Vol. I.] OSWEGO, N. Y. MARCH, 1850. [No. 7
The word law so
frequently used by the New Testament writers, especially the Apostle Paul, does
not always refer to one and the same law, but it sometimes refers to the law
of-Moses, and sometimes to the law of God, or ten commandments. One is called a
"yoke of bondage," a law of carnal ceremonies," which could- not
make the "comers there unto perfect"' The other is called the
"ROYAL law;" "law of LIBERTY," " SPIRITUAL,"'
" HOLY, JUST and GOOD." Here I will give two texts from the epistles
of St. Paul, Which speak of the law,
that the reader may, see that the apostle
has positively contradicted himself if law refers to, but one law.
" Christ is
become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law, ye are
fallen from grace." Gal. v:4.
"For, not the hearers of the law are just before
God, but the DOERS OF THE LAW' SHALL BE JUSTIFIED." Rom. ii, 13.
From these texts it
is plain that St. Paul refers to two distinct
laws. The language the text; and
its connection will in all cases determine what law is meant. When the apostle
speaks of the law in Rom. ii, 13 he means the law of Commandments for two
reasons at least; first, he never taught the Romans that they could "be
justified" by doing the law of Moses, and second, he speaks of three of
the ten commandments of God in verses,21, 22 of the same chapter. When he
speaks of the law in Gal. v, 4, he is speaking of the law of Moses. Reader turn
and see for yourself, that the apostle
is speaking of circumcision in the two preceding verses; also in verses 6-11;
The Galatians are exhorted to "stand fast " in the liberty of the
gospel; and are warned against being " entangled" with the "
yoke of bondage." which was the law Of Moses that had been dead twenty-five years, but the apostle never warned them,
nor; any of the other churches against
keeping the commandments of God. NO;
confounding--these two laws in one, Eld. Marsh leads his readers from the
truth, and makes what the apostle wrote to the Galatians A. D. 58 contradict
what he wrote to Romans two years before. He quotes the following, which is so
often applied to those who keep the Lord's Sabbath: "Whosoever of you are
justified by the law, Ye are fallen from grace." Now if we have fallen
from grace by keeping the fourth commandment, has not Eld. Marsh also fallen
from grace for keeping the other 'nine commandments of the same law ? And if we
have fallen from grace by keeping the Sabbath, then we cannot be restored to
grace until we, break the fourth
commandment, and by the same rule Eld. Marsh cannot be restored to grace until
he breaks the other nine commandments! I leave the reader to decide as to the
justness of this conclusion. My only object is to hold up the view- that THE
COMMANDMENTS OF GOD are abolished- in its true hideous form, that souls may
take warning; and not be devoured by it.
With the view that
Gal, v. 4 and Rom. xiv 5, apply to the
case of those who keep the Sabbath', I will quote Rom. Xiv. 5, "One man
esteemeth one day above another: [that is, he keeps the Sabbath and falls from
grace ;]. Another esteemeth all-days alike. [He does not keep the Sabbath
therefore does not fall from grace.) Let every man be fully persuaded in his
own mind." [That is, whether it best to fall from grace or not.] All who will-search the Word for themselves,
may not only see the error, but the folly of applying these and similar texts
to those who observe the seventh-day Sabbath.
We cannot have it
both ways. We cannot say the Sabbath commandment in its entirety has been
abolished, or even changed, unless we are will to say the same for the other
nine commandments. Jesus came and
revealed the laws more fully- telling a man if he looked on a woman to lust
after her, that he was already committing adultery. Jesus did NOT say it's fine
to commit adultery, that the law no longer matters. Jesus revealed the heart of
the law of God- letting people know that actions in their thoughts
(lust-committing the acts in willful, indulged thoughts, using them as
entertainment) is just as bad as doing the act itself. They could no longer pat
themselves on the back by saying they only think about it, but never act upon
it and therefore they are just fine and dandy. Their hearts were being just as
wicked as those who committed the acts. If Jesus were to abolish the law of not
committing adultery right there would have been the perfect time to do so.
Jesus and His apostles all lived the law of God. In order not to sin, you have
to not break the law of God- Jesus kept
the law of God perfectly, Jesus did not sin. If there were no law of God any
longer, no one would sin, end of story.
People love to simple say the Sabbath law is still in effect, only that it's day has been changed-- another lie-- no where in God's word do we find proof of that. So, if you're persuaded that there are two distinct laws spoken of by the apostles- the Law of God and the Law of Moses, that one is to be kept forever while the other was abolished, yet hold back on believing the day is changed, or simply doesn't matter- please PRAY for truth to be known. Pray! Pray! Pray! Go to God's word, and pray!
People love to simple say the Sabbath law is still in effect, only that it's day has been changed-- another lie-- no where in God's word do we find proof of that. So, if you're persuaded that there are two distinct laws spoken of by the apostles- the Law of God and the Law of Moses, that one is to be kept forever while the other was abolished, yet hold back on believing the day is changed, or simply doesn't matter- please PRAY for truth to be known. Pray! Pray! Pray! Go to God's word, and pray!
Prayerfully we will
continue with the study of the Present Day papers tomorrow.
All in the grace and
love of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, now and forever!!!!!!!
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