Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Strength made perfect in weakness

2Co_12:9  And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

Our Savior's grace is sufficient for all of us no matter what we are called to overcome, to live with, to work through, to accept in life.  Often we encounter awful parts of life, things that cause us to cry hysterically, to wish we were never born. Every single one of us has to face terrible things. We have to come face to face with the death of loved ones. We endure our loved ones falling ill. Tragic accidents, sick children, injured beloved pets, awful tragedies that occur to complete strangers that cut us to the quick- all of these things bring us pain . We have emotional traumas, mental breakdowns, and sometimes they occur in ways we can't imagine and yet they exist. Our tragedies might not be another's. Our tragedies some might laugh at, yet they're ours and things we pray to have taken away.

So often we pray asking God to take the tragedies away. We ask Him to heal the injured, the sick, to keep the dying from death. We ask Him to lighten our load, to ease our pain, our heartaches, our lives.  We turn to Him and seek relief and yet all too often nothing changes for all our praying. The pain remains.

What does it mean when the pain remains? Does it mean God wants us to suffer? No. Because God doesn't want anyone to suffer. He allows it because it is what the result of sin brings, but He does NOT want us to suffer. God would have us ALL one with Him. God would have us all be Children of Obedience.  God would have us all children of Love, and He is love!  Yet He allows the awfulness of life to exist because we CHOSE to disobey. We believed that our Creator was denying us something special because of His own evil, that's the lie Satan told. He said that God knew when we ate of the tree we'd be like god, right?

Gen 3:5  For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

We believe God was NOT love. And we DISOBEYED.  When we disobeyed we opened the door wide for all the evil that exists today. And God, rather than destroy us a bad creation, a creation gone wrong, instead revealed TRUE LOVE in the GOSPEL of our SAVIOR, SAVED BY GRACE.

2Co_12:9  And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

God's GRACE is sufficient in us for ALL things no matter how horrific and long lasting they may be.  ANYTHING we are called to endure is nothing in the face of ETERNITY with GOD through the SALVATION of our SAVIOR!

No, it doesn't seem like nothing at the time, it seems like EVERYTHING, all consuming and awful, but eternity with LOVE makes all things endurable through HIS POWER.

HIS GRACE is sufficient for us!
HIS STRENGTH is made perfect in our weakness!

By HIS grace we need to glory in our infirmities so our Savior's power will rest upon us!

Glory in our infirmities, so intensely hard to do, to find the hope as pain engulfs us, yet we must CLING to HIM, trust HIM, know that HE will keep us IN HIM for eternity!

Please LORD help us to glory in our infirmities! HELP US! SAVE US! ALL THROUGH YOUR LOVE!!!!!!!

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