Saturday, August 4, 2012

Abstain from all appearance of evil.

1Th 5:22  Abstain from all appearance of evil.

This should be easy to do, right?  Wrong. Not in our day and age. Why isn't it easy? Because so much evil is ACCEPTED as being good. It is! It's a fact. Right now our country is waging a war on homosexual marriage and all those who are against it have been deemed evil, while all those who are for it are deemed good. Having morals, having principles, having beliefs is frowned up. We are told if we aren't for this then we are evil through and through and filled with hate, we are called haters. It is FAR from the truth.  As a Christ follower I do not HATE a single person, that doesn't mean I can't hate any and every sin no matter who commits it whether they are homosexual or heterosexual, and all that is in between the two and you can't tell me there isn't a lot in between.  I can hate sin. Just as I hate murder, lying, cheating, stealing, fornication, etc.  I'm allowed to hate the sin, I am NOT allowed by any stretch of the imagination to hate the sinner and I don't! People get outraged by the mere suggestion of non-acceptance and yet their outrage is only proof of their OWN non-acceptance. Their own prejudices against those who have different beliefs rears up but they refuse to see it as such because their beliefs are somehow more acceptable,  they are more humane, more loving, just because they say they are.  I don't have to accept anyone's sexual life, it's not for me to accept it, no ONE answers to me, not one person. No one has to accept my beliefs, not one person. I only answer to GOD. Everyone will have to answer to Him and if those who are caught up in unrepentant sin -whatever that sin might be big or small- that's between them and God as well, not me and them. I won't condemn anyone, I can't because I will be judged by the same standard I judge by.

I'm not going to go on and on about this, I will NOT debate a single person on this subject not online, I don't debate any of my blogs- they are just that- my blogs and no one has to read or accept anything I say in them.

What I'm discussing here is ABSTAINING from ALL APPEARANCE of EVIL and how today it seems all but impossible to do so because we love so much to fit into the current trends of society. We've called so much evil good- a lot more than just homosexuality, that ISN'T even the tip of the iceberg of evil we call good now. Some of the people most lauded as being good are evil inwardly and their hypocrisy is worn blatantly all the while they are under the delusion they are caught up in good.  There are millions upon millions of liars, coveters, prideful, etc. people and all of that is SIN every bit as much as murder, etc. We would have to condemn everyone, hate everyone if we are to HATE sinners, but we are NOT to hate sinners, we are to LOVE THEM as JESUS LOVED THEM! If we want to be loved, we must love and we often are the worst of all sinners aren't we? Those who claim to 'good', are often the biggest hypocrites in existence.

Who am I to say all this? I'm a sinner, I'm a horrific sinner, and I need to be forgiven my own appearance of evil. It's not easy, not at all in any way shape or form.  Yet we are told to abstain from all appearance of evil.  So if I can, by the grace of God and only by the grace of God abstain from all appearance of evil, I should!  If that means NOT fitting in with society, then so be it, right? Who do I answer to? God or mankind? God.

1Th 5:23  And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Please God of PEACE, please preserve all who love you and long for your return. Please preserve us- our whole spirit and soul and body, preserve us blameless in YOU.

1Th 5:24  Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.




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