And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write
These things saith the Amen
the faithful
and true witness
the beginning of the creation of God
I know thy works,
that thou art neither cold nor hot
I would thou wert cold or hot.
So then because thou art lukewarm
and neither cold nor hot,
I will spue thee out of my mouth.
Because thou sayest,
I am rich,
and increased with goods
and have need of nothing
and knowest not that thou art wretched
and miserable
and poor,
and blind,
and naked,
I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire,
that thou mayest be rich;
and white raiment,
that thou mayest be clothed,
and [that] the shame of thy nakedness do not appear;
and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve,
that thou mayest see.
I know thy works,
that thou art neither cold nor hot
I would thou wert cold or hot.
So then because thou art lukewarm
and neither cold nor hot,
I will spue thee out of my mouth.
Jesus says being lukewarm is not a good thing. In the employment world we might call a lukewarm performance weak and unacceptable because we want someone to be energetic about their job. If you submit work to someone and they say it's so-so, what are they telling you? That it's on that borderline between not quite bad enough to say it's bad and not quite good enough to call it good. A lot of people live in that type of existence- getting by without being too bad or too good. We actually silently applaud those who don't get into trouble and understand that not being high achievers is the standard. Being mediocre is the norm in our world. The bright and brilliant the few, the bad too many and the inbetween are just right. A Goldilocks and the Three Bears scenario. Not too hot, not too cold, but just right only in this case it is unacceptable. There is no 'just right'. It's an all or nothing situation and many people don't like that at all because they'd rather just get by. They'd rather just give enough to get by and no more. That isn't how Jesus works. You can't give just enough, you have to give all your heart to Him not just a piece of it. When we give our whole heart to Jesus our lives reflect that- they reflect Christ. Jesus would have us either hot or cold being lukewarm has him spuing us out of His mouth. You ever take a mouthful of a hot liquid only to find it cooled and just want to spit it out? What about taking a mouthful of something you hope to be cold and finding it lukewarm, you want to spue it out right? You can actually hear yourself go ewwwwwwwwwww, right? I know I can. The grimace, the ewww, it's icky and unless you're extremely thirsty you won't drink any more will you?
Because thou sayest,
I am rich,
and increased with goods
and have need of nothing
and knowest not that thou art wretched
and miserable
and poor,
and blind,
and naked
We boast though, don't we? We try to puff ourselves up even when we know inside that we are nothing. We don't like the idea of being nothing because we hear a constant barage about how special and wonderful we are and how we have to think positive about ourselves. Our lives are geared towards trying to be the best we can be all on our own because no one else can help us. We have to believe we are very special in and of ourselves because people don't like to hear others go on about how awful they are and it's not good at all to agree with someone who says they are awful, we're supposed to turn around and tell them how wonderful they are- it's the good and proper thing to do, isn't it?
As a result of all our self-esteem shoulds being beaten into us it's no wonder we believe we are rich, that we need nothing. It's not necessarily rich in a monetary sense - we believe we are rich in and of ourselves. The poorest person in the world can still believe they have need of no one, right? Sometimes we applaud the poorest person refusing to accept any charity because they have pride. Well, with Christ our pride means nothing.
Christ even says- knowest not. Don't you know? Listen up. You think you are one thing but in truth you're not at all.
You are miserable, you are poor, you are blind, you are naked. This is our condition. This is the condition of mankind in relation to God.
I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire,
that thou mayest be rich;
and white raiment,
that thou mayest be clothed,
and [that] the shame of thy nakedness do not appear;
and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve,
that thou mayest see.
We are counseld to buy of Christ- gold tried in fire to be rich, to buy white raiment to be clothed and our nakedness doesn't show, and eyesalve to see.
Only in Christ can we find true riches- faith in Him for all our needs. Only Christ's white raiment, Christ's righteousness can cloth our nakedness. We can try as we might to cloth ourselves but nothing we put on will hide out true vile condition, nothing but the righteousness of Christ. And to see, to truly see we need the Holy Spirit opening our eyes to the truth in Christ. Annointed by the Holy Spirit we are no longer blind.
We can't depend upon ourselves and if we try to do that in the least way all we'll hear from Christ is that we are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked to Him. Depending upon Christ for all things truly is a job for those living in the last times before His return as it is throughout all time. Satan would have us look to ourselves and away from Christ and as long as we are focused on ourselves he has us in his snare.
As many as I love,
I rebuke and chasten
be zealous therefore
and repent.
Behold, I stand at the door and knock
if any man hear my voice
and open the door,
I will come in to him,
and will sup with him,
and he with me.
To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne
even as I also overcame
and am set down with my Father in his throne.
He that hath an ear,
let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
We can't think being chastized by God is something extraordinary- it's through His love for us we are tried, we are rebuked, chastened so that we may see the truth in Christ and in Christ alone!
We need to be zealous and repent! Be quick to repent, to recognize our sad state and cling to Christ for all our needs.
Christ stands before us knocking- if we hear Him- if we open the door- He will come into us and sup with us. He will be our all in all, our everything. If we overcome through Him we will sit on His throne. Jesus had to overcome as well and He did so by complete dependence upon His Father. We overcome by complete dependence upon Jesus. Let us listen.
May God Bless and keep us all in Him, only in Him in none other not even ourselves. May our dependence on life be in Him solely now and forever. May our riches be found in Him, may we be clothed with His righteousness, may our eyes be opened to see the truth in Him- only in Him, by His mercy and His grace now and forever.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
No deceit before the throne of God.
Rev. {14:5} And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God.
No guile.
guile (gìl) noun
1. Treacherous cunning; skillful deceit.
Excerpted from The American Heritage® Dictionary
No deceit before the throne of God.
There will be a people that stand before the throne of God without fault, without any deceit. What does that mean? That there are also going to be a people- those not standing before the thrown of God that are at fault and are filled with guile- filled with deceit.
In a world where lying is acceptable as long as no one really gets hurt, as long as you can get away with the lie and all, how many people are filled with deceit? Seriously. White lies, harmless lies, lies that hurt no one, lies that would prove more harmful if not told- these are lies we accept; we even say we understand usually when a person confesses that lie later adding I didn't want to hurt you. We understand. Why do we understand? Because we find ourselve lying the same way and understand another's seeming need to do so. Because it's wrong to hurt someone isn't it? So the choice between hurting someone and lying is made and the lying considered the lesser of two evils.
Lying, deceitfulness.
To stand before the throne of God there will be a people that have no guile in them.
Impossible we say because we know all seem to lie in one way or another.
Not impossible with Christ.
