2Th 2:1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
2Th 2:2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
The coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is REAL.
What do you think you'd believe if let's say twenty years after Jesus died, rose, and returned to heaven, you were told that Jesus wouldn't return for just under two thousand more years? Would that shock you? What if you were told today, right now, that Jesus would not return for another two thousand years? Would it change anything about the way you hope for His return? It's a given that we ALL, every single Christ follower, want Him to return as soon as possible, right? We want the Bridegroom to come for His Bride, which we are! We want the Master to return home for His servants! We long for our Savior to come save us from not just this awful existence we deal with day in and day out, but save us from ALL sin which has created this horrific world. Don't tell me it's not a horrific world just because you are bent on finding the good in it. We can shove on a pair of rose colored glasses and see the world as something beautiful, because there IS a lot of beauty in the world. But all the beauty in the world does not negate the horrors that make this world NOT OUR TRUE HOME. The beauty of a newborn babe, does NOT negate the horrific death her mother faced when a total stranger sliced open her belly to remove that babe. Why am I being so graphic, because this is reality. This sort of thing exists in our world. How many beautiful newborn babes have NEVER reached that stage because their mothers have chosen to scrape them from their wombs? How many children are growing up neglected not only physically but spiritually, emotionally, mentally facing a huge void because of the horrors of this world. I'm not saying we are to be blind to the beauty God allows us to see, but we can't let that beauty blind us to the sin infested world we live in. That gorgeous flower will wither and fade, that majestic mountain remains and yet how many have lost their lives on it? Yes, I'm playing pessimist but I'm NOT advocating anyone worry about any of this. We have to face reality, but trust in our heavenly Father to care for us as only He knows best to do.
We cannot be shaken in our beliefs. We cannot be trouble- not by spirit, not by word, not by Biblical books. We CANNOT let anything move us from our faith in CHRIST. We cannot let anyone deceive us and many will try. Many like the idea of getting us to leave our faith because they feel victorious, as if they won some contest and brought us back from the brink of unstable thinking. They want us to be grounded in their logic and fact which do NOT require faith. They believe faith is something detrimental to a person because they set themselves up to believe delusions, not reality. They believe in fantasies and not fact. People want to steal the faith of others because they have none themselves. Many will try to deceive us who believe, they won't stop trying either.
Our Savior will come. We don't know when and yes, we've joined the ranks of those who were alive almost two thousand years ago believing the same thing. That day will come and before it comes there will be a falling away…
2Th 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
2Th 2:4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God
The man of sin will be revealed- the son of perdition- who opposes God, who exalted himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped. This man of sin will be as if he is GOD sitting in the temple of GOD, showing that HE is GOD, but HE WILL NOT BE GOD, HE CANNOT BE GOD! He will be a liar, an imposter! This evil one will be real and many, many will worship Him as if he is God, they will be deceived.
WE CANNOT let ourselves be DECEIVED! We can let man deceive us, we can, it's within the realm of possibility and we are fools if we think we are above being deceived. We have to PRAY for the protection from deception that ONLY our God can give to us! We need to desire the truth in all its purity, not sugar coated with deception that will only prove deadly.
It's almost frightening to realize that there will be such a person deceiving those who desire to be God's but not to the point that they desire to believe all His truth with all their hearts. But we are warned! No one is going to be able to say they weren't told, they didn't know, no one informed them. It's right there in God's word for all to see! His truth is visible, not hidden. It will only seem hidden to those who do NOT truly desire to know the truth. Those who want to be blind will be allowed to be blind, no one is forced to see.
Please LORD help us NOT be deceived by the man of sin, please protect us! Help us! Love us! Save us, even from ourselves, especially from ourselves and our tendency to seek blindness over the light of truth, because the blindness allows us not to have to adhere to Your truths fully. Please help us LORD.
2Th 2:2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
The coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is REAL.
What do you think you'd believe if let's say twenty years after Jesus died, rose, and returned to heaven, you were told that Jesus wouldn't return for just under two thousand more years? Would that shock you? What if you were told today, right now, that Jesus would not return for another two thousand years? Would it change anything about the way you hope for His return? It's a given that we ALL, every single Christ follower, want Him to return as soon as possible, right? We want the Bridegroom to come for His Bride, which we are! We want the Master to return home for His servants! We long for our Savior to come save us from not just this awful existence we deal with day in and day out, but save us from ALL sin which has created this horrific world. Don't tell me it's not a horrific world just because you are bent on finding the good in it. We can shove on a pair of rose colored glasses and see the world as something beautiful, because there IS a lot of beauty in the world. But all the beauty in the world does not negate the horrors that make this world NOT OUR TRUE HOME. The beauty of a newborn babe, does NOT negate the horrific death her mother faced when a total stranger sliced open her belly to remove that babe. Why am I being so graphic, because this is reality. This sort of thing exists in our world. How many beautiful newborn babes have NEVER reached that stage because their mothers have chosen to scrape them from their wombs? How many children are growing up neglected not only physically but spiritually, emotionally, mentally facing a huge void because of the horrors of this world. I'm not saying we are to be blind to the beauty God allows us to see, but we can't let that beauty blind us to the sin infested world we live in. That gorgeous flower will wither and fade, that majestic mountain remains and yet how many have lost their lives on it? Yes, I'm playing pessimist but I'm NOT advocating anyone worry about any of this. We have to face reality, but trust in our heavenly Father to care for us as only He knows best to do.
We cannot be shaken in our beliefs. We cannot be trouble- not by spirit, not by word, not by Biblical books. We CANNOT let anything move us from our faith in CHRIST. We cannot let anyone deceive us and many will try. Many like the idea of getting us to leave our faith because they feel victorious, as if they won some contest and brought us back from the brink of unstable thinking. They want us to be grounded in their logic and fact which do NOT require faith. They believe faith is something detrimental to a person because they set themselves up to believe delusions, not reality. They believe in fantasies and not fact. People want to steal the faith of others because they have none themselves. Many will try to deceive us who believe, they won't stop trying either.
Our Savior will come. We don't know when and yes, we've joined the ranks of those who were alive almost two thousand years ago believing the same thing. That day will come and before it comes there will be a falling away…
2Th 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
2Th 2:4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God
The man of sin will be revealed- the son of perdition- who opposes God, who exalted himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped. This man of sin will be as if he is GOD sitting in the temple of GOD, showing that HE is GOD, but HE WILL NOT BE GOD, HE CANNOT BE GOD! He will be a liar, an imposter! This evil one will be real and many, many will worship Him as if he is God, they will be deceived.
WE CANNOT let ourselves be DECEIVED! We can let man deceive us, we can, it's within the realm of possibility and we are fools if we think we are above being deceived. We have to PRAY for the protection from deception that ONLY our God can give to us! We need to desire the truth in all its purity, not sugar coated with deception that will only prove deadly.
It's almost frightening to realize that there will be such a person deceiving those who desire to be God's but not to the point that they desire to believe all His truth with all their hearts. But we are warned! No one is going to be able to say they weren't told, they didn't know, no one informed them. It's right there in God's word for all to see! His truth is visible, not hidden. It will only seem hidden to those who do NOT truly desire to know the truth. Those who want to be blind will be allowed to be blind, no one is forced to see.
Please LORD help us NOT be deceived by the man of sin, please protect us! Help us! Love us! Save us, even from ourselves, especially from ourselves and our tendency to seek blindness over the light of truth, because the blindness allows us not to have to adhere to Your truths fully. Please help us LORD.