Sunday, October 12, 2008

May we all choose truth

Jeremiah {4:2} And thou shalt swear, The LORD liveth, in truth, in judgment, and in righteousness; and the nations shall bless themselves in him, and in him shall they glory.

The Lord lives in...


How beauitful that is. There is no guile, no laspe in judgment, no unrighteousness in God. As human beings we like when we find an honest person. That person who finds a wallet and returns it money intact. The person who sees you've over paid and gives you the extra back. The person who goes the extra mile to do a good, honest job. We all love finding that person especially if it's a car mechanic, a small appliance store worker, a cashier, it restores our faith in mankind when we witness or are part of an act of honesty.

God is forever honest, forever truthful.

Acts around us can be as sinful as they come, but God is truth.

We wouldn't want to follow a lying God, would we?

Many choose to follow a lying angel gone bad without any hesitation. They let Him lead their lives in all they do and don't think twice about it.

God is truth now and always and if you want truth in your life you need God, all else is lies.

If you don't have God you have lies no matter how pretty they are, no matter how relaxed and sweet your life is, no matter how together you think you have it, you don't it's all lies.

If your life isn't all sweet and nice, but drudgery putting in time at work, trying to get a little time in to relax, one day after the other all of them almost the same, it still matters.

God needs to be in our lives no matter the walk we are on, no matter the circumstances. Rich, poor, happy, sad, in pain, pain-free, confused, unconfused, none of that matters beyond the truth. God. In all walks of life we need the truth in God in our lives. It's not easy, not when we have so much temptation to sin and embrace the sins because they do bring us pleasure, they do ease some of what we think of as life's pain.

Life isn't easy, not living in a world of sin. Some think that because they were thrown into this mess, that they didn't ask to be born, that they didn't make things the way they are it gives them the right to embrace all the temptations, satisfy their base needs wherever they can, it's their right because they exist.

Just being alive gives each person the right to choose. Circumstances don't matter, they have the right to choose and it's our choices that determine whether we follow truth or lies, whether we follow the God of truth or the father of lies. Make no mistake- it's a choice we all make, even if we veil it thickly trying to disguise the fact we have to make it so we can lie to ourselves and try to believe we never had a choice so that makes us innocent.

Jeremiah {4:2} And thou shalt swear, The LORD liveth, in truth, in judgment, and in righteousness; and the nations shall bless themselves in him, and in him shall they glory.

The Lord liveth in truth, judgment, and righteousness.

May we all choose truth, by the mercy and grace of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.


“Hear counsel, and receive instruction, that thou mayest be wise in thy latter end. There are many devices in a man's heart; nevertheless the counsel of the LORD, that shall stand.”- Proverbs 19:20-21

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