Do you think Christ ever lied to save someone from a painful truth? No. Do you think Christ lied and decieved so that he'd be accepted? Do you think our Lord and Savior had anything deceitful in Him? Anything? No. The truth was considered better than a lie any day, the truth better than deception.
Only Christ can save us, only Christ. And those who stand before the throne of God without guile, without fault only do so because they are His and He claims them as being His. When we are Christ and take on HIS righteousness we can have hope of standing before the throne of God, we can't stand there at all in our own filthy garments, in our own filthy world of deceits and lies.
By the grace and mercy of Christ may we be found in HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, knowing we have none of our own, none.
No guile.
guile (gìl) noun
1. Treacherous cunning; skillful deceit.
Excerpted from The American Heritage® Dictionary
No deceit before the throne of God.
There will be a people that stand before the throne of God without fault, without any deceit. What does that mean? That there are also going to be a people- those not standing before the thrown of God that are at fault and are filled with guile- filled with deceit.
In a world where lying is acceptable as long as no one really gets hurt, as long as you can get away with the lie and all, how many people are filled with deceit? Seriously. White lies, harmless lies, lies that hurt no one, lies that would prove more harmful if not told- these are lies we accept; we even say we understand usually when a person confesses that lie later adding I didn't want to hurt you. We understand. Why do we understand? Because we find ourselve lying the same way and understand another's seeming need to do so. Because it's wrong to hurt someone isn't it? So the choice between hurting someone and lying is made and the lying considered the lesser of two evils.
Lying, deceitfulness.
To stand before the throne of God there will be a people that have no guile in them.
Impossible we say because we know all seem to lie in one way or another.
Not impossible with Christ.
Do you think Christ ever lied to save someone from a painful truth? No. Do you think Christ lied and decieved so that he'd be accepted? Do you think our Lord and Savior had anything deceitful in Him? Anything? No. The truth was considered better than a lie any day, the truth better than deception.
Only Christ can save us, only Christ. And those who stand before the throne of God without guile, without fault only do so because they are His and He claims them as being His. When we are Christ and take on HIS righteousness we can have hope of standing before the throne of God, we can't stand there at all in our own filthy garments, in our own filthy world of deceits and lies.
By the grace and mercy of Christ may we be found in HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, knowing we have none of our own, none.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
We must overcome through Christ
And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write
These things saith he that is holy,
he that is true,
he that hath the key of David,
he that openeth,
and no man shutteth;
and shutteth,
and no man openeth;
I know thy works behold
I have set before thee an open door
and no man can shut it
for thou hast a little strength
and hast kept my word,
and hast not denied my name.
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan,
which say they are Jews,
and are not,
but do lie
I will make them to come
and worship before thy feet
and to know that I have loved thee.
Because thou hast kept the word of my patience,
I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation,
which shall come upon all the world,
to try them that dwell upon the earth.
Behold, I come quickly
hold that fast which thou hast,
that no man take thy crown.
Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God
and he shall go no more out
and I will write upon him the name of my God
and the name of the city of my God,
which is new Jerusalem,
which cometh down out of heaven from my God
and I will write upon him my new name.
He that hath an ear,
let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
Isaiah {22:22} And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; so he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open.
And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write
These things saith he that is holy,
he that is true,
he that hath the key of David,
he that openeth,
and no man shutteth;
and shutteth,
and no man openeth
Jesus. Jesus alone holds the keys of all God's people. David, one of God's beloved - a representative of God's true people, the faithful. The key of the faithful is Jesus- faith in Jesus is the key- without faith it's impossible to please God. All of God's faithful had that special faith in God.
Many things can one man open and another close it happens all the time. But when God opens something no man can close it save God. And what God closes, no man can open. God alone has the power of such magnitude, God alone.
I know thy works behold
I have set before thee an open door
and no man can shut it
for thou hast a little strength
and hast kept my word,
and hast not denied my name.
He knows us our hearts, He knows the deeds of our heart which are our works. God sets before us a way to Salvation and no man can take the from us, not one. Compared to the wonders of God we are very weak creatures. Even with the smallest of strength we can be strong in the Lord if we keep His words, if we don't deny His name. We can't deny God, we can't deny our Salvation. If we deny the power of salvation in Jesus Christ then we have no right to salvation at all.
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan,
which say they are Jews,
and are not,
but do lie
I will make them to come
and worship before thy feet
and to know that I have loved thee.
What are Jews but God's chosen people? God's chosen. Those who say they are God's chosen and aren't they will be accounted on Satan's side where all liars dwell. Satan is the father of lies and all his children liars with him, deceiving themselves and all they can deceive with lies.
Jesus will reign and all the liars will one day realize He is Lord of Lords, King of Kings, He is the Truth! And all those who cling to the truth through Him will stand on His side and in that day the liars and followers of Satan realize this they will be worshipping at the feet of Jesus realizing where true love is found.
Because thou hast kept the word of my patience,
I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation,
which shall come upon all the world,
to try them that dwell upon the earth.
Behold, I come quickly
hold that fast which thou hast,
that no man take thy crown.
Rev. {14:12} Here is the patience of the saints: here [are] they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
The saints will have kept the word of God's patience. Faith! Faith in Jesus! Keeping the commandments of God! If we keep through Jesus will will be kept by Him from the temptations that come about all- trying that patience and trying to rip it from us.
Before all in the world are caught in the snares of satan, before there are none faithful left, Christ will come. We have to hold fast! HOLD FAST! Keep believing, keep the faith so that we will have our crown of life in Christ. We can't let any man take our crown and yes, men will try. All that belong to satan will try to take that crown from us, to fill our minds, our hearts with deception, with lies, convincing us to lose faith. Our trust, our hope must be in Christ and Christ alone.
Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God
and he shall go no more out
and I will write upon him the name of my God
and the name of the city of my God,
which is new Jerusalem,
which cometh down out of heaven from my God
and I will write upon him my new name.
He that hath an ear,
let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
We must overcome through Christ- if we overcome we will stand in the temple of God an be with Him and never leave Him. We will have the name of God upon us, the name of the city of God, new Jerusalem, a city that will come down from heaven. We will have the new name of Christ- a new life in Christ- we must listen! We must hear the Spirit!
May God bless and keep us in Him now and forever though satan would have us and use all in his power to keep us from God. By the mercy and grace of Christ alone we live.
And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write
These things saith he that is holy,
he that is true,
he that hath the key of David,
he that openeth,
and no man shutteth;
and shutteth,
and no man openeth;
I know thy works behold
I have set before thee an open door
and no man can shut it
for thou hast a little strength
and hast kept my word,
and hast not denied my name.
