Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Spirit Not Flesh

Gal 3:3  Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?

The Spirit, the invisible entity that is a part of us. We were created with a spiritual need in us. We were created with the ability to be born again of the Spirit. 

God is a spirit.
Jesus is flesh and spirit.
And there is also the Holy Spirit.
We are flesh and spirit.
The angels are spirits.
The angels of God are ministering spirits.
Satan and is angels are evil spirits.

We live in a VERY spiritual orientated existence that is largely not thought too much about.

The influence of the spiritual is all around us.  Our Savior told us we must be born again of the Spirit.  This is the spirit part of us connecting with the Holy Spirit of God, choosing God. If we do NOT choose to be born again, born of the Holy Spirit, then we are left with only one other spirit entity to connect with our spirit self. 

The spiritual is all around us, all the time. We choose which spirit to follow, no one chooses for us.

When we choose the flesh we are choosing to let the evil spirit guide us. 

When we choose to follow other men, rather than God… we are choosing evil.  We DO NOT WANT to believe this is true! We just don't.

Listen to this--

Mat_15:3  But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?

Mat_15:9  But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

IN VAIN they worshipped God. Do you imagine they believed they were worshipping God in vain? NO! They did not believe their worship was in vain, not in the least.

When man worships man, when we believe that our own works, that we of ourselves can save ourselves then we're lost! 

Gal 3:3  Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?

When we initially accept Christ as our Savior, believing that by faith in Him we are saved, we are being born again in the Spirit-  we have BEGUN in the Spirit.  When we STOP having that initial FAITH BELIEF then we revert back to the flesh, to life without the SPIRIT.  So while we have HAD the Spirit, we lose the Spirit by believing in ourselves, not God.  We are NEVER going to be made perfect by the flesh, we are NEVER going to be made perfect without the Spirit.

We have to LIVE in the SPIRIT.

Truly, truly we must be born again daily because our flesh must die daily! 

We live in CHRIST, not in self.

Is there any doubt that this is a REAL SPIRITUAL war we are in? There shouldn't be, not a single doubt.

Yet what will wake us up to this truth. Will the bombs raining down around us exploding everywhere? These are silent explosions, and oh so spiritually deadly.  If we could only realize the truth of Spiritual warfare and recognize it for what it is-- REAL.

Please, Father in Heaven, please, open our hearts and minds to the truth, all Your truth! Please let us LIVE IN THE SPIRIT ALWAYS, don't let us return to the flesh, please! Help us, save us from ourselves!

Keep us in YOU all by the grace, the mercy, the love of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


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