We are born upon
this earth and we call this earth our home. Yet it isn't home to those who do
not want to belong to its ruler. The ruler being- Satan.
We are quick to
believe the earth belongs to God alone, but the truth is, Satan took possession
of the earth from the human beings created to inhabit it, in the garden of Eden
when they abdicated their ownership by choosing to disobey God.
Do you remember
reading the history of our beginnings? We were created in a most gorgeous
garden, brought to life in the presence of our Creators, all in love. We were told we were caretakers of everything
we saw and we could eat freely of all we saw, save fruit from ONE tree. This tree, this testing tree, this singular
condition upon our existence. When we
chose to disobey and eat the fruit of that tree we made the decision to change
allegiance from our Creators to the created fallen one who tempted us to
disobey. Satan lied to seduce us from our guardianship, our caretaking of the
garden of our creation. Satan knew that
there would be grave changes one he caused the created human beings to disobey
God as he himself had disobeyed God.
The earth changed,
human beings changed- losing their one-ship with their Creators. No longer
under the protection of the Creators
human beings were taken out of the garden, forbidden from the garden and
the tree of life. Thrust from the only
place they knew they were pilgrims, and strangers upon the earth. They would remain… we would remain strangers
and pilgrims until the earth is made new.
Right now we are
strangers and pilgrims IF we are looking for a new land, a new home with our
Creators, our Redeemer.
If we are NOT
looking for a new land, a new home then we are not strangers and we are not
pilgrims upon this earth and we really need to be.
Heb_11:13 These all died in faith, not having received
the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and
embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the
1Pe_2:11 Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers
and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul
Do we understand
this? Do we have the comprehension we
Are you a stranger?
Are you a pilgrim?
By the grace of God,
by the forgiveness of our Savior may we comprehend and in comprehending CHOOSE
to abstain from EVERYTHING that keeps us from following our God and His will.
Please Father,
please. Daily we are shown our weakness, hourly we are exposed to our
unrighteousness. Please BE our righteousness for us, be our strength we can but
submit to YOU in all things. Help us to be all You would have us be.