Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Your End.

 Do you want to understand your end? And by end I mean your ultimate existence or non-existence.  

There are things eternal and things temporal.

We live knowing others lived before us, and that others will live after us. We live knowing we only live a short span of time in a world that has existed for thousands of years. We live knowing our living as we are doing right now- as we read this - is only temporary. 

All around us we witness life and death. We are witness to the living things around us dying. From leaves on a tree, to insects, small animals, to fish, birds and so on, we grow up with life and death. We have the knowledge that those things which die do not return to life. We have a whole slew of dead relatives behind our existence. At 57 years old my parents are among the dead relatives. I only have three aunts and two uncles left, the rest have died. Living and dying, we know what it is to live our temporary life, but do we know what dying is in all reality, beyond our knowledge as the living knowing the physical facts of death? So many believe it is a complete mystery, but it isn't. Faith allows us answers.

To understand the end…

Psa 73:17  Until I went into the sanctuary of God; then understood I their end. 

Here a person was lamenting the wicked who were prospering over the righteous. The lamenting led him to the realization that the end of the wicked is eternal non-existence. 

We need to go into the sanctuary to understand the end of the wicked and subsequently the end of the righteous. There are only two ends and everyone will meet one or the other. If you do not meet the end that the wicked are to meet, you will meet the end the righteous meet. 

The question is, do you want to understand your end?

To be continued.

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