Friday, April 20, 2012

Assure our hearts before Him

1Jn 3:18 My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.
1Jn 3:19 And hereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before him.

Hereby we KNOW that we are of the truth.
Hereby we KNOW that we are of our Savior.

If we love actively.

It's easy to say- I love you.

I know some people might say it's not easy at all and that's true for some people but others find it easy to say. I know about three, four, maybe five years ago suddenly it became important for me to tell the people I love that I love them. Maybe it was one of those thing I read- who knows- but I never wanted to regret NOT telling those I love that I love them. So it began, and at first it wasn't as easy to do but now- now it's easy to do and yet now it almost seems as if it's become more habit when in truth it's not, at least not for me. Believe it or not before I say those words I have that momentary thought about saying it and why- wanting the person I'm saying it to, to know that I love them and if that's the last time I see them then they'll remember, or I'll remember that it wasn't something that went unsaid.

So when I say it is easy to say I love you it is, and many might say it without truly meaning it, without any action behind it.

Every single person I've told I love you- at least over the last few years or so- I really hope that if the action of love has been needed that I've acted out of love and not just spoke those words to them.

I'm not a very demonstrative person, not at all. And I fight satan all the time as He encourages my selfishness, being selfless doesn't come easy to me and I hate that about myself. So these verses really hit home with me. I want to, I need to love in deed and in truth, in action and in Christ and I pray to God that He make this possible in me. What seems impossible to me, isn't impossible to God.

Luk 18:27 And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.

I want to know I'm of the truth. I want to assure my heart before my Savior all by loving not in my words- not by just saying the words- but in action, in my interaction with those I love, and to all as we are to love our fellowman. Please Lord, help me to truly LOVE all by YOUR grace and mercy.

All through You Lord, all through YOU.

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