Thursday, January 15, 2009

Not With Observation

Luke {17:20} And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation
*Isn't that a fascinating sentence?
Demanded by the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come.
It's not unique wanting to know, it's as old as Jesus the wanting to know when Jesus will come again. The Pharisees asked Jesus Himself when it would happen and what did He tell them? Something we ALL need to take to heart.
'The kingdom of God cometh NOT with observation.'
Yes, we are to watch and that indicates observation but what are we told to watch for?
Mark {13:32} But of that day and [that] hour knoweth no man,no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, butthe Father. {13:33} Take ye heed, watch and pray: for yeknow not when the time is. {13:34} [For the Son of man is]as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gaveauthority to his servants, and to every man his work, andcommanded the porter to watch. {13:35} Watch yetherefore: for ye know not when the master of the housecometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or inthe morning: {13:36} Lest coming suddenly he find yousleeping. {13:37} And what I say unto you I say unto all,Watch.
We are to watch the signs given, but even then we don't KNOW when it will be because only the Father knows.
Like a servant porter told to watch- he had to be on watch ALWAYS.
We have to watch ourselves. We have to watch our actions. We have to watch and make sure that we NEVER stop watching for our Master's return.
So while yes, we are told of many signs and we are to watch them, we aren't to keep our eyes focused on just the signs, just the current events pointing to the inevitable end. If all we do is note that the world is getting worse and worse and such and we don't WATCH ourselves to be ready, what good is it?
The Pharisees DEMANDED to know when the kingdom of God should come.
We can't be like them. We can't demand to know, we have to trust in Jesus' words which tell us that it will come 'NOT with observation.'
Watch and know, watch and pray, watch ourselves and our readiness.
You know whether or not you're sleeping on watch. That guard on duty knows then he's drowsy he can feel his head getting heavy, his eyes closing, his breathing start to even out. The responsibility of the guard is to stay awake and find ways to keep himself awake. We have to find ways to rouse ourselves to our duty to watch and stay awake.
Yes, there is a parable of the ten virgins where they ALL fall asleep and yet five prepared by having extra oil ready, and five didn't prepare.
We have to be prepared and ready for Christ. It is our duty to be ready by watching, by waiting, by studying, by praying, by looking for His coming while not demanding to know when. It will not come with observation.
Luke{17:21} Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
How true. Our readiness for God, our readiness for Christ's return doesn't rest on anything outside of us, it doesn't rest on any outward circumstances but rather it rests on us loving, seeking, trusting, believing in God's mercy and grace for us.
We can't allow ourselves to get caught up in the when, we just can't. If we get so caught up in the when we are going to miss out on everything. Our wanting to know, our desire to know is a good thing in proper perspective. Knowing the facts, knowing that things are unfolding as we were told they would be are all good things. But we have to be ready or all the watching will mean nothing if we're not ready and we can't delay our getting ready- waiting for some *closer* sign of His return. We could die tomorrow and have no need of any more signs.
We have to be ready always, not wait to get ready.
May God help us to learn of His love more fully and make it a reality to us all.
By the grace and mercy of our Lord and Savior now and always.

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