Monday, October 21, 2019

Fact Over Fiction

Do you enjoy fiction? What kind of fiction am I talking about? Any kind of fiction. Do you enjoy something that isn't based in reality?  The dictionary tells me that fiction can be- stories about imaginary people and events, an untrue statement made up to deceive, the act of pretending or inventing something, also something assumed to be true whether it is or not.

Every single story that has an imaginary person in it, or an imaginary event is fiction.

The fiction market is huge! Some people live for fiction- they work in the fiction industry, they seek fiction in their leisure time, they find happiness in fiction. There are a lot of people who prefer fiction over reality and is it any wonder? Reality isn't all it's cracked up to be, is it? Reality falls short of producing happiness in a lot of ways because it is so flawed.

If I were to take fiction out of my life that would mean very little television- almost none really because so much of television, even in the so called reality shows are staged for entertainment value. It'd be very boring if there were no conflict to deal with, no element of survival, no rivalry. Most, but not all books would be unreadable- again, a lot of the so called reality based books are even filled with situations more intense than they really were- for entertainment value, for sell ability. I couldn't play any video game because even the realistically based games included exaggerated events. It's almost safe to assume that a lot of our supposed news today is also pumped full of fiction for shock and awe reactions.

Fiction surrounds us and tries to consume us. It warps perception of reality as well. I remember recently stating something about how beautiful and perfect actresses are in movies, and a reply was given that there is a lot of make up involved in things, a lot of air brushing, touch ups and so on. Even supposed beauties will have body doubles for reasons- imperfections abound in a lot of people. I'm not saying by a long shot that there aren't a lot of beautiful people out there, but it warps the perception of reality when the majority of people are not flawless and perfectly shaped. The ideal of what is desired is held up in front of us over and over- for men, women and children alike and when we fall out of that desirable category we know it because it is in our face constantly. So, we make the best of what we have, holding a lot of fiction up for our ideas of reality.

I know there are many who want to believe the Word of God is fiction- a book full of tall tales and good versus evil, made up stories. Once someone said to me that every plague in the time of Moses was based on a real, logical reason not the fiction of supposed miracles brought on by God through Moses. Another said that it's a lie made up, the whole Bible is a huge lie masterminded by people to control other people.  Beliefs of that vein are numerous. It's easy for someone to say a Bible believer is duped, they do it all the time.

The Bible is not fiction.  You can doubt me, it's your right to do so. Bible is fact. The Bible is miraculous in its very existence. There is no other book like the Bible in existence, not one.

What captivated me back in 1982-83 more than anything else, was when I was shown prophecies that had come to pass. One after another of the prophecies- situations predicted hundreds of years, thousands of years before they occurred, actually happened.  What cinched things for when Satan would try to throw in my face that I shouldn't believe- was the fact if so many Biblical prophecies have come to pass without fail…. the REST of the prophecies would come to pass.  We are talking HISTORICAL proof of the validity of Biblical prophecy and still so many choose NOT to believe in FACT, they want fiction.

Jesus said-

Joh_13:19  Now I tell you before it come, that, when it is come to pass, ye may believe that I am he.

Jesus told them BEFORE what would happen, Jesus made a prophecy and then the prophecy came to pass. Why did Jesus do that? So the people would believe Him.

God help us believe, to seek truth, to seek fact over fiction, and not let Satan deceive us by twisting fact into fiction.

All through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, now and forever!!!!!!!

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