Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Keepers of the Truth

{26:1} In that day shall this song be sung in the land of Judah; We have a strong city; salvation will God appoint for walls and bulwarks.
{26:2} Open ye the gates, that the righteous nation which keepeth the truth may enter in.
{26:3} Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusteth in thee.
{26:4} Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength:

Which keepeth truth.

Truth. Lest we make the mistake of thinking it doesn't matter what truth is, we really need to think again.

I've heard it said that everyone has their own truth to follow and yet truth by its very definition can not be of a personal interpretation.


1. Conformity to fact or actuality.
2. A statement proven to be or accepted as true.
3. Sincerity; integrity.
4. Fidelity to an original or a standard.
5. Reality; actuality.

Fact. Actuality. Proven, accepted as true. Sincere. Original standard. Reality, actuality.



1. The state or fact of being actual; reality.



People have different perceptions of reality, but in truth (and that's what this is about), in truth if everyone had a different reality the world would be pure chaos on such a level it couldn't function in any cohesive manner at all.

Rule and regulations couldn't exist in a world where one person's reality differed from another's entirely.

We all exist in our own little worlds of emotions and things in our world, our reality of existence might effect us differently, but it's the same reality of existence just the effect and how we deal with it can change even minutely from person to person.

We all go to a local football game and watch the same game, was the experience the same for everyone? No. Why? Because our thoughts and emotions are different from person to person. I may be rooting for a player who has an off game and fumbles the ball and it saddens me. You might be rooting for the player who recovers the fumble and scores a touchdown and you're thrilled. All in all it's the same game we're watching but we have a different emotional investment in the game. I may see close up another player tripped up, you may have looked off to the refreshment hawker at that time and didn't see what I saw, same game, different perspective.

All in all there are fundamental truths regardless of perception.

Even our own Declaration of Independence states... 'We hold these truths to be self-evident'

Certain truths to be self-evident.

Fundamental truths.

While some are busy debating God's existence, and still others are caught up in picking apart everything they can in order to refute every instance of God so that faith can't exist with them, the truth of the entire matter is - God is truth.

'Open ye the gates, that the righteous nation which keepeth the truth may enter in'

There will always be those who keep the truth and those who do not, until Jesus comes again and everything changes.

Keeping the truth is keeping God.

Remember-- Eccl. {12:13} 'Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.'

God is the Truth.

John {14:6} 'Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.'

God is the Truth.

Jesus came to live as a man among us with all truth and all mercy.

It's through Jesus' merciful grace that we can go to God. It's through Jesus that we have a chance where before their was none. From the moment sin entered human kind there was the way to be forgiven- the looking for the way, the example of things to come, the reality of the example being made flesh- all ways to be with God. Jesus' sacrifice enables us to come to the Father, and Jesus' way is the truth. God is truth, His ways are truth.

So while the world may be filled with many different perceptions of a situation based on individual emotions and such, just like that football game there are fundamental truths. There was a game. There was a winner and a loser. No one can dispute those truths no matter what they saw during the game.

In life there is only one truth- God. We all have different lives that lead us down many rocky emotional roads, my perception of life will be different from yours, but the fundamental truth is God loves us, God is love, God is the truth we all have in common whether we want to believe in Him or not.

Just because I don't go to that football game doesn't mean it didn't exist.

God exists and not all will follow Him, not all will be keepers of the truth, not all will accept His love, or accept Jesus' sacrifice.

May God help us all as we search for truth in Him. The world will have it's own brand of truth and there will be many trying to confound the truth into obscurity so that it won't matter at all whether it's kept. Regardless of how people individually view the truth, the truth exists. Help us Heavenly Father, help us to recognize the truth in You so that we many enter in as keepers of the truth. Through the mercy and grace of Your Holy, all Merciful Son, Jesus Christ our Savior.


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