Thursday, October 31, 2019


Let's say that you need light, you want light, in fact you want everyone around you to have light. When our electricity goes out, especially at night, we grab a flashlight and turn it on. If you're in a family setting and you have children you might hear them crying out because they are suddenly immersed in darkness and instantly scared by that fact. You call out to them that you'll be right there with a flashlight and sure enough as soon as they see the first glimmer of the light you're bringing to them they are reassured that they won't be left in the dark. While adults might not panic so much in the dark, there is still usually a few moments of disconcertment when our brains are telling us this isn't desired, we want light, but then we spring into action to get a source of light. When we get our light we don't hide it, do we? The only way we'd hide the light of our flashlight would be if we didn't want someone to know where we are, that we are in danger if they find out, or playing a game of sorts. We set our light positioned so that all who are near to us facing the electrical outage may benefit from that light. We want those of our household to have a source of light and lacking a flashlight for each of them, we will share ours.

Jesus tells us- that when we light a candle (no flashlights back then) we don't hide it but we light it and set it up so it can shine.

The analogy (parable) that Jesus was using in this case was to illustrate the spiritual light we are given by Him through the Holy Spirit. When we are given spiritual enlightenment we aren't given it solely for our own benefit, but the benefit of all we come in contact with. We share the spiritual light we have. And if you think you aren't a teacher, preacher, or such so you don't have to share your spiritual light, you're wrong. Your life will be your example of that light you have. Your spiritual calling may be to affect a single person in your lifetime with your light, not all are given ten talents and told to make them a hundred, you may have a single talent that you need to keep visible for the earnest of it to come from a single other person, not a hundred. Your life reflecting the light you are given, the love of Jesus and the message He gave to us to share will shine forth, must shine forth.

Luk 11:33  No man, when he hath lighted a candle, putteth it in a secret place, neither under a bushel, but on a candlestick, that they which come in may see the light. 

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