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan,
which say they are Jews,
and are not,
but do lie
I will make them to come
and worship before thy feet
and to know that I have loved thee.
Because thou hast kept the word of my patience,
I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation,
which shall come upon all the world,
to try them that dwell upon the earth.
Behold, I come quickly
hold that fast which thou hast,
that no man take thy crown.
Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God
and he shall go no more out
and I will write upon him the name of my God
and the name of the city of my God,
which is new Jerusalem,
which cometh down out of heaven from my God
and I will write upon him my new name.
He that hath an ear,
let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
Isaiah {22:22} And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; so he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open.
And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write
These things saith he that is holy,
he that is true,
he that hath the key of David,
he that openeth,
and no man shutteth;
and shutteth,
and no man openeth
Jesus. Jesus alone holds the keys of all God's people. David, one of God's beloved - a representative of God's true people, the faithful. The key of the faithful is Jesus- faith in Jesus is the key- without faith it's impossible to please God. All of God's faithful had that special faith in God.
Many things can one man open and another close it happens all the time. But when God opens something no man can close it save God. And what God closes, no man can open. God alone has the power of such magnitude, God alone.
I know thy works behold
I have set before thee an open door
and no man can shut it
for thou hast a little strength
and hast kept my word,
and hast not denied my name.
He knows us our hearts, He knows the deeds of our heart which are our works. God sets before us a way to Salvation and no man can take the from us, not one. Compared to the wonders of God we are very weak creatures. Even with the smallest of strength we can be strong in the Lord if we keep His words, if we don't deny His name. We can't deny God, we can't deny our Salvation. If we deny the power of salvation in Jesus Christ then we have no right to salvation at all.
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan,
which say they are Jews,
and are not,
but do lie
I will make them to come
and worship before thy feet
and to know that I have loved thee.
What are Jews but God's chosen people? God's chosen. Those who say they are God's chosen and aren't they will be accounted on Satan's side where all liars dwell. Satan is the father of lies and all his children liars with him, deceiving themselves and all they can deceive with lies.
Jesus will reign and all the liars will one day realize He is Lord of Lords, King of Kings, He is the Truth! And all those who cling to the truth through Him will stand on His side and in that day the liars and followers of Satan realize this they will be worshipping at the feet of Jesus realizing where true love is found.
Because thou hast kept the word of my patience,
I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation,
which shall come upon all the world,
to try them that dwell upon the earth.
Behold, I come quickly
hold that fast which thou hast,
that no man take thy crown.
Rev. {14:12} Here is the patience of the saints: here [are] they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
The saints will have kept the word of God's patience. Faith! Faith in Jesus! Keeping the commandments of God! If we keep through Jesus will will be kept by Him from the temptations that come about all- trying that patience and trying to rip it from us.
Before all in the world are caught in the snares of satan, before there are none faithful left, Christ will come. We have to hold fast! HOLD FAST! Keep believing, keep the faith so that we will have our crown of life in Christ. We can't let any man take our crown and yes, men will try. All that belong to satan will try to take that crown from us, to fill our minds, our hearts with deception, with lies, convincing us to lose faith. Our trust, our hope must be in Christ and Christ alone.
Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God
and he shall go no more out
and I will write upon him the name of my God
and the name of the city of my God,
which is new Jerusalem,
which cometh down out of heaven from my God
and I will write upon him my new name.
He that hath an ear,
let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
We must overcome through Christ- if we overcome we will stand in the temple of God an be with Him and never leave Him. We will have the name of God upon us, the name of the city of God, new Jerusalem, a city that will come down from heaven. We will have the new name of Christ- a new life in Christ- we must listen! We must hear the Spirit!
May God bless and keep us in Him now and forever though satan would have us and use all in his power to keep us from God. By the mercy and grace of Christ alone we live.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Clothed in White Raiment
And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write
These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God
and the seven stars
I know thy works
that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead.
Be watchful
and strengthen the things which remain
that are ready to die
for I have not found thy works perfect before God.
Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard
and hold fast,
and repent.
If therefore thou shalt not watch,
I will come on thee as a thief
and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.
Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments
and they shall walk with me in white
for they are worthy.
He that overcometh,
the same shall be clothed in white raiment
and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life
but I will confess his name before my Father,
and before his angels.
He that hath an ear
let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
1798 to 1844
You live and art dead.
If something is said to live but art dead what's it like, I mean in our modern terms? A coma? Those in a coma live but are as if they are dead. How many people slip into a coma and die? Quite a few, right? I suppose it depends on the cause of the coma. Do all coma patients die? No.
God's people, His church, most assuredly suffered many periods of time in which the truth in God was stifled. The outward religious revivals, the zeal of the people mean little when it's a zeal that is misplaced and not genuine, when it is not the truth of God through Jesus Christ. Living yet dead.
Be watchful
and strengthen the things which remain
that are ready to die
for I have not found thy works perfect before God.
Strengthen the remaining things that are ready to die- die without intervention? Isn't it often the way that weak things are known to die? If God's people don't hold fast through the adversity surrounding them it's easy to grow weak. Imperfection in actions are unacceptable. So much admontion and this isn't something that can be taken lightly. Sabbath keeping- the keeping of God's commandments in full- was not pronounced until the 20th century and yet it steadily grew up out of small groups here and there which held fast to the truth. Strengthening the things which remain, there is a remainder that needs strength.
No, the works aren't perfect and we can't believe God will ever accept anything less than perfection in Christ.
Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard
and hold fast,
and repent.
If therefore thou shalt not watch,
I will come on thee as a thief
and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.
Remember! Hold fast! Repent! Watch!
These are things that throughout history God's people have to adhere to. There will never be a time we should no longer remember all that we've been taught and have received of God. There will never be a time we should loosen our grasp on the faith we need in Jesus. There will never be a time we shouldn't repent, and there will never be a time we shouldn't watch for the coming of our Lord and Savior- never. Foolishness some will say, but it's true. We watch and we keep the hope alive, the faith strong in Christ. If we stop watching for Christ we will not be prepared and like a thief sneaking in and stealing away all that is yours without your ever being alerted to their visitation until it's too late and all your goods are gone- Christ will come and salvation will be lost to those who aren't watching for Him.
Remember! Hold fast! Repent! Watch!
Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments
and they shall walk with me in white
for they are worthy.
He that overcometh,
the same shall be clothed in white raiment
and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life
but I will confess his name before my Father,
and before his angels.
He that hath an ear
let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
Defiled garments are unsuitable, if we're not clothed in the pure white of Christ's righteousness then we are stained by unforgiven sin, unrepented sin and we will not walk with Christ. There are few that remain clothed in Christ's righteousness among God's people, few that are trusting solely in Him and not relying on their own filthy righteousness. Only those who are clothed in white will be worthy in Christ.
