Monday, May 16, 2011

If you love me...

Joh 14:13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
Joh 14:14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.
Joh 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.
Joh 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever

Have you ever said these words to someone- 'If you love me…' If is the key word here, right? It really is because it puts a condition upon the love. IF you LOVE me… you will… you would…you'd do…you wouldn't do…ask me to…don't ask me to…give me…don't give me…take this…don't take that… on and on and on we can go, but the whole thing revolves around IF you LOVE someone then your actions will reveal that love. Most of us have uttered those words- If you love me, and when we do that we aren't necessarily doing it because we want to get our own way selfishly with something or other. Sometimes when we say those words to someone we are dead serious about what we are talking about and we are telling someone that IF they LOVE us then something about them in some way would reveal that love. It's easy to believe that someone doesn't love you when they do all sorts of things to hurt you, or they ignore you. And it's easy to believe someone does love you when they don't hurt you and they don't ignore you.

If I went up to a stranger on the street as asked them if they loved me, what do you want to bet they'd get that 'you're nuts' look in their eyes before telling me outright, no. They might believe I was on drugs, or drunk, or just crazy to be asking them- a complete stranger- if they love me. We associate loving someone with knowing someone, right? How can we love a complete stranger if we don't know them? The definition of what love is has become very selfish. We can love if we know someone and they deserve our love, but to love regardless of whether or not we know someone, or they deserve our love is a whole other story.

We are told to love our neighbors and then told our neighbors include complete strangers- yet so few of us actually LOVE our neighbors. So few of us actually love each other indiscriminately. While some might argue that God wouldn't want us to love satan worshippers, I'd beg to differ. We are to love them- and that doesn't mean becoming like them, it doesn't mean believing in all they believe, it doesn't mean telling them that sin is good in any way, shape, or form. Loving someone means regardless of every single external bit of their lives we care for them as one that deserves to know the saving power of our Savior, a Savior who loves us and forgives us our sins when we repent and seek His forgiveness. We need to love others indiscriminately because that is how we are loved, that is how we are forgiven. Are there conditions put upon the love our Savior gives us?

Did He say- 'If ye love me…'

Yes, He did say those words. 'If ye love me, keep my commandments.'

Those commandments are to love. If we love Him, out of that love for Him we will love.

Out of love for Him we love.

We are supposed to love complete strangers.
We are supposed to love those we don't know.
We are supposed to love those who hate us.
We are supposed to love… and if we love we are not selfish in that love, we are not discriminating in who we love.

All deserve to know the love of God and the way we reveal that love is by asking our Savior to send us another Comforter to abide in us forever. Through that Comforter we live our lives as a testament to our Savior, ever pointing the way to eternal life in Him, ever preaching the kingdom of God, ever living our lives not with tomorrow worries in mind, but with the hope of heaven with our loving King.

We will love God.
We will love our fellowman.

And when we love, our Savior is praying to the Father for us to have the Comforter with us forever.

Yesterday we discussed praying in Jesus' name, asking anything in His name, all to the glory of God. Today we are talking about loving Jesus, keeping His commandments, and receiving the Comforter. All of this goes hand in hand. Living our lives for our Savior, living for the coming kingdom, NOT living to selfishly have anything at all whatsoever. Not loving selfishly. Not loving few, but loving many, loving all.

We cannot love like this without our Savior- it impossible. Only through our God can we ever hope to love, can we ever hope to keep His commandments. Let it be our will to love Him as He would have us love, now and forever and ever.

By His LOVE!


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