Thursday, March 17, 2022

Daniel Chapter 7 Pt 3

Continuing with Daniel 7 Pt 3

(Quick Synopsis #4) The FOURTH beast, the FOURTH kingdom- LEGS of IRON, TEN TOES - part iron, part clay. Dreadful, terrible, very strong, IRON TEETH, devoured residue, DIFFERENT than the other BEASTS- HAS TEN HORNS. Historically the ROMAN KINGDOM came after Greece and fits this prophecy perfectly. 


TEN KINGDOMS- 1) Huns 2) Ostrogoths 3) Visigoths 4) Franks 5) Vandals 6) Suevi 7) Burgundians 8) Heruli 9) Anglo-Saxons 10) Lombards

THREE PLUCKED UP- 1) Heruli, 2) Ostrogoths, 3) Vandals  

Historically proven! 

THREE PLUCKED UP by the LITTLE HORN- the LITTLE HORN Papal Rome. Those 3 were opposed to papal teachings and fell in its wake as it rose to power. HISTORY not conjecture!


Dan 2:41  And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay. 

We know from our study thus far that the statue Daniel prophetically interpreted revealed that The legs of iron are Rome, the ten toes of iron and clay are Rome mixed into ten different kingdoms. The fourth beast  has ten horns corresponding with the ten toes. Rome REMAINS a part of the world picture as it is mingled with others. We know for a fact that Papal Rome today has a part in all the countries in the world as the Roman Catholic organization- this is part of that same Rome - the iron (Roman) part of the toes, part of the clay mix that has gone through the whole world mingling not being the political/religious giant it once was 

We also know that after the toes… there comes a Stone cut without hands to destroy the statue- there are NO more earthly ruled kingdoms.

The fourth beast (Roman Empire) doesn't live long after its dominion is gone, unlike the previous beasts. Their dominion was taken away, but their lives were prolonged for a season. The territory and subjects of the Babylonian kingdom still existed, though made subject to the Persians. So of the Persian kingdom in respect to Grecia, and of Grecia in respect to Rome. But what succeeds the fourth kingdom? NO government or state in which mortals have any part. Its ends in the lake of fire, and it has no existence beyond.

The lion was merged into the bear, the bear into the leopard, the leopard into the fourth beast, and the fourth beast into what? NOT into another beast. It is cast into the lake of fire. No one should talk of probation, or a mixed millennium AFTER the Lord comes, it's just NOT Biblical.

The adverb then, in the sentence, "I beheld then because of the voice of the great words which the horn spake," seems to refer to some PARTICULAR TIME.

The work of the investigative judgment is introduced in the previous verses; and this verse would seem to imply that while this work is going forward, and just before this power is destroyed and given to the burning flame, the LITTE HORN UTTERS ITS GREAT WORDS AGAINST THE MOST HIGH.

Dan 7:8  I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things. 

Dan 7:25  And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. 

Now for more details, historically gleaned.

Look at the decrees of the Vatican Council of 1870- what can be more blasphemous than to attribute infallibility to a mortal man? This is TRUTH! No mere man could EVER claim infallibility in any part of their life! And to make a mere man into a pretend Christ on Earth is NOT BIBLICAL!  

Yet in that 1870 the world beheld the spectacle of an Ecumenical Council assembled for the purpose of deliberately decreeing that the occupant of the papal throne, the man of sin, possesses this prerogative of God, and cannot err. Can anything be more presumptuous and blasphemous? Is not this the voice of the great words which the horn spake? A lot of people don't want to comprehend this truth, but deception is Satan's forte! 


Listen to this in *our* day and age and remember NO MAN SHOULD EVER BE CALLED SWEET CHRIST ON EARTH! Jesus went to heaven to be with the Father and will RETURN for us, He NEVER said there would be any figurehead called CHRIST ON EARTH! He alone will forever be CHRIST, no other! 

