Friday, October 16, 2020

Christ- the Glory of God.


Without our first and foremost preaching Christ crucified and risen, nothing else we say matters, not a single bit. 

Jesus Christ and Him crucified and risen, this is the gospel of our salvation! Without this very firm foundation everything else crumbles. You can believe all you want in a hundred different doctrines, but without being established on Jesus Christ and His death and resurrection, those doctrines are meaningless.  

Christ crucified must be first in all things, ALL things, not some things, but ALL things! 

God help us put Christ first in all.

1Co_10:31  Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

Joh 1:14  And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. 

Excerpt - EJ Waggoner-

Leaving this point, we return to Revelation 14:6, where we read, "And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to them that dwell on the earth . . . saying with a loud voice, Fear God and give glory to Him; for the hour of His judgment is come." 

This is a work that prepares men for the last judgment and consequently a work which carries everything for man's perfection, as we saw by the twelfth verse. But that message is nothing more nor less than the everlasting gospel. 

The second angel went with the first, and the first accompanied them both, and all three together sounded one cry.

The question arises, If the third angel came along and added his sound to the cry of the first and the second angel, do not we have something more to tell the world than those who labored under the first message had? 

Well, we certainly can have nothing more to preach than the everlasting gospel. The second angel announces a fact, that Babylon is fallen, because of her apostasy from the gospel. Mark you, the second angel has no new truth to tell; merely a fact, that something has occurred. The third angel merely announces the punishment that will fall on the men who do differently from the truth announced by the first angel, but the first angel keeps sounding and the three go together, and since the three keep sounding together and the first is telling the everlasting gospel--that which is to prepare men to stand blameless before God--and the third angel is telling the punishment that will befall them if they do not receive the everlasting gospel, it necessarily follows that the entire threefold message is the everlasting gospel.

Mark it, the first angel proclaims the everlasting gospel; the second proclaims the fall of everyone who does not obey that gospel; and the third proclaims the punishment that will follow that fall and come upon those who do not obey.

So the third is all in the first--the everlasting gospel. Yes, that everlasting gospel carries with it all truth. It is the power of God. That everlasting gospel, remember, is summed up in one thing--Jesus Christ and Him crucified, and of course risen again. 

We have nothing else in this world to proclaim to the people, whether we be preachers, Bible workers, colporteurs, or canvassers, or simply people who in the humble sphere of their own home let the light shine. All that any of us can carry to the world is Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

Says one, That is taking an extreme view; are we going to throw away all the doctrines we have preached--the state of the dead, the Sabbath, and the law, and the punishment of the wicked? Throw them away? No, by no means. Preach them in season and out of season, but, nevertheless, preach nothing but Christ Jesus and Him crucified. For if you preach those things without preaching Christ and Him crucified, they are shorn of their power, for Paul says that Christ sent him to preach the gospel, not with words of man's wisdom, lest the preaching of the cross of Christ should be made of none effect. The preaching of the cross and that alone is the power of God. I say again, the gospel is the power of God and the cross is the center of the gospel. "God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ." Galatians 6:14. To Paul there was nothing else worthy of glorying in, save the cross of Jesus Christ his Lord.

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