Friday, September 25, 2020

Heaven's Offer.


Heaven's Offer…

The chance to be what we were intended to be and no longer be what we are- extremely flawed. Wanting to do good and doing it not, over and over again. 

I present to you a wondrous creature alight in the glorious brilliance of its Creator. A creature beautiful, perfect, and unique. A creature created to exist with a forever bond to its Creator- receiving only love from the Creator. A creature - not forced into bondage with its Creator. A creature not worked as a puppet. A creature allowed to choose to love and in that love remain connected to the source of love. A creature told of dire results should the Creator/creature connection be severed.  A creature unable to justify its decision by claiming ignorance. Forewarned in a way no doubt was left to the consequence of breaking the bond, they still made the decision to cut themselves off from their Creator. 

We are the descendants of the dire results. We live the lives of those severed from the Creator. We live the lives of creatures with broken bodies and minds from the moment we are born. We live with all the confusion, heartaches, pains, agonies of life because of the severed bond. 

Wonders of all inexplicable wonders- the Creator gives us a chance to be reconnected to Him! 

We are given hope!
We are given assurance right now!
We can be bonded with the Creator right now!
We can live bonded with the Creator right now!

Once reconnected we are promised an eventual ending to all the many millions of tragedies this current existence has for us.  

The future inheritance is promised right now!

One day all the creatures who decide to remain unbonded will be gone, while those who have chosen to re-bond will be given all that the very first creatures were given - the perfect existence - the perfect connection with our Creator. 

As re-bonded creatures we continue to live in a world spoiled by the severed relationship of Creator-creature, but we live now with a promised inheritance- something we cannot have without a bond with our Creator. We bond now, right now! We let our Creator know that we desire to be reconnected with Him, as one of His creatures. We tell Him we know that His plan for our reconnection was given in such a way that no one in existence can dispute the justice of salvation.

Our Creator sent the Co-Creator, the declared only begotten Son of the Creator, to live among us as one of us in a body (not mind) totally severed from any connection to Him. In that weak body the Son of the Creator lived a life filled with temptation to choose to act without love. The Son of the Creator faced every single temptation with the love of the Creator, letting the power of that love defeat all the Creator-severing acts ever possible. Living this powerful life, the Son of the Creator now had the right to redeem us, to take our loveless, Creator-severing acts upon Himself and destroy them on the cross.  We are told we need to accept the Son of the Creator's self-less act of redemption, we need to choose to love in spite of our tendencies to act in loveless ways. We need to give our lives to the Son of the Creator and repent of our loveless lives. We need to believe that He will and has forgiven us and renewed the bond between us and our Creator once more. We need to live every day with this choice acknowledged and renewed. We have a SAVIOR! We have a promise of once more being the creatures we were created to be! We have hope! 

Praise God!
Praise Jesus!
Praise the Holy Spirit!

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