Friday, January 9, 2009

The Sanctuary Study Pt. 27

2002 Jan -- XXXV -- 1(02) -- "Let Them Make Me A Sanctuary"
To "Learn" and to "Unlearn" --
1) We observed in our study, that both the sanctuary built under the direction of Moses according to the "pattern" given by God in communion with him on Mt. Sinai, and the "true tabernacle which the Lord pitched," were of temporary duration.
2) The "true tabernacle" which the Lord pitched" and in which He ministered was "pitched" in heaven, and was not heaven itself.
3) The sin offerings were not to record sin, or to transfer it to the sanctuary, but were confessional of sins already committed, and the record of that confession.
4) There was an atonement in connection with the daily sin offerings which resulted in forgiveness.
5) The high priest on the Day of Atonements functioned in all his duties as a type of the high priestly ministry of Jesus Christ. This included his offering of the bullock for himself and his house.
6) On the Day of Atonements, the High Priest went three times in and out of the Most Holy Place. He did not remain in the Most Holy all day, in fact the last act of the Atonement was completed in the Court at the Altar of Burnt Offering.
A Connecting Link --
On the Day of Atonements, special holy garments were designated for the High Priest to wear. He was to be clothed in linen from his head mitre to his ankles. (Lev. 16:4). Careful observation of this fact, links other Scriptures into the study of the Day of Atonements and God's design in its realization.
In Ezekiel 9, the man with a "writer's inkhorn" by his side was "clothed with linen" (v.2). This is emphasized three times (vs. 2, 3, 11).In Zechariah 3, there is another symbolic representation of filthy garments and a change of raiment. An interesting comment is made concerning this text of Scripture: "Zechariah's vision of Joshua and the Angel applies with peculiar force to the experience of God's people in the closing up of the great day of atonement" (5T:472).
We shall note these two visions of Scripture as we continue our "learning" and "unlearning" investigation.
A Terroristic Attitude -- On September 11, 2001 the terrible tragedy which occurred, both in New York and the nation's capital, accelerated the course the American democracy was taking under the Bush administration. The loss of human life, and the way in which it was lost, strikes horror to the human heart. Not alone in the tragedy is the "terroristic attitude" revealed, but the reaction to that tragedy by communities sympathetic with its perpetrators was shocking.
In World Press Review (November 2001, p.45) is a picture of Palestinians in Lebanon celebrating exuberantly what had happened, after hearing the news. This reaction was quite widespread in the Middle East. But such a terroristic attitude is not limited alone to the world of politics, but manifests itself even within the community of Adventism.
Since 1950, Elders Wieland and Short have sought to bring to the church the grave consequences of rejecting the message of 1888.
In 1967, the General Conference made a final rejection of the manuscript submitted by these brethren in 1950.
Then in 1994 a Primacy of the Gospel Committee studied the understandings of the 1888 Message Study Committee which had been formed since the 1967 rejection. This past year the convictions of the Study Committee were rejected.
One reaction to the rejection - echoing the same "terroristic" mind set as the Palestinians - is found in Our Firm Foundation (OFF), (August, p.14). It reads: We applaud the General Conference for rejecting the "message" of the 1888 Message Committee, with its diabolical teachings of Donald K. Short, Robert J. Wieland, and Jack Sequeira. Their teachings and twisting of the gospel are indeed dangerous winds of doctrine.
Basically, it is a choice between the Pauline concept of faith that works, and the Counsel of Trent's position of faith and works as a basis of salvation.
OFF's position coincides with the Council of Trent. This is only one of OFF's "network" of questionable doctrines. In describing the Incarnation, Ron Spear wrote - "In the prenatal experience, while in her womb, Christ was inheriting Mary's love for God." (Waymarks of Adventism, 2nd Edition [1981], p.39) Was the incarnation not God manifest in the flesh, and is not God the very essence of love? Why all of this Mariology? Papal oriented? Then they charge "dangerous winds of doctrine"! OFF further compounds their "network" of dangerous doctrines by advocating the doctrine of the Incarnation as taught by the Holy Flesh advocates at the turn of the 20th Century, that Christ came "born, born again."
While there are certain points that have been connected by Wieland and Short to their presentation of the 1888 Message which need further study and clarification, there can be no justification of applauding the decision of a church which is itself in apostasy. --- (2002 Jan)
2002 Feb -- XXXV -- 2(02) -- "Mark a Tau" -- Editors preface -- Whenever Ezekiel 9, which can be related to the ritual of the typical Day of Atonement, is studied, the question follows as to what is the "seal of God," as well as to what is its prophetic antithesis, the "mark of the beast."
In this issue we follow the same sequence of study. The "man clothed in linen" places a mark on the foreheads of certain inhabitants of Jerusalem.
What is that "mark"? There is no way to arrive at the conclusion that the "mark" in Ezekiel 9 is the same as the "seal" in Revelation 7 if we use the format which mark some seals as used in today's legal transactions.
The conflict between God and the "beast" is about worship.
We worship either "Him who made," or we worship the beast, and his image and receive a mark.
However, associated with the message to worship the Creator, is the "everlasting gospel."
Is there a "gospel" involved with the "beast"?
All of these factors must be considered to arrive at a correct answer as to the "mark."