God's people who overcome with have white raiment, pure undefiled garments and they will have their names in the book of life- Christ will confess our names before God, before God's angels! We want our names confessed by Christ. We want Him knowing our names, knowing us, knowing that we rely on Him and wait for Him, watching, seeking Him and the gift of His salvation.
May the Lord bless us with His mercy. May we be among those clothed in the pure white of His righteousnss and have our names confesed by Jesus to God and the angels. In His name!
And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write
These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God
and the seven stars
I know thy works
that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead.
Be watchful
and strengthen the things which remain
that are ready to die
for I have not found thy works perfect before God.
Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard
and hold fast,
and repent.
If therefore thou shalt not watch,
I will come on thee as a thief
and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.
Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments
and they shall walk with me in white
for they are worthy.
He that overcometh,
the same shall be clothed in white raiment
and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life
but I will confess his name before my Father,
and before his angels.
He that hath an ear
let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
1798 to 1844
You live and art dead.
If something is said to live but art dead what's it like, I mean in our modern terms? A coma? Those in a coma live but are as if they are dead. How many people slip into a coma and die? Quite a few, right? I suppose it depends on the cause of the coma. Do all coma patients die? No.
God's people, His church, most assuredly suffered many periods of time in which the truth in God was stifled. The outward religious revivals, the zeal of the people mean little when it's a zeal that is misplaced and not genuine, when it is not the truth of God through Jesus Christ. Living yet dead.
Be watchful
and strengthen the things which remain
that are ready to die
for I have not found thy works perfect before God.
Strengthen the remaining things that are ready to die- die without intervention? Isn't it often the way that weak things are known to die? If God's people don't hold fast through the adversity surrounding them it's easy to grow weak. Imperfection in actions are unacceptable. So much admontion and this isn't something that can be taken lightly. Sabbath keeping- the keeping of God's commandments in full- was not pronounced until the 20th century and yet it steadily grew up out of small groups here and there which held fast to the truth. Strengthening the things which remain, there is a remainder that needs strength.
No, the works aren't perfect and we can't believe God will ever accept anything less than perfection in Christ.
Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard
and hold fast,
and repent.
If therefore thou shalt not watch,
I will come on thee as a thief
and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.
Remember! Hold fast! Repent! Watch!
These are things that throughout history God's people have to adhere to. There will never be a time we should no longer remember all that we've been taught and have received of God. There will never be a time we should loosen our grasp on the faith we need in Jesus. There will never be a time we shouldn't repent, and there will never be a time we shouldn't watch for the coming of our Lord and Savior- never. Foolishness some will say, but it's true. We watch and we keep the hope alive, the faith strong in Christ. If we stop watching for Christ we will not be prepared and like a thief sneaking in and stealing away all that is yours without your ever being alerted to their visitation until it's too late and all your goods are gone- Christ will come and salvation will be lost to those who aren't watching for Him.
Remember! Hold fast! Repent! Watch!
Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments
and they shall walk with me in white
for they are worthy.
He that overcometh,
the same shall be clothed in white raiment
and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life
but I will confess his name before my Father,
and before his angels.
He that hath an ear
let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
Defiled garments are unsuitable, if we're not clothed in the pure white of Christ's righteousness then we are stained by unforgiven sin, unrepented sin and we will not walk with Christ. There are few that remain clothed in Christ's righteousness among God's people, few that are trusting solely in Him and not relying on their own filthy righteousness. Only those who are clothed in white will be worthy in Christ.
God's people who overcome with have white raiment, pure undefiled garments and they will have their names in the book of life- Christ will confess our names before God, before God's angels! We want our names confessed by Christ. We want Him knowing our names, knowing us, knowing that we rely on Him and wait for Him, watching, seeking Him and the gift of His salvation.
May the Lord bless us with His mercy. May we be among those clothed in the pure white of His righteousnss and have our names confesed by Jesus to God and the angels. In His name!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Hold fast till I come
And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write
These things saith the Son of God,
who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire
and his feet are like fine brass
I know thy works
and charity
and service
and faith
and thy patience
and thy works
and the last to be more than the first.
Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee
because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel which calleth herself a prophetess
to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication
and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.
And I gave her space to repent of her fornication
and she repented not.
Behold, I will cast her into a bed
and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation
except they repent of their deeds.
And I will kill her children with death
and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts
and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.
But unto you I say,
and unto the rest in Thyatira,
as many as have not this doctrine,
and which have not known the depths of Satan,
as they speak;
I will put upon you none other burden.
But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.
And he that overcometh,
and keepeth my works unto the end,
to him will I give power over the nations
And he shall rule them with a rod of iron
as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers
even as I received of my Father.
And I will give him the morning star.
He that hath an ear,
let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
A.D. 538 to A.D. 1798
This is the 1260 year period spoken of in Dan. 7 and throughout Revelation when applied to history it's quite understandable. We know all about the seeming special status of the Catholic church from the year it was set up 538AD and onward. It's history is quite amazing and not always in a very good way. Today we see the church and like so many horrors of the past we find it hard to imagine they truly existed simply because we have our supposed humane treatment today. I say supposed because there are still many places upon earth that have atrocities occuring that boggle the mind entirely. The Catholic church holds a special distinction for being a huge organized religious body that instituted the inquisition. Tortures unspeakable thrust upon people because they opposed the church. Opposing the church was unthinkable. And until 1798 it held a distinct power in religion and political aspects. Today we know the Catholic church to be mainly something of a good thing- the Pope a good man desiring peace. There are Catholic charities that help millions of people. Yes, it's had its fair share of scandal in the more recent years but even with that scandal the church and the power it weilds is only growing. More and more world leaders of various countries are looking for alliance with the Papacy, sending ambassadors, making very special visits to the 'Holy Father'. This force is truly astounding and we look at these verses here and how can we not agree that God's true people- His people- not those who are caught up in idoltry holding fast to beliefs and doctrines that aren't God's but so close to the true the counterfeit is accepted for the real thing; how can we not agree that God's people are few?
I know thy works
and charity
and service
and faith
and thy patience
and thy works
and the last to be more than the first.
This sounds so amazing doesn't it? Charity, service, faith, patience and works. Something God's people truly hope to attain in a walk with Jesus Christ, in a life dedicated to God.
Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee
because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel which calleth herself a prophetess
to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication
and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.
And I gave her space to repent of her fornication
and she repented not.
Behold, I will cast her into a bed
and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation
except they repent of their deeds.
