Showing posts with label turn the other cheek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label turn the other cheek. Show all posts

Sunday, November 24, 2019

I Need A Renewed Heart.

1Co 10:24  Let no man seek his own, but every man another's wealth. 

Uhm, this isn't what we are taught growing up, is it? We are taught it's a dog eat dog world, and every man needs to fend for himself, that people will have to step on other people as they climb to the top of the ladder- which by the way is where everyone is trying to be. This is a do crazy stuff just to be wealthy. This is a sin until the cows come home as long as you are bringing in the bucks. This is a sacrifice all your principals because it is the way of the world. This is a change your stance on morality in every single way you can just so you don't get kicked out of your money-making job. As we line up some of the world's idols let's note quickly- movie stars, singers of all genres, athletes-  these are all at the top of the world's idols list.  Ask a child who they like the most and more than likely you'll get someone from the above short list (outside of perhaps a mom, dad, grams, gramps, sibling- which some kids do choose). I have a pre-k work folder (I'm 56 years old now) in my Baby/Child Memory Box and one of the questions on a worksheet was along the lines of who you admire most and I think I chose Judy - from Lost In Space ( a televison show).  I was in PRE-K guys, that means pre-5 years old! That was 52 years ago if I was 4!  It seems almost all of us have this inner desire to be famous, barring that, to be rich by some means- even if it is just through winning the lottery (most of us have a better chance at stardom than winning the lottery (the big one that is).

Years ago being a millionaire was a guarantee you're set for life situation- it isn't that way any longer. The bar has been raised because the cost of living has raised and so on and so forth. Not that I'm knocking a million dollars by a long shot. The point being with all this- we seldom seek the wealth of ANOTHER over our own wealth.

That Bible verse isn't advocating taking (stealing) another's wealth by the way, I know some people love to twist words and play games with meanings.

1Co 10:24  Let no man seek his own, but every man another's wealth.

We are not to seek wealth for ourselves, especially above another's wealth- IT IS NOT A DOG EAT DOG WORLD, or rather, it is not supposed to be.  The way it is supposed to be is we are supposed to seek OTHERS welfare OVER our own, before we take care of ourselves. It's the oddest thing isn't it? To believe that is true. When we mostly take care of ourselves and those that we consider belong in our special circle of family and friends.

Others before ourselves.

I struggle with this on an unbelievable personal level which only reveals the depths of my depravity and my unending need for repentance, forgiveness and renewal through the Holy Spirit. Some people have a spirit of charity that is overwhelming and amazing to witness, while others don't come by that spirit of charity naturally and the claws of the world's fend for yourself at all costs sink deep into the hearts of others. I don't want these claws in me! I want to be charitable and NOT because others make it easy to be charitable, it shouldn't matter whether another is making it easy to be nice! If I am a Christ follower I need to learn to TURN THE OTHER CHEEK and allow it to be slapped without resentment.  What good is turning the other cheek at all if it is done with bitterness and not compassion for the cheek slapper?  If all good is done begrudgingly is it good? I need this STONEY heart taken out of me and I need it replaced with a heart of flesh- of compassion, of love, of the love of GOD because my love is tainted bitterly with selfishness, with self-serving, with seeking my own. God help me!