Thursday, September 3, 2009

No deceit before the throne of God.

Rev. {14:5} And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God.

No guile.

guile (gìl) noun
1. Treacherous cunning; skillful deceit.

Excerpted from The American Heritage® Dictionary

No deceit before the throne of God.

There will be a people that stand before the throne of God without fault, without any deceit. What does that mean? That there are also going to be a people- those not standing before the thrown of God that are at fault and are filled with guile- filled with deceit.

In a world where lying is acceptable as long as no one really gets hurt, as long as you can get away with the lie and all, how many people are filled with deceit? Seriously. White lies, harmless lies, lies that hurt no one, lies that would prove more harmful if not told- these are lies we accept; we even say we understand usually when a person confesses that lie later adding I didn't want to hurt you. We understand. Why do we understand? Because we find ourselve lying the same way and understand another's seeming need to do so. Because it's wrong to hurt someone isn't it? So the choice between hurting someone and lying is made and the lying considered the lesser of two evils.

Lying, deceitfulness.

To stand before the throne of God there will be a people that have no guile in them.

Impossible we say because we know all seem to lie in one way or another.

Not impossible with Christ.

Do you think Christ ever lied to save someone from a painful truth? No. Do you think Christ lied and decieved so that he'd be accepted? Do you think our Lord and Savior had anything deceitful in Him? Anything? No. The truth was considered better than a lie any day, the truth better than deception.

Only Christ can save us, only Christ. And those who stand before the throne of God without guile, without fault only do so because they are His and He claims them as being His. When we are Christ and take on HIS righteousness we can have hope of standing before the throne of God, we can't stand there at all in our own filthy garments, in our own filthy world of deceits and lies.

By the grace and mercy of Christ may we be found in HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, knowing we have none of our own, none.


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