Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hope in Reality

Heb 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

This is a much beloved verse because when someone asks you what faith is, or if you want to know yourself what faith is then this verse tells you-- faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Faith is-
1) The substance of things hoped for.
2) The evidence of things not seen.

What is the substance of things hoped for- anything we hope for?

The New Testament Greek Lexicon: Substance- Hupostasis hoop-os'-tas-is

Definition -- a setting or placing under thing put under, substructure, foundation that which has foundation, is firm that which has actual existence a substance, real being the substantial quality, nature, of a person or thing the steadfastness of mind, firmness, courage, resolution confidence, firm trust, assurance

This substance that is hoped for isn't a dream. This substance hoped for isn't some fantasy. This substance has REAL existence, REAL being. When we hope for something doesn't it have basis in reality? If I hope for a million dollars the reality is that people sometimes do win a million dollars. If I hope for good weather my hope is in something real- the weather. People do have pipe dreams, people do fantasize about unrealistic things, but unless they are mentally challenged on some level they don't hope for unrealistic things. A person in their right mind doesn't hope to become a super hero. They might have a passing thought about how cool it would be to be a super hero, but to actually hope to be one, well, that is a hope in something unsubstantial, a hope in something that doesn't have actual existence. The substance that is hoped for in this verse on faith is a hope in something REAL.

Eternal life is real.
The promise of God is real.
Our Savior is real.

Living in a world that would have us put our REAL HOPE into the realm of fiction and fantasy we have to know beyond any doubt that our hope is more real then anything we can touch, taste, see, feel, or smell. God is more real than anything else is real, and people would have you believe that's not true. They would rather you believe we exist and have always existed without God. They would have you believe that you were some ooze on the ground that evolved. That your ancestor was an ape. This is more real to these people- these unseen, unproven things, these fictions and fantasies are more real to some people than the truth- that they have a Creator.

Faith- the substance (the reality) of things hoped for. Our REAL hope.

By the grace of God we will have a REAL hope in our Savior.

More tomorrow.

By the will of our God now and forever.


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