And I will kill her children with death
and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts
and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.
God's people...suffering one who claims to be something she's not? God's people allowing a people of false beliefs to teach and seduce those who would truly follow the one and only true God? God's people holding fast to the worships of idols living a life that is geared towards worshipping the false gods and not the true. We're not talking outright worship of Satan, but rather deception, seduction and you don't seduce with forcefulness. You seduce with subtle actions. You lure with seduction. A false people whose hearts do not belong to God but seem to, they could lure a true follower away. Those who seduce will be lost with the seductress, those she considers her children will die with her. God, the one and only true God knows the reins and the hearts of us all. We will be given as we work- and the work is a result of our choices. The choices we make determine our lives and the lives that are not given fully to God- reins and heart- will have no part in Him.
But unto you I say,
and unto the rest in Thyatira,
as many as have not this doctrine,
and which have not known the depths of Satan,
as they speak;
I will put upon you none other burden.
But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.
And he that overcometh,
and keepeth my works unto the end,
to him will I give power over the nations
And he shall rule them with a rod of iron
as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers
even as I received of my Father.
And I will give him the morning star.
He that hath an ear,
let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
Hold fast till Christ comes. The heart fully consecrated to Christ in all needs to hold fast, not give up. Admonished to hold fast it's something all God's people throughout time need to do, those then, those through all the years, those today.
To us who do overcome, to us who keep Christ's works up until the end- Christ will give us power through Him over the nations, we will rule through Him with a rod of iron and all the earthly, ungodly in the nations will be destroyed utterly- shattered to pieces. As the Father gave to Christ His Son, we too will receive from Christ all that He can give to us- even Himself.
May God bless and keep us in Him! May we not be deceived as the masses who have been, are, and will be seduce by the evil of Satan. Let us hold fast in Him! Now and forever by His mercy and His loving grace. Amen.
And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write
These things saith the Son of God,
who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire
and his feet are like fine brass
I know thy works
and charity
and service
and faith
and thy patience
and thy works
and the last to be more than the first.
Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee
because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel which calleth herself a prophetess
to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication
and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.
And I gave her space to repent of her fornication
and she repented not.
Behold, I will cast her into a bed
and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation
except they repent of their deeds.
And I will kill her children with death
and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts
and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.
But unto you I say,
and unto the rest in Thyatira,
as many as have not this doctrine,
and which have not known the depths of Satan,
as they speak;
I will put upon you none other burden.
But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.
And he that overcometh,
and keepeth my works unto the end,
to him will I give power over the nations
And he shall rule them with a rod of iron
as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers
even as I received of my Father.
And I will give him the morning star.
He that hath an ear,
let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
A.D. 538 to A.D. 1798
This is the 1260 year period spoken of in Dan. 7 and throughout Revelation when applied to history it's quite understandable. We know all about the seeming special status of the Catholic church from the year it was set up 538AD and onward. It's history is quite amazing and not always in a very good way. Today we see the church and like so many horrors of the past we find it hard to imagine they truly existed simply because we have our supposed humane treatment today. I say supposed because there are still many places upon earth that have atrocities occuring that boggle the mind entirely. The Catholic church holds a special distinction for being a huge organized religious body that instituted the inquisition. Tortures unspeakable thrust upon people because they opposed the church. Opposing the church was unthinkable. And until 1798 it held a distinct power in religion and political aspects. Today we know the Catholic church to be mainly something of a good thing- the Pope a good man desiring peace. There are Catholic charities that help millions of people. Yes, it's had its fair share of scandal in the more recent years but even with that scandal the church and the power it weilds is only growing. More and more world leaders of various countries are looking for alliance with the Papacy, sending ambassadors, making very special visits to the 'Holy Father'. This force is truly astounding and we look at these verses here and how can we not agree that God's true people- His people- not those who are caught up in idoltry holding fast to beliefs and doctrines that aren't God's but so close to the true the counterfeit is accepted for the real thing; how can we not agree that God's people are few?
I know thy works
and charity
and service
and faith
and thy patience
and thy works
and the last to be more than the first.
This sounds so amazing doesn't it? Charity, service, faith, patience and works. Something God's people truly hope to attain in a walk with Jesus Christ, in a life dedicated to God.
Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee
because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel which calleth herself a prophetess
to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication
and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.
And I gave her space to repent of her fornication
and she repented not.
Behold, I will cast her into a bed
and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation
except they repent of their deeds.
And I will kill her children with death
and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts
and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.
God's people...suffering one who claims to be something she's not? God's people allowing a people of false beliefs to teach and seduce those who would truly follow the one and only true God? God's people holding fast to the worships of idols living a life that is geared towards worshipping the false gods and not the true. We're not talking outright worship of Satan, but rather deception, seduction and you don't seduce with forcefulness. You seduce with subtle actions. You lure with seduction. A false people whose hearts do not belong to God but seem to, they could lure a true follower away. Those who seduce will be lost with the seductress, those she considers her children will die with her. God, the one and only true God knows the reins and the hearts of us all. We will be given as we work- and the work is a result of our choices. The choices we make determine our lives and the lives that are not given fully to God- reins and heart- will have no part in Him.
But unto you I say,
and unto the rest in Thyatira,
as many as have not this doctrine,
and which have not known the depths of Satan,
as they speak;
I will put upon you none other burden.
But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.
And he that overcometh,
and keepeth my works unto the end,
to him will I give power over the nations
And he shall rule them with a rod of iron
as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers
even as I received of my Father.
And I will give him the morning star.
He that hath an ear,
let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
Hold fast till Christ comes. The heart fully consecrated to Christ in all needs to hold fast, not give up. Admonished to hold fast it's something all God's people throughout time need to do, those then, those through all the years, those today.
To us who do overcome, to us who keep Christ's works up until the end- Christ will give us power through Him over the nations, we will rule through Him with a rod of iron and all the earthly, ungodly in the nations will be destroyed utterly- shattered to pieces. As the Father gave to Christ His Son, we too will receive from Christ all that He can give to us- even Himself.
May God bless and keep us in Him! May we not be deceived as the masses who have been, are, and will be seduce by the evil of Satan. Let us hold fast in Him! Now and forever by His mercy and His loving grace. Amen.
Hold fast till I come
And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write
These things saith the Son of God,
who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire
and his feet are like fine brass
I know thy works
and charity
and service
and faith
and thy patience
and thy works
and the last to be more than the first.
Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee
because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel which calleth herself a prophetess
to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication
and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.
And I gave her space to repent of her fornication
and she repented not.
Behold, I will cast her into a bed
and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation
except they repent of their deeds.
