Saturday, May 14, 2022

1, 2, 3, 4. 5... Will 6 Come Next?

 1. Head of Gold.

2. Arms and Chest of Silver.

3. Belly and Thighs of Brass.

4. Legs of Iron.

5. Feet of Part Iron Part Clay.

6. Stone Destroying the Entire Statue. 

History has determined the Head of Gold was Babylon, the Arms and Chest of Silver- Medo-Persia, the Belly and Thighs of Brass- Ancient Greece, Legs of Iron- Rome, Feet of Iron and Clay- Rome including what Rome was divided into as it fell apart and no longer ruled.  The Stone- YET TO COME. 

Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, Rome divided into other countries- all this is HISTORY, right?  It is. Provable history. 

So, will predicted Stone also happen?  Yes, beyond all doubt whatsoever. To think that for some unfathomable reason that particular part of the prophecy would be wrong when every single other part has come to pass, is ludicrous, it's absolutely delusional. You'd have to be under the worst kind of deception, blinded by the fiercest of Satanic delusion just as the Jewish leaders in Jesus' day before His death to not believe the rest of that prophecy will come to pass with the utmost certainty. 

1, 2, 3, 4, 5…. And for some reason 6 won't come after 5?   Ludicrous! Insanity! A deception that will have eternal consequences. 

The Stone represents our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ returning and destroying the entire sinful earth and all its sinful kingdoms and setting up His own eternal, everlasting kingdom in its place. No other God, no other entity will do this, Jesus Christ will do this and that is a promise that WILL come to pass, just as all the others came to pass.

God help us to see all Your truth! Break away the deception Satan has captured so many people with! Please, Lord, open the minds and hearts to the truth of all who would be YOURS! Please, all through Jesus Christ our LORD and SAVIOR now and forever!!!!!!!





We come down three centuries this side of our Saviour's advent. 

In Northern Europe there were great numbers of people, restless for new countries in which to settle, or to conquer for spoil. The empire of the Romans was losing its former strength and power. Describing these people of the North who were seeking new countries to inhabit, Machiavelli said:--

"These colonists have destroyed the Roman Empire, by the error of the emperors, who, having abandoned Rome, the true seat of the empire, to dwell at Constantinople, have, by this conduct, rendered the western part more feeble, not being able so well to defend it." 

History of Florence, Book 1., p. 2. 

A certain writer said that when Constantine removed his capital to Constantinople, he virtually left the seat of the Cesars to the bishops of Rome. One thing is certain: the power of the emperors over Rome decreased in exactly the proportion that the power of the bishops increased. 

A history of the "Papal Supremacy," published in Dublin in 1810, says: "It is most certain that if the emperors had continued to reside at Rome, the bishops never would have usurped a supremacy." This is reasonable; it is conclusive. Early in the fourth century, the Northern Barbarians, as they have been called, made inroads upon some of the fairest portions of the empire, in Central Europe and along the Rhine. And before the close of the fifth century the empire was broken up into ten kingdoms, as before noticed. The Ostrogoths took possession of Italy, and ruled in Rome, until they were driven out by the army of Justinian, under Belisarius, in 538.

Now we take our stand near the beginning of the sixth century, and we behold these fragments of the Roman empire, exactly as pointed out by Daniel in the interpretation of the dream of Nebuchadnezzar. And there the image stands complete, as represented in the engraving. Not before this time could the stone smite the image, for it was to smite it upon the feet, and nowhere else. The stone is not introduced into the prophecy before that time. What then? Was the kingdom set up at that time? It was not. In this and other prophecies, where the history of the world is briefly outlined, the ultimate--the setting up of the kingdom of God--is introduced, without in each instance, filling up all the particulars. As prophecy follows prophecy, we find more and more of these particulars inserted, but the ultimate is always the same,--the establishing of the kingdom of God; the restoration of what

was lost in the fall, closes up this world's history, and introduces the eternal state.

In Dan. 2:47, speaking of the ten kingdoms, it is said: "They shall mingle themselves with the seed of men; but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with miry clay." These words plainly indicate that after these kingdoms arise, some time will elapse before they are smitten and destroyed; some time is allotted to their mingling and undergoing changes. How long this time would be, the second chapter of Daniel gives no intimation; it might be very short for all that we can learn in this chapter. But Daniel 7 gives additional facts in the history of the kingdoms of the world, and describes the coming up of another power after the rise of the ten kings, before whom three of the ten were plucked up. And it is shown that this other power wears out the saints, and prevails against them a long time before the kingdom is given to the saints of the Most High. The order of these events is marked out very plainly in Dan. 7:21, 22. 

"I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the Most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom." 

We have seen that the ten kingdoms were not fully developed until the latter part of the fifth century after Christ. The horn that rose after them, which became stronger than they, and that persecuted the saints, was not fully established until the sixth century. For many centuries he wore out the saints; he is still opposing himself to the free worship of God; still declaring that it is his fixed principle not to tolerate freedom of conscience toward God where he has the power to put down every religion that opposes itself unto him. And still the saints are waiting; judgment has not yet been given to them; and the time has not yet come for them to possess the kingdom. The stone has not yet smitten the image. The kingdoms of this world still occupy their places; they are not yet broken and driven away as the chaff; but they are fast filling up the cups of their iniquity. Pride and the love of worldly power fill their hearts. Their greatest ambition seems to be the making of abundant provision for shedding human blood. A slight pretext is sufficient for them to engage in the most unjust and destructive enterprises, if an extension of territory or an increase of power is to be the result; yes, the most mischievous schemes are often carried out to serve the interest of a party. Where is the exception to these declarations? Alas for the world! Peace has flown away; equity and the love of their fellow-men are not found among the great of the earth. And among the professed people of God, with very small exceptions, formality has usurped the place of the power of godliness, and the fear of God is taught by the precept of men. Surely, God will yet visit for these things.

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