Monday, March 14, 2011

For they shall obtain mercy

Mat 5:7 Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.


Some might say that there is a great lack of compassion in our world and they'd be right. Oh, when there is a *cause* to show compassion for that makes you look good people will generally step up. And we LOVE to believe that we live in a compassionate world where the majority of people are compassionate. Sometimes we get just enough evidence of compassion around us that we start to believe that things aren't so bad in our world, but truly there is a great lack of compassion, a great lack of mercy. I know I sound so cynical and perhaps I am.

Showing mercy, showing undeserved compassion this is truly a good thing. We read about the lack of mercy in our world daily, we hear about it on the news, we see it for ourselves and sometimes, maybe all too often we see it IN ourselves.

Hos 6:6 For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.

How many would rather *pay* for salvation rather than be merciful? Seriously. There was a time in our history (the history of mankind that is) when the Catholic Church sold Indulgences - rather than take what they perceived their just punishment for their sins they paid to have the punishment taken away. Even today many believe that after confessing a sin- they have to pay for that sin - and after they've paid for that sin they are free and clear. When a person believes they have to PAY for their sins aren't they in essence believing they have a hand in their own salvation? We cannot save ourselves! But many believe they can. They need to be good enough, they need to do something, anything because doing nothing just doesn't seem right, doing NOTHING is admitting that they are POWERLESS and people do NOT want to admit they are powerless, that they want control of their own salvation.

The question up there was- How many would rather *pay* for salvation than be merciful? The answer is - way too many. Another question, how many would rather *work* for salvation than learn of God? The answer- way too many.

Mat 5:7 Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

The merciful will obtain mercy. Not the unmerciful who believe their money can buy mercy, and not the unmerciful who believe they can simply commit their unmerciful acts and then ask for forgiveness- believing they HAVE to be forgiven when in truth it is ONLY by grace we are forgiven- when we have a contrite heart not an arrogant belief. If there isn't genuine repentance there is no forgiveness and yet so many people believe otherwise.

Mercy. Compassion.

We need to be merciful even when mercy is seemingly undeserved in fact that is when we need to show mercy the most. Mercy shouldn't be only allocated to the deserving as many believe. The old I'll be good to you because you've been good to me, rather than I'll be good to you even though you haven't been good to me.

You hear a lot about rendering to another what they render to you- when in truth we need to have compassion upon ALL others no matter what they do to us.

We need to be merciful!

You've heard the saying- "Cry mercy." Haven't you? Someone crying for mercy when it's not warranted. "Throw yourself on the mercy of the court." Meaning ask for undeserved lenience. Meaning plead your case and beg for a lesser punishment than what you deserve. Mercy is just that - not something you can give to a deserving person, but rather something that is undeserved.

Being merciful.

May God help us to be merciful.

Mat 5:7 Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

We all need the mercy of our Lord, we all need mercy because NONE of us deserve His love, His forgiveness.

Please Lord help us be merciful, truly merciful- create in us a CLEAN HEART, renewing a right spirit within us- we know there is nothing good in us, no righteousness of our own but ONLY Your righteousness, only Your love and Your mercy working in us. Help us to trust in You fully! All mercy comes from You and by Your grace may we show mercy.

In Your love!


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