And I will kill her children with death
and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts
and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.
But unto you I say,
and unto the rest in Thyatira,
as many as have not this doctrine,
and which have not known the depths of Satan,
as they speak;
I will put upon you none other burden.
But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.
And he that overcometh,
and keepeth my works unto the end,
to him will I give power over the nations
And he shall rule them with a rod of iron
as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers
even as I received of my Father.
And I will give him the morning star.
He that hath an ear,
let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
A.D. 538 to A.D. 1798
This is the 1260 year period spoken of in Dan. 7 and throughout Revelation when applied to history it's quite understandable. We know all about the seeming special status of the Catholic church from the year it was set up 538AD and onward. It's history is quite amazing and not always in a very good way. Today we see the church and like so many horrors of the past we find it hard to imagine they truly existed simply because we have our supposed humane treatment today. I say supposed because there are still many places upon earth that have atrocities occuring that boggle the mind entirely. The Catholic church holds a special distinction for being a huge organized religious body that instituted the inquisition. Tortures unspeakable thrust upon people because they opposed the church. Opposing the church was unthinkable. And until 1798 it held a distinct power in religion and political aspects. Today we know the Catholic church to be mainly something of a good thing- the Pope a good man desiring peace. There are Catholic charities that help millions of people. Yes, it's had its fair share of scandal in the more recent years but even with that scandal the church and the power it weilds is only growing. More and more world leaders of various countries are looking for alliance with the Papacy, sending ambassadors, making very special visits to the 'Holy Father'. This force is truly astounding and we look at these verses here and how can we not agree that God's true people- His people- not those who are caught up in idoltry holding fast to beliefs and doctrines that aren't God's but so close to the true the counterfeit is accepted for the real thing; how can we not agree that God's people are few?
I know thy works
and charity
and service
and faith
and thy patience
and thy works
and the last to be more than the first.
This sounds so amazing doesn't it? Charity, service, faith, patience and works. Something God's people truly hope to attain in a walk with Jesus Christ, in a life dedicated to God.
Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee
because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel which calleth herself a prophetess
to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication
and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.
And I gave her space to repent of her fornication
and she repented not.
Behold, I will cast her into a bed
and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation
except they repent of their deeds.
And I will kill her children with death
and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts
and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.
God's people...suffering one who claims to be something she's not? God's people allowing a people of false beliefs to teach and seduce those who would truly follow the one and only true God? God's people holding fast to the worships of idols living a life that is geared towards worshipping the false gods and not the true. We're not talking outright worship of Satan, but rather deception, seduction and you don't seduce with forcefulness. You seduce with subtle actions. You lure with seduction. A false people whose hearts do not belong to God but seem to, they could lure a true follower away. Those who seduce will be lost with the seductress, those she considers her children will die with her. God, the one and only true God knows the reins and the hearts of us all. We will be given as we work- and the work is a result of our choices. The choices we make determine our lives and the lives that are not given fully to God- reins and heart- will have no part in Him.
But unto you I say,
and unto the rest in Thyatira,
as many as have not this doctrine,
and which have not known the depths of Satan,
as they speak;
I will put upon you none other burden.
But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.
And he that overcometh,
and keepeth my works unto the end,
to him will I give power over the nations
And he shall rule them with a rod of iron
as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers
even as I received of my Father.
And I will give him the morning star.
He that hath an ear,
let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
Hold fast till Christ comes. The heart fully consecrated to Christ in all needs to hold fast, not give up. Admonished to hold fast it's something all God's people throughout time need to do, those then, those through all the years, those today.
To us who do overcome, to us who keep Christ's works up until the end- Christ will give us power through Him over the nations, we will rule through Him with a rod of iron and all the earthly, ungodly in the nations will be destroyed utterly- shattered to pieces. As the Father gave to Christ His Son, we too will receive from Christ all that He can give to us- even Himself.
May God bless and keep us in Him! May we not be deceived as the masses who have been, are, and will be seduce by the evil of Satan. Let us hold fast in Him! Now and forever by His mercy and His loving grace. Amen.
And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write
These things saith the Son of God,
who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire
and his feet are like fine brass
I know thy works
and charity
and service
and faith
and thy patience
and thy works
and the last to be more than the first.
Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee
because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel which calleth herself a prophetess
to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication
and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.
And I gave her space to repent of her fornication
and she repented not.
Behold, I will cast her into a bed
and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation
except they repent of their deeds.
And I will kill her children with death
and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts
and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.
But unto you I say,
and unto the rest in Thyatira,
as many as have not this doctrine,
and which have not known the depths of Satan,
as they speak;
I will put upon you none other burden.
But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.
And he that overcometh,
and keepeth my works unto the end,
to him will I give power over the nations
And he shall rule them with a rod of iron
as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers
even as I received of my Father.
And I will give him the morning star.
He that hath an ear,
let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
A.D. 538 to A.D. 1798
This is the 1260 year period spoken of in Dan. 7 and throughout Revelation when applied to history it's quite understandable. We know all about the seeming special status of the Catholic church from the year it was set up 538AD and onward. It's history is quite amazing and not always in a very good way. Today we see the church and like so many horrors of the past we find it hard to imagine they truly existed simply because we have our supposed humane treatment today. I say supposed because there are still many places upon earth that have atrocities occuring that boggle the mind entirely. The Catholic church holds a special distinction for being a huge organized religious body that instituted the inquisition. Tortures unspeakable thrust upon people because they opposed the church. Opposing the church was unthinkable. And until 1798 it held a distinct power in religion and political aspects. Today we know the Catholic church to be mainly something of a good thing- the Pope a good man desiring peace. There are Catholic charities that help millions of people. Yes, it's had its fair share of scandal in the more recent years but even with that scandal the church and the power it weilds is only growing. More and more world leaders of various countries are looking for alliance with the Papacy, sending ambassadors, making very special visits to the 'Holy Father'. This force is truly astounding and we look at these verses here and how can we not agree that God's true people- His people- not those who are caught up in idoltry holding fast to beliefs and doctrines that aren't God's but so close to the true the counterfeit is accepted for the real thing; how can we not agree that God's people are few?
I know thy works
and charity
and service
and faith
and thy patience
and thy works
and the last to be more than the first.
This sounds so amazing doesn't it? Charity, service, faith, patience and works. Something God's people truly hope to attain in a walk with Jesus Christ, in a life dedicated to God.
Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee
because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel which calleth herself a prophetess
to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication
and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.
And I gave her space to repent of her fornication
and she repented not.
Behold, I will cast her into a bed
and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation
except they repent of their deeds.
