. However having said ALL that, I truly believe that our Savior draws people to Him and a lot of those who say they do Not believe in Him are having their hearts drawn to Him and one day they will recognize God's love.  NONE of those who don't believe are going to be judged by me that is for God and God alone to decide their hearts truth. I will LOVE with God's love by HIS grace, His power not mine!  I will love as He enables me to love. All in HIM ALWAYS!

Let us believe!

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