Thursday, March 28, 2019

And The Door Was Shut.


" And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came ; and they that were ready, went in with him to the marriage ; and the door was shut."—Matt. xxv., 10

This text is the concluding part of one of the most important parables ever given by the Messiah, while acting in the capacity of a prophet. Its importance will be evident, when we consider the circumstances under which it was given, and the time of the fulfilment of those events it is designed to represent. The time of their fulfilment may be clearly known by the events which precede, and those that immediately follow.

This parable is a part of that memorable and last conversation that Christ had with his disciples, before the night of his betrayal, in which he portrayed to them the destruction of Jerusalem, and, the signs,  and events which should immediately precede his coming, and the end of the world. Let us, therefore, waive every other consideration of minor importance, and candidly, and thoroughly investigate this all-important subject.

The text, according to its natural division, contains five parts :-

1. The buying of oil.
2. Coming of the bridegroom.
3. The going in with him.
4. The marriage.
5. The shut door.

1. The buying of oil is designed to represent a fruitless effort, on the part of the foolish virgins, to obtain that which would produce light upon the subject of the coming of the bridegroom. It also appears that they had previously a stinted share of oil, which for a short time produced a little light, barely enough to lead them to go forth at the first cry to meet the bridegroom. But while they were in the tarrying time, their light became darkness ; and when the second cry was made at midnight, " BEHOLD THE BRIDEGROOM COMETH, GO YE OUT TO MEET HIM," they (excited more by fear than love)_ made an effort to obtain light; but not being ready, could not go in, and "THE DOOR WAS SHUT."

2. Coming of the bridegroom. The definition of bridegroom is one newly married, or about to be united in marriage to a bride. Now if the term bridegroom, in this parable, applies to Christ, (which all will admit,) then all the scenes represented by this parable are to have their fulfilment in close connection with the marriage, or the giving of the bride to Christ. Here, two questions arise; first, what is represented by the bride, and second, where is she to be given to Christ, or where is the marriage to be solemnized?

First, what does the bride represent ? The angel said to St. John, while in holy vision, " Come hither, I WILL SHEW THEE THE BRIDE, THE LAMB'S WIFE.

Hero John was shown " that Great City, the Holy JERUSALEM." See Rev. xxi, 9, 10. 'St. Paul, in his letter to the Galatians, says, "But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all." Gal. iv, 26. From these quotations we learn that the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, which John saw " coming down from God out of heaven, prepared AS A BRIDE ADORNED FOR HER HUSBAND," is what is represented as the bride ; and its being given to Christ is compared to a marriage. Second, where is the marriage to -take place ? Said Jesus, " Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning; and ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their Lord, when he shall RETURN FROM THE WEDDING- Luke 12:35,36.

He said therefore, A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return." Luke xix, 12.  Daniel also, in the night visions, saw one like unto- the Son of man come to the Ancient of days, and he was brought "NEAR BEFORE HIM; and there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom." See Dan. vii, 13, 14. From these passages, it is plain that the receiving of the kingdom (which includes capital, territory and subjects, is what is compared to a marriage, or receiving a bride ; and that it takes place near before him, (the Ancient of days,) a little previous to his " RETURN FROM THE WEDDING," in the " far country." If the above is the correct position in reference to the bridegroom, the bride, and the marriage, then it follows of necessity that the coming of the bridegroom is not to the earth ; but "near before" the Ancient of days, to receive the bride, or New Jerusalem, the capital of the kingdom, in connection with the territory and subjects, previous to his second advent; and also, that the coming of the bridegroom, and Christ's second appearing, are two distinct and separate events.