And I will kill her children with death
and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts
and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.
God's people...suffering one who claims to be something she's not? God's people allowing a people of false beliefs to teach and seduce those who would truly follow the one and only true God? God's people holding fast to the worships of idols living a life that is geared towards worshipping the false gods and not the true. We're not talking outright worship of Satan, but rather deception, seduction and you don't seduce with forcefulness. You seduce with subtle actions. You lure with seduction. A false people whose hearts do not belong to God but seem to, they could lure a true follower away. Those who seduce will be lost with the seductress, those she considers her children will die with her. God, the one and only true God knows the reins and the hearts of us all. We will be given as we work- and the work is a result of our choices. The choices we make determine our lives and the lives that are not given fully to God- reins and heart- will have no part in Him.
But unto you I say,
and unto the rest in Thyatira,
as many as have not this doctrine,
and which have not known the depths of Satan,
as they speak;
I will put upon you none other burden.
But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.
And he that overcometh,
and keepeth my works unto the end,
to him will I give power over the nations
And he shall rule them with a rod of iron
as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers
even as I received of my Father.
And I will give him the morning star.
He that hath an ear,
let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
Hold fast till Christ comes. The heart fully consecrated to Christ in all needs to hold fast, not give up. Admonished to hold fast it's something all God's people throughout time need to do, those then, those through all the years, those today.
To us who do overcome, to us who keep Christ's works up until the end- Christ will give us power through Him over the nations, we will rule through Him with a rod of iron and all the earthly, ungodly in the nations will be destroyed utterly- shattered to pieces. As the Father gave to Christ His Son, we too will receive from Christ all that He can give to us- even Himself.
May God bless and keep us in Him! May we not be deceived as the masses who have been, are, and will be seduce by the evil of Satan. Let us hold fast in Him! Now and forever by His mercy and His loving grace. Amen.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
I know thy works...
And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write-
These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges
I know thy works,
and where thou dwellest
even where Satan’s seat is
and thou holdest fast my name
and hast not denied my faith
even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr
who was slain among you
where Satan dwelleth.
But I have a few things against thee
because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam
who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel
to eat things sacrificed unto idols
and to commit fornication.
So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes
which thing I hate.
or else I will come unto thee quickly
and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.
He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches
To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna
and will give him a white stone
and in the stone a new name written
which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.
The historical time period this covers- Constantine, or perhaps, rather, from his professed conversion to Christianity in A.D. 323, to the establishment of the papacy in A.D. 538.
Who has a sharp sword with two edges? What is the two edged sword all about?
{149:1} Praise ye the LORD. Sing unto the LORD a new song, [and] his praise in the congregation of saints.
{149:2} Let Israel rejoice in him that made him: let the children of Zion be joyful in their King.
{149:3} Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp.
{149:4} For the LORD taketh pleasure in his people: he will beautify the meek with salvation.
{149:5} Let the saints be joyful in glory: let them sing aloud upon their beds.
{149:6} [Let] the high [praises] of God [be] in their mouth, and a twoedged sword in their hand;
{149:7} To execute vengeance upon the heathen, [and] punishments upon the people;
{149:8} To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron;
{149:9} To execute upon them the judgment written: this honour have all his saints. Praise ye the LORD.
{4:12} For the word of God [is] quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and [is] a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart
{1:13} And in the midst of the seven candlesticks [one] like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.
{1:14} His head and [his] hairs [were] white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes [were] as a flame of fire;
{1:15} And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.
{1:16} And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance [was] as the sun shineth in his strength.
He who has the two-edged sword is Jesus. And from just noting a bit more about the two-edged sword it's easy to see that it's symbolic of God's quick and decisive manner. There is no deception, no guile, no toying when it comes to God and all He does is precise. His word is more powerful and sharper than a two-edged sword. And the power and sharpness of such a sword is tremendous. Jesus speaking with such exacting vengeance in such a way that there leaves no doubt to the truth of his actions- none. Jesus speaks to us holding nothing back.
I know thy works,
and where thou dwellest
even where Satan’s seat is
and thou holdest fast my name
and hast not denied my faith
even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr
who was slain among you
where Satan dwelleth.
He knows our works! He knew them back in the days of John, He knew them in the early years of God's people- His church historically, and He knows us even now. It's safe to say Jesus has known us through all time and there was never a time He didn't know His people. Even when His people have caused Him grief He's known and has tried to guide them down the right path of His righteousness.
He knows thy works, where thou dwellest- where we live. He knows. And He knowns where Satan's seat is and make no mistake about it- Satan has his foothold in this world he was cast out to upon the birth of salvation realized in Jesus' entrance into our world as He took on the flesh of humanity. Satan cast to this earth never more to call heaven (God's seat) his home. Yes, Satan has his powers and his influence and he's used them to form his own plans that include a place where he would dwell and rule from. Satan's seat. Living among the very place where the evil one, the opposer, the deceiver was in power and holding fast to the true faith of Christ- what wonder! Holding fast to Christ! Not denying Christ's faith! When to be martyred for such faith, for holding firm and denying the power of Satan even in a place where Satan seemingly reigns supreme- so amazing!
Then, now. People say that there are no more martyrs, I say they're wrong. There are many, many marytrs today. In fact just writing what I'm writing would be cause for my death in some countries. We don't want to believe it, but it's true. Wherever we are living, in whatever situation we find ourselves even if it's the worst place imaginable- if we hold fast to Christ and remain faithful then we will have His blessing. I'm not just talking a life or death situation with a true sword ready to slice our head from our shoulders. I'm talking living in the world that Satan claims as His and holding fast. It's all too easy for us to give in and go along with the crowd. To laugh and smile, and seemingly agree with the goings on even when they bold-facedly ridicule all that is Godly. Inwardly we might condemn the actions about us and we cling to that inward man, but outwardly we seem to agree with the ungodliness and what does that mean? We're ashamed of our beliefs. If we won't hold fast to Christ and our faith in Him now in the little things, how will we do so later on when our very lives may depend on seemingly agreeing with the ungodly? Will we align ourselves with the ungodly so that we can live? Or be martyrs to hold fast to Christ?
The historical message, the message for all time, we need to learn, to listen, to take to heart what is being said.
But I have a few things against thee
because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam
who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel
to eat things sacrificed unto idols
and to commit fornication.
So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes
which thing I hate.
or else I will come unto thee quickly
and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.
He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches
To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna
and will give him a white stone
and in the stone a new name written
which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.
Hold the doctrine of Balaam... idol worship in all it's ugly forms.
