Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Perfected Forever

Heb 10:11 And every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins:
Heb 10:12 But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God

We know that Jesus revealed Himself on earth after His death first before He had seen His Father when no one could touch Him, and then afterwards where He was able to be touched and to eat. He was very much REAL, very much alive after His death and He did not ascend immediately to His Father, and sit down on the right Hand of God. The point here being that the ONE sacrifice for sins for ever is something we need to be fully aware of. To a people used to offering many sacrifices- daily sacrifices- morning and night to have that done away with is a HUGE deal. We have never lived that sort of existence. God's chosen people were DAILY aware of the fact that sacrifices for sins were being made twice daily. God's chosen people KNEW that the entire sacrificial system was in place to keep the one with God- God's chosen. Think about it for a moment, really think… every day blood sacrifices, the death of animals on your behalf, blood being shed for real. It seems really *WOW* to me, but to a people used to that way of life I can imagine it's no different than knowing the meat I put on my table has been killed for me. We don't really THINK about it, it's just the way of life. I suppose even for those doing the killing it can become a way of life without any true significance. The service could be done by rote- even the killing. The shock value of realizing the whole sacrificial system was enacted to bring God and man together would be gone after a bit, just as for a lot of people (dare I say- most people) are on fire for God when they are at first born again but after a bit- a year, two years- more or less that fire that was roaring becomes mere embers and oft times just goes out altogether. Even for those who don't lose the fire completely most would admit to having their bonfire for Christ becoming a campfire for Christ, some would even admit to having mere hot coals. Why is it? In life it's that way a lot for many things isn't it? The newness of something bring excitement but quickly that excitement gives way to slowly fading.

Anyways we were talking about the sacrificial system again. Jesus offered Himself ONCE for us. He hasn't died over and over and over and endlessly over for our sins. He died ONCE and that sacrifice is applicable for taking away all sin. The power in Christ's sacrifice is perfect. That power isn't used in a blanket effect automatically covering ALL sin everywhere. That power is used for those that would be His.

Heb 10:13 From henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool.
Heb 10:14 For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.

By ONE offering He hath perfected for ever THEM THAT ARE sanctified. Sanctified meaning--


1. Made holy; consecrated; set apart for sacred services.

2. Affectedly holy.


Perfected for ever THEM that are MADE HOLY.

How are we made holy?

Joh 17:17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

Through the word of God.

Who is the word of God?

Joh 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Them that are SANCTIFIED… are perfected by Christ's sacrifice. They aren't perfected through ANY thing they do themselves outside of their accepting Christ's sacrifice for them.

Not everyone will be sanctified. It's the truth. There is NO one blanket sanctification covers all human kind. People WANT to believe there is guaranteed salvation, guaranteed life after death, guaranteed continuance in some way, shape, or form- endlessly. How sad an existence people must have if they truly believe this life is all they have. You hear it all the time- make the best of things because this is it. People get down on other people for not living their lives with abandoned because why not live it that way- this is all there is there ain't no more. Seize the day, you've heard that saying I'm sure. Seize the day because you aren't promised tomorrow. But WE ARE promised tomorrow, we are! We are promised tomorrow in the realm of eventual eternal existence without any death. Why would ANYONE want to live for the here and now believing this is all life is and all they'll have or be, that every person only has what this life gives them or what they can take from life. Tell that to the person born deformed, tell that to the child who is dying, tell that to the person born ugly, to the person born with an abrasive personality they can't seem to alter, to the person who has been labeled unlucky, to the less intelligent person who can't seem to learn like others can learn. TOO many people believe that others CAN change things in this life but you know what, A LOT Of things can't be changed! I can't change my shyness, believe me, I've tried! People can't change a lot about themselves and some that find changing themselves simple are a rarity and those people believe others should be able to be like them- find changing easy. I know from my limited experience with life that some things are inherited from our parents and it doesn't matter who raises you those inherited traits will still be there. I'm talking mannerisms, emotions, attitudes… I know this to be true because my children who were raised by a man that was not their birth father have many of their birth father's traits. Having NOT been raised by their birth father if those things weren't inherited HOW did they get them? Seriously. There is a lot we inherit from our parents and they from their parents and so on, a lot - and a lot of it can be good things, and a lot can be bad things. The point being that becoming the person we imagine would be perfection doesn't exist in this world. No matter what you will have heart ache and pain in this world- no matter how perfect you are with your better than thou attitude, with your attitudes of superiority, you will cry. This world will give you grief. You will find out that you're not all you are cracked up to be. When the blinders are pulled away and you face some of the rawest emotions in existence, and you feel touched by despair that you could never have imagined, maybe then you can admit the truth of it all- this LIFE is not all there is- not for you and not for me, not for anyone ever. There IS no guaranteed forever, it is conditional and it is based upon your relationship with God. Even Jesus' forever was based upon His relationship with His Father, His Father raising Him from the dead and giving Him back His life. No, people don't want to believe that obtaining forever is conditional- it's just easier to believe it's automatic. We have media of all sort willing to feed this delusion and Satan right there to reassure you that you're good enough to go to heaven or rather, God is good enough to allow bad you into heaven. Yes, I said Satan is right there to reassure you. Satan wants people to believe in the 'everybody is going to heaven' delusion. He wants you to believe that you can work your way to heaven. What HE doesn't want you to believe is that you have to daily commit your life to Christ and His will, trusting in Christ to save you, trusting in Christ's righteousness.

Daily commit.
Having faith in Christ.

Christ has to be real to you, you have to have a real relationship with Christ, a living, breathing relationship with our Savior. He has to KNOW you and you have to know Him.

Heb 10:14 For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.

May we all be Sanctified by our Lord and Savior perfected by Him through His love, His sacrifice.

By His grace!


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