Sunday, April 16, 2017

The Nature of Deception Is Not Knowing You're Being Deceived.

Do you know if you are deceived?
Being deceived may keep you from realizing you are deceived, right? The very nature of deception is not being able to detect that you're being deceived.  If by the grace of God we are made aware of our being deceived we have to act on that knowledge and not ignore it. Please, Lord, please help us to know if we are deceived and in knowing, act, all by the grace of our SAVIOR.

Excerpt - The Spiritual Man by Watchman Nee

'The Way of Deliverance

When One’s Mind Has fallen victim to the phenomena discussed in the previous chapter, he should seek the way of deliverance. What was described in that
chapter were but general symptoms of a passive mind.

(My thoughts-  The Bible speaks only truth- Luk 8:35  'Then they went out to see what was done; and came to Jesus, and found the man, out of whom the devils were departed, sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed, and in his right mind: and they were afraid.' 

A man consumed by evil spirits was set free by Jesus, and IN HIS RIGHT MIND. 

Countless people were freed of evil spirits by Jesus, and we know that His healing was for mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually damaged people.

When we are caught up in ANYTHING, any aspect of our lives that are not in God's will, we need deliverance.

If any of us find ourselves under spiritual attack we have to FIGHT. If we do nothing, we will be deceived and no longer God's.  If you found yourself instantly thinking that I'm crazy for saying such a thing, then you better take a minute or two and pray hard for enlightenment, for truth. We are so conditioned to do nothing that being told we have to FIGHT spiritually goes against our established principles. We have to take our sword and fight! We need to USE the word of God as our spiritual weapon because it is just that!  It's fine to use the Word of God as a comforter, as a means of solace, of reassurance, of hope, but we are told it's a SWORD as well. We need to use it as a SWORD. )

Let's read more of what Watchman Nee has to say -

'We cannot set forth everyone’s condition in detail because there are variations in the degree of passivity, the extent of the evil spirit’s attack, and hence the measure of damage to the mind.

Nevertheless it should be stated that as soon as one realizes he has encountered any of the aforementioned phenomena, he must exercise extreme caution because he may have given ground to evil spirits and so is being assaulted. He should look for deliverance.

(My thoughts-  We HAVE to look for deliverance when we are attacked by evil. We have to recognize we are under attack and name it for what it is, not dismiss it as being part of life, just the way things are, etc.)

'Few are the believers who are not surprised at their ignorance of the damage done to their mind. It is on the contrary a matter of great surprise to them that they have been unconscious of the fallen condition of their organ of thought. They seem to understand a lot about many matters, but in regard to their own mind they know next to nothing. They do not even realize how serious has been the damage inflicted until someone else has pointed it out to them.

Why have these not discerned it before? Is it not that this very lack tells us that our mind and the evil spirits possess some special relationship which consequentially weakens our knowledge concerning our mind? Let any who have suffered such damage answer this question.

The Wiles of the Evil Spirits

If his eyes have been opened to see his condition, the believer will naturally search for deliverance. Realize, though, that the evil spirits are not going to let their captives go free without a fight. They will apply every ounce of strength upon the person to prevent him from securing deliverance. '

(More tomorrow by the grace, the will of God!) 

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