Sunday, June 11, 2017

Trust - in the LORD.

Jer 17:5 Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.

How often are we told we need to trust in each other? That trusting in each other is a good thing.

Yet God tells us differently.

Psa_118:8  It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.
Psa_118:9  It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes.

People will say to you- "Don't you trust me?"  And you are left to either say, "Yes.", "No.", or "Maybe." If you say , "Yes." then the person asking is satisfied, happy even, that you believe in them. If you say, "No." or "Maybe." then the person asking isn't quite so happy any more. People want you to believe them, they want you to trust them, and yet often times various situations will arise that keep people from following through on their word. Very legitimate excuses arise for a broken trust so that we don't call it a broken trust at all. We accept the excuses because not to makes us seem unable to forgive, and not very understanding at all.

Has anyone every broken your trust? Probably more than one person and probably more than one person you love. A parent, a spouse, a friend, a child all of these can't help but break our trust because our very imperfect life forces it to happen. I'm sure most of us, if not all of us have broken the trust of others. You may want to say that you haven't, and you may want to force yourself to believe that, but in truth circumstances will not allow any person not inflicted by mental impairment to be perfectly trustworthy from birth to death. They may try, and only extenuating circumstances interfere with their ability to do so, who knows, I sure don't.

What I do know is this-  God tells us to trust in HIM, not in others. God wants us to LOVE each other, but put our TRUST in HIM.  God alone will NEVER break our trust- the trust we place in Him for life eternal through His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.  No matter how wonderful and sincere our intentions to each other are, Satan will always try to interfere causing us to break a trust no matter how little the matter is, no matter how tiny the trust broken. It could be something as simple as telling someone you'll be on time to dinner and not being on time. You may have forgotten which is perfectly understandable, believe me, I am big time forgetful. However, even though you forget out of innocence it is still a trust broken- unintentionally, understandably but there it is… a tiny trust broken.  We must put our trust in CHRIST, we must put our trust in GOD, we have to put our trust in the HOLY SPIRIT, and realize that by not trusting in man we are not loving them any less. 

We have to LOVE in spite of not being able to trust wholly.

Should we not trust in others at all? No, we need to believe what people say, but at the same time acknowledge to ourselves that people no matter who- are infallible and we shouldn't let this truth destroy our spiritual life, our walk with Christ, our belief in His love. It's not just the tiny trusts broken, but the huge trusts broken that can destroy our spiritual life is Satan has his way. If we BELIEVE that we can't trust in man but TRUST IN GOD ALWAYS, that is a protection, a spiritual protection God will give us.

There are people I can say I trust, and what I trust is that to the best of their ability they will always do what's best for me, they will always love me, they will always act in ways to reveal that love. I trust them, but by the grace and mercy of God, I will always trust in God first and foremost.  And if any of these people break the trust I've placed in them- truly I must not let it destroy my Spiritual life- or my belief in them and the hope they can find in Christ. I must put the heartache and disappointment I feel - however great it may be- on Satan because it is Satan who causes all the broken trust in the world. And Satan will use anyone He can, deceiving them, abusing them at their weakest to hurt all that he can in any way that he can.

Some might say that God lets them down, that God lets a lot of people down all the time, but that's not true.  Our idea of what is best for us is nothing like God's idea, He sees the end from the beginning we only see through that glass very, very darkly.

1Co 13:12  For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. 
1Co 13:13  And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.

Please, Lord, please bless us and keep us in Jesus Christ our LORD now and forever! Help us to place our trust in YOU always! 

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