Gal 1:10 For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.
So many of us are caught up in the idea that we have to please others. No, I'm not saying please as in physically please others- though that too is an issue of it's own. We grow up being taught to conform at all costs. The ones that stand out as radicals are punished by society in many ways. This isn't to say that our culture hasn't embraced non-conformity as a way of formally protest issues, this it saying that to protest is to be a non-conformist and to be labeled at such. Some, though they are a minority, revel in non-conformity. They love to buck the system every chance they get. Again, labels are attached to those people. They are called troublemakers, rabble rousers, and many other things. The point being we aren't taught to be non-conformists. We are taught from a young age the this is the way things are done and if you don't do them that way then you will suffer consequences. Many countries around the world take this to a very harsh extreme and as such their children learn to conform early on. Other countries are more lax and the result seems to be a society that is much more troublesome.
This verse above--
Gal 1:10 For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.
Do I seek to please men?
If we seek to please our fellow man, if we seek to keep the even flow of well-being at all costs, we sacrifice principles to do so. Some might scoff at that and say, that's old school thinking, that happened in the old days now you can do or be whatever you want, worship whoever you want or not worship at all and nothing matters. We don't force anyone to bow down to a king or die, we don't imprison people who stand up and claim God as their Father, we don't imprison those who claim Satan as their Father. And we say this is the way Jesus would have it. Loving all, letting all do whatever it is that is pleasing to them because that is what it's all about. You don't love if you don't accept everyone for who they are. You don't love or show the love of Jesus if you condemn anyone. Jesus loved the sinner we are to love the sinners too, especially because we are among them. So where is a line drawn here? Where does this verse come into play?
Gal 1:10 For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.
For if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.
We need to understand what it means to please God.
Does it please God when we worship Satan? No.
Does it please God when we accept any faith that denies Christ as the world's Savior? No.
Does it please God when we have no principles that demand we stand up for our beliefs? No.
Time and time again throughout the Bible we are shown that those who believe in God and refuse to worship at any other altar are persecuted. Paul didn't go into the cities of pagans and worship at their altars to their Gods just to show He had love for those people. Paul went into the cities of pagans and stood up for God preaching Christ crucified, preaching the true God in heaven above and for this he was beaten, imprisoned, persecuted time and time again. Was He not showing Christ's love? Today people say if we are unaccepting we are loveless. Today people say to be a Christian is to accept all faiths.
If we please men, we would not be the servant of Christ. We have to be prepared to be disliked for our faith in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior. We have to understand that many are going to persecute us and we will seem to the whole world as if we are not loving at all, but haters. We will seem like the devil's own to those who hold a false belief in what it means to be Christ's. Right now we might face this in little things, but the little things are stepping stones leading up to a stronger faith. Our faith is tested and tried and by the Grace of God we will strive always to please God and not worry about pleasing man, or being accepted by man, even those who claim Christianity as a way of life and point to you and say you are of the devil.
God first.
Please God first, always.
By the grace and mercy of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ now and forever in Him and His amazing love and forgiveness, through His righteousness.
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