'VATICAN CITY (Catholic Online) - The Catholic Church is the one, holy, apostolic church of Christ, while other Christian Orthodox and Protestant denominations that "suffer from defects" share elements of "sanctification and of truth," said the Vatican's doctrinal congregation.' 7/10/2007

Catholic Online (

When? 2007.


They declare themselves to be the one holy, apostolic church of Christ.

1996- 'In founders and foundresses we see a constant and lively sense of the Church, which they manifest by their full participation in all aspects of the Church's life, and in their ready obedience to the Bishops and especially to the Roman Pontiff. Against this background of love towards Holy Church, "the pillar and bulwark of the truth" (1 Tim 3:15), we readily understand the devotion of Saint Francis of Assisi for "the Lord Pope", the daughterly outspokenness of Saint Catherine of Siena towards the one whom she called "sweet Christ on earth", the apostolic obedience and the sentire cum Ecclesia of Saint Ignatius Loyola, and the joyful profession of faith made by Saint Teresa of Avila: "I am a daughter of the Church" '

Vatican Source - Pope John Paul II, Apostolic Exhortation VITA CONSECRATA, (On The Consecrated Life And Its Mission In The Church And In The World), March 25, 1996.


The twentieth century was one of the most crucial in human history, with its tragic and cruel events culminating in the assassination attempt on the "sweet Christ on earth". Now a veil is drawn back on a series of events which make history and interpret it in depth, in a spiritual perspective alien to present-day attitudes, often tainted with rationalism. ...

Vatican Source- Introduction to the Third Secret of Fatima, by Tarcisio Bertone, SDB, Archbishop Emeritus of Vercelli, Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.


Remarks made at the Mass celebrating Pope John Paul II's 80th birthday--

'We feel that we are led by a man of God, who has won love and respect beyond every human barrier,'' he said.'

'The Lord has truly prepared an athlete to untiringly travel the streets of the world,'' said the Colombian cardinal.'

'Thank you, sweet Christ on earth, for those white hairs, for the suffering which has made you even more dear in our eyes, for your steps, as spiritually intrepid as physically tired,'' he said.'

Source- John Norton for the Catholic News Service, May 18, 2000


'"He who will be disobedient to Christ on earth, who stands in the stead of Christ in heaven, will not share in the fruit of the blood of the Son of God." And, anticipating not only the teaching but the very language of Vatican II, the Saint wrote to Pope Urban VI, "Most holy Father . . . know the great necessity that you and the holy Church have to preserve this people (of Florence) in obedience and reverence to Your Holiness, for he is the head and principle of our faith." ...

Source- Homily by Pope Paul VI on October 1, 1970, Given in the Vatican Basilica when Saint Catherine, Virgin, was declared a Doctor of the Universal Church


'Let us try to imitate this love and veneration for the Pope. His dignity as Vicar of Christ, as "the sweet Christ on earth," is a more than sufficient reason for us to feel wholeheartedly united to the Roman Pontiff, as a consequence of a genuine filial obligation.'

Source- A homily given by Bishop Javier Echevarría, Prelate of Opus Dei, at St. Eugene's Basilica in Rome on October 10, 2002, at the final Mass of thanksgiving for the canonization of Josemaría Escrivá.


Is there any doubt this is blasphemous? Any at all? Can anyone be called Christ on Earth? No. NO ONE on earth should be called CHRIST on earth! No one! There was only ONE BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD! No one can ever take HIS place, not ever. NO other Gods before GOD, none! There are no excuses made for the Pope, NONE! He exacts worship towards himself and this is something God would NEVER accept, never! This isn't just me speaking here, we had a huge Protestant Reformation based upon the fact that the Roman Catholic Papacy is NOT BIBLICAL! We have proof that it altered the Bible itself to suit its own ends. This ISN'T just me believing this! Biblical scholars have shown irrefutably the truth, and what does the Papacy do, it sets itself up to be able to change even God's word!

We will continue with Daniel 7 in our next study all by the grace of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST now and forever!!!!!!! Amen!

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