Tuesday, May 6, 2014

According to His own purpose and grace

2Ti_1:9  Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began

Before the world began Christ Jesus was promised to us.

How can that be so?

Just tell me one thing, haven't you ever made a contingency plan? Or if you haven't, you must have heard of contingency plans. They are plans that are made should something not go the way it is intended.

To not have contingency plans especially when you are undertaking something extremely important with possibilities of things not going correctly is really - for lack of a better term- stupid.

Our God is the furthest thing from stupid as you can get.

Before the world began Christ Jesus gave us GRACE.

Our Creator was also our Redeemer from the beginning.

He SAVED us.

He called us with an HOLY CALLING.

He called us not because He looks upon us and believes our works are good. He called us with an Holy Calling for His purpose and grace. He called us… and in that call we are to answer. Calling doesn't include forced answering. A person can be called and never answer. A calling is not a sure thing to acceptance of that call. We have to answer.  And we don't answer with our works. We don't tell our Savior to notice our behavior. His call to us is an Holy Calling. His call to us is a call to believe in Him and His holiness. His call to us is to understand that He is calling to save us because we absolutely CANNOT save ourselves.

Please LORD, save us! We hear You LORD! We hear YOUR CALL to US. Please SAVIOR save us through YOUR GRACE!

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