Back in 1998, the current Pope issued an Apostolic Letter discussing the Dies Domini. He suggested that "Christians will naturally strive to ensure that civil legislation respects their duty to keep Sunday holy" (#67). This caused widespread comment. However, three years earlier this same call was made in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (#2188) and little was said. The real emphasis in both the Catechism, as well as the Apostolic Letter, was the altering of the Catholic explanation and claim for the change in the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday.
Further, the emphasis on Sunday worship is centered in the celebration of the Eucharist the Mass. This sacrament of the Eucharist is considered "the source and summit of the Christian life." (#1324. 1st ed.)
"We have many lessons to learn, and many, many to unlearn. God and heaven alone are infallible."
-- "Mark a Tau" -- The Tau is the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet. This was the mark which the "man clothed in linen, with a writer's inkhorn by his side" was instructed to place on the foreheads of those "that sigh and cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst" of Jerusalem. (Ezekiel 9:2, 4).
The margin in the KJV gives the literal rendering to verse 4, "mark a mark." Besides being the name of the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, it had a word meaning as well. It meant a mark or a sign "especially in the form of a cross."
"It is related of the synod of Chalcedon, and other oriental synods, that the bishops who could not write their names affixed the mark of the cross instead of them; and this is common at the present day in the case of persons who cannot write" (Gesenius, Hebrew & English Lexicon of the Old Testament, art., "tau," p. 1121).
All of this data could open up speculative interpretations which should be avoided.
The context within this vision given to Ezekiel suggests that the concept of the Tau as the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet has merit.
It is placed upon the foreheads of a "last" people of God.
Throughout this vision, the "man" who places the tau is described as "clothed in linen" (vs. 2, 3, 11).This was the type of cloth of which the attire of the High Priest on the Day of Atonement was made. (Lev. 16:4).The "man clothed in linen" with the other six having slaughtering weapons in their hands, come and stand at the brazen altar where the last act of reconciliation was performed ceremonially on that day. (Lev. 16:18-20).
He who was enthroned above the cherubim moved to the threshold of the sanctuary, and gave commandment to the man clothed in linen at the Altar.
In the book of Revelation, this last group, those which are "redeemed from among men," have "the Father's name written in their foreheads" (Rev. 14:4, 1).
We would not, nor could we conceive suggesting that God signs His name with an "x."
However, the Father has been closely identified with the Cross. He "was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself" (II Cor. 5:19). In Revelation, the vision of God upon the throne includes the "Lamb as it had been slain" standing in the midst.
In the typical service of the Day of Atonement, the objective concerned a select group of people - only those who had confessed their sins, and received the results of the first atonement, forgiveness.
Likewise the placing of the special mark is confined to a select group, those who sigh and cry for the abomination done in the midst of a special city, a city where God had placed His name.
In this vision of Ezekiel, the same One who would provide forgiveness, placed the mark on the recipients of that forgiveness. When "the man clothed in linen" completed his work, he reported back to the One seated on the cherubim (v.11).
The Chapter also contains a revelation of a description of the work of the men with slaughtering weapons.
These execute the wrath of God against those who have filled Jerusalem with "a wresting of judgment" (v.9, margin), a stretching or bending of what is right, while making it more acceptable, mitigates its witness. On the typical Day of Atonement, there was to be soul affliction, and the one not so doing, would be cut off. (Lev. 23:29). "Soul affliction" is incompatible with "a wresting of judgment." While the "man clothed in linen" is doing his work of "marking" those sighing and crying in their "soul affliction;" others also under the direct command of God do their work against those who are perverting the way of God. They slay "utterly" beginning at God's sanctuary with "the ancient men which are before the house" (9:6).
There is much to learn from this prophecy, so as not to make a wrong interpretation or application.
*******We're going to pause here.
This gives much food for thought, much food.
If- and this is just me thinking here - If right now we are living in the time before Christ's return and it typifies the Sanctuary Services- then we are living in the time of sealing prior to Christ's return, prior to the cleansing being completed.
There is a cleansing going on there is no doubt about it, and as with those who begin a cleansing and are true to their word, honorable and just, they will finish the cleansing. Sin will be cleansed from all those who would be God's. Christ paid the price for this to happen deeming us worthy through Him for this cleansing.
Those who are cleansed will receive this seal of God- and those who aren't cleansed will be destroyed.
It's so important that we understand what is going on right now. We don't know when we are being judged, all we need to know is that we have Christ's cleansing blood covering our sins, blood that will blot out the stain of sin on us and that we will be cleansed, receiving the mark of God, the seal of God not the mark of the beast.
I pray by the mercy of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that I am found clinging to the cross, clinging to Jesus when it's my turn to be judged.

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