Again just because you don't live in a town where they have festivals to worship the sun god Baal, does not mean there is no idol worship today. Among God's people there are those who hold fast to the belief that worshipping the world rather than God means the most. We can't worship any other than God! Search our hearts and our lives and examine what lies within- is it worship to anything other than God? Is there a self-worship? The worship of any thing that would take us from God?
We need to repent and not face the righteous wrath of Christ.
Listen! We are told to LISTEN!
If we overcome through Christ we will be given hidden manna- heavenly food so precious. We will be given a white stone- a stone of purity and innocence in Christ. In that stone we'll receive our new name, a new name only we know. God made a point to give Abram and Sari new names and He also gave Jacob a new name. We who overcome as they overcame by faith in God and His righteousness we too will receive a new name.
By His mercy, by His grace, by His love and by His righteousness alone may we cling to Him and be found in Him to be overcomers through Him and Him alone. Forgive us oh Lord, forgive us our many, many tresspasss, our many failings and set us on Your path to Your righteousness- now and forever!
And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write-
These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges
I know thy works,
and where thou dwellest
even where Satan’s seat is
and thou holdest fast my name
and hast not denied my faith
even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr
who was slain among you
where Satan dwelleth.
But I have a few things against thee
because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam
who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel
to eat things sacrificed unto idols
and to commit fornication.
So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes
which thing I hate.
or else I will come unto thee quickly
and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.
He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches
To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna
and will give him a white stone
and in the stone a new name written
which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.
The historical time period this covers- Constantine, or perhaps, rather, from his professed conversion to Christianity in A.D. 323, to the establishment of the papacy in A.D. 538.
Who has a sharp sword with two edges? What is the two edged sword all about?
{149:1} Praise ye the LORD. Sing unto the LORD a new song, [and] his praise in the congregation of saints.
{149:2} Let Israel rejoice in him that made him: let the children of Zion be joyful in their King.
{149:3} Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp.
{149:4} For the LORD taketh pleasure in his people: he will beautify the meek with salvation.
{149:5} Let the saints be joyful in glory: let them sing aloud upon their beds.
{149:6} [Let] the high [praises] of God [be] in their mouth, and a twoedged sword in their hand;
{149:7} To execute vengeance upon the heathen, [and] punishments upon the people;
{149:8} To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron;
{149:9} To execute upon them the judgment written: this honour have all his saints. Praise ye the LORD.
{4:12} For the word of God [is] quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and [is] a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart
{1:13} And in the midst of the seven candlesticks [one] like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.
{1:14} His head and [his] hairs [were] white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes [were] as a flame of fire;
{1:15} And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.
{1:16} And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance [was] as the sun shineth in his strength.
He who has the two-edged sword is Jesus. And from just noting a bit more about the two-edged sword it's easy to see that it's symbolic of God's quick and decisive manner. There is no deception, no guile, no toying when it comes to God and all He does is precise. His word is more powerful and sharper than a two-edged sword. And the power and sharpness of such a sword is tremendous. Jesus speaking with such exacting vengeance in such a way that there leaves no doubt to the truth of his actions- none. Jesus speaks to us holding nothing back.
I know thy works,
and where thou dwellest
even where Satan’s seat is
and thou holdest fast my name
and hast not denied my faith
even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr
who was slain among you
where Satan dwelleth.
He knows our works! He knew them back in the days of John, He knew them in the early years of God's people- His church historically, and He knows us even now. It's safe to say Jesus has known us through all time and there was never a time He didn't know His people. Even when His people have caused Him grief He's known and has tried to guide them down the right path of His righteousness.
He knows thy works, where thou dwellest- where we live. He knows. And He knowns where Satan's seat is and make no mistake about it- Satan has his foothold in this world he was cast out to upon the birth of salvation realized in Jesus' entrance into our world as He took on the flesh of humanity. Satan cast to this earth never more to call heaven (God's seat) his home. Yes, Satan has his powers and his influence and he's used them to form his own plans that include a place where he would dwell and rule from. Satan's seat. Living among the very place where the evil one, the opposer, the deceiver was in power and holding fast to the true faith of Christ- what wonder! Holding fast to Christ! Not denying Christ's faith! When to be martyred for such faith, for holding firm and denying the power of Satan even in a place where Satan seemingly reigns supreme- so amazing!
Then, now. People say that there are no more martyrs, I say they're wrong. There are many, many marytrs today. In fact just writing what I'm writing would be cause for my death in some countries. We don't want to believe it, but it's true. Wherever we are living, in whatever situation we find ourselves even if it's the worst place imaginable- if we hold fast to Christ and remain faithful then we will have His blessing. I'm not just talking a life or death situation with a true sword ready to slice our head from our shoulders. I'm talking living in the world that Satan claims as His and holding fast. It's all too easy for us to give in and go along with the crowd. To laugh and smile, and seemingly agree with the goings on even when they bold-facedly ridicule all that is Godly. Inwardly we might condemn the actions about us and we cling to that inward man, but outwardly we seem to agree with the ungodliness and what does that mean? We're ashamed of our beliefs. If we won't hold fast to Christ and our faith in Him now in the little things, how will we do so later on when our very lives may depend on seemingly agreeing with the ungodly? Will we align ourselves with the ungodly so that we can live? Or be martyrs to hold fast to Christ?
The historical message, the message for all time, we need to learn, to listen, to take to heart what is being said.
But I have a few things against thee
because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam
who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel
to eat things sacrificed unto idols
and to commit fornication.
So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes
which thing I hate.
or else I will come unto thee quickly
and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.
He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches
To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna
and will give him a white stone
and in the stone a new name written
which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.
Hold the doctrine of Balaam... idol worship in all it's ugly forms.
Again just because you don't live in a town where they have festivals to worship the sun god Baal, does not mean there is no idol worship today. Among God's people there are those who hold fast to the belief that worshipping the world rather than God means the most. We can't worship any other than God! Search our hearts and our lives and examine what lies within- is it worship to anything other than God? Is there a self-worship? The worship of any thing that would take us from God?
We need to repent and not face the righteous wrath of Christ.
Listen! We are told to LISTEN!
If we overcome through Christ we will be given hidden manna- heavenly food so precious. We will be given a white stone- a stone of purity and innocence in Christ. In that stone we'll receive our new name, a new name only we know. God made a point to give Abram and Sari new names and He also gave Jacob a new name. We who overcome as they overcame by faith in God and His righteousness we too will receive a new name.
By His mercy, by His grace, by His love and by His righteousness alone may we cling to Him and be found in Him to be overcomers through Him and Him alone. Forgive us oh Lord, forgive us our many, many tresspasss, our many failings and set us on Your path to Your righteousness- now and forever!
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