3. The going in with him. There is, evidently at this point in the parable, a change in the position of the bridegroom, and also in the relation he sustains to the church and world. Now, in order that we may arrive at a correct understanding of this important CHANGE, let us examine what inspiration has taught us of the priesthood of Christ in the heavenly sanctuary, which plainly shows this change. St. Paul, in his letter to the Hebrews, written A. D. 64, says, " Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum : We have such an high priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens ; a minister of the SANCTUARY, and of the TRUE TABERNACLE, WHICH THE LORD PITCHED, and not man."—Heb. viii, 1, 2. By reading the eighth and ninth chapters of Hebrews, you will readily discover that Paul, in' order to lead us to a correct understanding of all things pertaining to Christ, while occupying the position and relation of priest, points us back to the Aaronic priesthood, the worldly sanctuary, with its apartments, furniture and services as figures, or true representations of the heavenly priesthood, sanctuary, furniture and services. 0 ! how little is known of Christ and his work in the heavenly sanctuary, through a neglect to compare type with antitype, and shadow with substance ; and how ready are such neglectors to brand any one with fanaticism, who presumes to follow inspiration in this matter.

I would here state, that we have the best authority for referring to Moses and the prophets. Christ, after his resurrection, said to his disciples—" These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that ALL THINGS MUST BE FULFILLED WHICH WERE WRITTEN IN THE LAW or MOSES, and in the prophets and in the psalms, CONCERNING Luke xxiv, 44. -Also, Paul, while a prisoner at Rome, when they had appointed him a day, and many came to him, into his lodging, expounded and testified to them " the kingdom of God, persuading them CONCERNING JESUS, both out of the LAW OF Moses, and out of the prophets, from morning till evening."—See Acts xxviii, 23.  " Having therefore obtained help of God, I continue unto this day; witnessing both to small and great, saying none other things than those which the prophets and Moses did say should come."—Acts xxvi, 22

The prophet Malachi, while describing the burning day, and addressing those to whom the prophet Elijah should be sent, before the coming of-  the great and dreadful day of the Lord, says, "Remember ye the LAW OF Moses my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel," &c..—See Mal, iv, 1-4. From these Scriptures we see that we are not only directed to the law of Moses, but a positive injunction is laid upon us to remember it. Not to keep it ; for its ordinances were nailed to the cross ; but its types and shadows, as St. Paul has taught, were figures of the true. They were a true representation of the good things to come " connected with the ministration of Christ in the heavenly sanctuary. Therefore, they are our positive, and only sure guide, contained in the oracles of truth, to lead us to a correct understanding of the work of Christ in " THE TRUE TABERNACLE, WHICH THE LORD PITCHED, and not man."


More  on this tomorrow. For now please reread the above and search the scriptures given, and even more, if so led. Get a complete understanding of what is being said here. Will time and place reveal a change to the information given? We will study and pray for all enlightenment needed to comprehend what our God would have us understand.  From the above - if our understanding is correct so far- the Bride is New Jerusalem, the Bridegroom is Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. The Bridegroom is coming to take the five prepared virgins to the marriage and that marriage is the Bridegroom receiving the Bride, Christ receiving New Jerusalem. This is not Christ redeeming His people from earth- by the time Christ returns to take the living and dead in Him, to heaven, Christ has already received the heavenly bride, the heavenly Jerusalem. His saints are NOT New Jerusalem.  We know the saints will inherit the new Jerusalem and when they do--

Rev 21:22  And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it. 
Rev 21:23  And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. 

Our Savior, the Lamb of God will already be a part of the new city, He is not receiving the new city here, but He is the TEMPLE of the new city along with God the Father, their pure and perfect light shines throughout.

More on all this tomorrow by the grace and will of our God. May our understanding be enlightened through the Holy Spirit by our Savior, Jesus Christ.


Vol. I.] OSWEGO, N. Y. DECEMBER, 1849. [No. 6.

We are now studying - 'The Present Truth' papers published in the middle 1800's. These are called the 'Present Truth' because it WAS Present Truth for that time. So why study them now? Because TRUTH at any time is worth studying, and we KNOW that often ORIGINAL truth presented before Satan has had an opportunity to corrupt it, can be very enlightening. At the very least we will see, by the grace of God, through the Holy Spirit, what truth then is still uncorrupted today and still very relevant for us living in these dark, dark times. Our world today compared to a hundred and seventy years ago is so much worse than it was, with so much evil being called good, and good being called evil.  May God bless us as we seek HIS truth for us in our present, bringing us only closer to Him and prayerfully the Second Coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

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