Friday, December 16, 2022

Are Your Heavenly Bags Packed?

 In the movie Ten Commandments we are given the false impression that Moses simply left the people and went to the mountain for 40 days. This is NOT what happened, in reality, and it’s important we understand this. The people of God made a covenant with God PRIOR to Moses’ ascension into the mountain for forty days and nights. The TEN COMMANDMENTS were given VERBALLY before they were ever written on tablets of stone, before Moses left for 40 days. The people HAD the ten commandments before they had the tablets.  So, while agreeing to obey God’s ten commandments before Moses left to be given a hard copy of them, the people KNEW very well what they were doing when they chose to BREAK those commandments while Moses was gone. They KNEW, they just didn’t want to keep waiting for Moses- he was taking TOO long, they thought he wasn’t coming back.  Sound familiar??? 

Too many today do NOT truly believe Jesus Christ is returning and they live day to day as if He isn’t REALLY returning. They live their lives NOT with their heavenly bags packed, but rather just going about their business with Jesus’ Return as something still far off. They believe they will be given plenty of TIME to get ready, to get packed, to be waiting for when His return is imminent and not some far off unrealized, supposed happening.  TRUTHFULLY, we do NOT live as if our Savior could return at any moment. We impose our conditions that must be met, NOT realizing that we may MISS all the signs because of our true LACK of faith, lack of belief in the realness of Christ’s return, the realness of a LIFE with Christ and not with all our earthly treasures we’ve surrounded ourselves with.

We can’t imagine our lives without all our THINGS our EARTHLY things. We say we would give them up in a heartbeat to exchange them for heavenly riches, but ONLY on the day we have visual confirmation we are getting a better deal, not now. We will cling to our earthly treasures LOATHED to do without because why deprive ourselves if we don’t have to? We make so many excuses for ourselves. We pat ourselves on the back and say ‘the Lord knows me’, but does He? OR have we so hidden ourselves beneath our earthly treasures that the Lord can’t even see us let alone know us.  WE want to deceive ourselves that we are the Lord’s and as such we won’t miss the signs of His second coming. But truly we have to realize that deception doesn’t discriminate. Deception will work on so many different levels.

If we shun ANY spiritual light given to us we endanger our spiritual lives. If we block out the spiritual truths that are a little too hard to hold on to, then we are guilty of rejecting truth. The people in Moses’ day were given deliverance in a miraculous manner and they STILL rejected truth in favor of their own self-serving.  Why would they hold fast and wait for forty whole days and nights for Moses, that was way too long for them to wait. Moses obviously was gone and wasn’t coming back, everything he’d said to them was void. That VOICE of GOD they heard and feared – asking Moses to step in for them to be a go between- was a lie too? How did they shrug off having HEARD for themselves the voice of GOD?  HOW?! They HEARD THE VOICE OF GOD! And still they turned their backs on Him as soon as waiting took too long.

Is it ANY WONDER at all that when ETERNITY is the ultimate end, that we as a race of human beings are having to WAIT an exceptionally long time in human reckoning? Moses was bringing the people just led out of captivity a new way of living life on earth and they couldn’t last 40 days. God is giving us – a people being led out of SIN EXISTENCE- into a new ETERNAL EVERLASTING SIN FREE LIFE- and we can’t seem to wait for Him either- not in the realty of waiting! Not in the reality of being willing to live our lives as HE would have us live them right now for Him in all things. 

We want OUR things, and our Savior is an afterthought to our lives not a forethought!  Do you wake up hoping today is the day Christ returns, or are you too busy waiting for those signs you HOPE you’ll see so you can truly get ready? Are you willing to WAIT IN CHRIST, or are you content to wait outside of Christ until He gets here, thinking you’ll belong to Him?  

What does it mean to belong to Christ in the reality of our day to day lives? That’s something we have to study the word of God for and figure out as individuals. But truly GOD has to be FIRST in all things in our lives, ALL THINGS, something we have not been brought up to believe. 

GOD HELP US ALL! PLEASE LORD GOD HELP US! We don’t want to be like those wayward children of disobedience who couldn’t wait, we don’t want to be so caught up in our present life that we have no real room for the life of eternity. 

Please let our Heavenly Home to come be FILLED with treasures we’ve LAID up there right now while we are on earth, because that’s where you’ve told us to lay up our treasures NOW in our present life. You want us to fill our Heavenly Home NOW with our PRESENT life, not waiting until we get there. Our mansions should be filled before we arrive, when Christ comes to take us all to heaven with Him at the last trumpet sound! If you want to know what treasures you need to be placing in heaven right now, they are SPIRITUAL, they are LOVE, they are of GOD, they are the SELFLESSNESS we reveal NOW while LOVING our God first and OTHERS before ourselves! The treasures are LIVING for CHRIST NOW, not waiting to live for Him when we are with Him, if you wait to live for Christ, then you are NOT living for Christ. We wait for HIS RETURN, as one waits for a LOVED ONE they cherish, a LOVED ONE THEY KNOW and KNOWS THEM! You won’t be getting newly acquainted to Christ when He returns, YOU WILL BE VERY well acquainted beforehand! You are NOT WAITING for a stranger, and if Christ seems like a stranger to you right now, then STOP everything you’re doing and start to get to know Him truly on a personal level! Get to know Your Savior, NOW.  

Your heavenly bags are packed if they are bags you've already placed in the mansion above and you're filling them with spiritual treasures!

May God help us all to be HIS, for HIM to know us and us to know HIM. ALL through His mercy and grace His love, now and forever! In HIS NAME, in the name of Jesus Christ! AMEN!!!!!!!)))

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