Thursday, March 24, 2011

Agree with thine adversary quickly

Mat 5:25 Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him; lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison.
Mat 5:26 Verily I say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means come out thence, till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing.

Agree- reconcile with
Adversary- enemy, opponent

This seems strange doesn't it? Agreeing with one you don't agree with on principle. To have an enemy, to have an opponent means not agreeing with that person- they are your enemy, you obviously don't agree. Can you think of a person who is or has been your adversary in the past, or even currently? In thinking about them what makes them your adversary? You could say something as simple as ' "I just don't like them." and that could be true, we don't instantly like everyone, some people are very abrasive to our personalities and seem very incompatible. So we just don't like them and they just don't like us and in not liking each other we aren't inclined to want to be agreeable with each other. However, and this is a big HOWEVER, Jesus would have us LOVE our enemies and adversaries.

Mat 5:44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies...

Just in the previous verses Jesus is teaching us the importance of loving our fellowman. How we aren't to treat others badly, we can't judge another's eternal life, we can't KNOW another as God can know them.

So when Jesus tells us to agree with our adversaries He's NOT telling us to BE LIKE our adversaries. Jesus is NOT telling us to agree to their evil and commit evil with them. Jesus is really telling us to LOVE our adversary. We can LOVE our enemies, we can love our adversaries because GOD loves us! If we are loveable to God, then our enemies are loveable to God, and if our enemies are loveable to God they are loveable to us. Do we have to like them? No. Do we have to like what they do? No. Can we judge their actions? We HAVE to judge their actions because the actions people make reveal right and wrong and by judging an action we decide whether or not we're going to do right or wrong ourselves. We must love but commit no sin in doing so. Agreeing with our adversaries does not mean going along with their sins, their crimes, their wrongs. If we were asked by our adversary to commit sin we should NOT commit sin- it's not that sort of agreeing!

Agree- G2468 G2132

Second person imperative present of G1510; be thou: - + agree, be, X give thyself wholly to.

From a compound of G2095 and G3563; to be well minded, that is, reconcile: - agree.

Be well minded, be reconciled-

RECONCI'LED, pp. Brought into friendship from a state of disagreement or enmity; made consistent; adjusted.

AGREE', v.i.[L. gratia. the primary sense is advancing, from the same root as L. gradior.]

5. To come to a compromise of differences; to be reconciled.

AGREE', v.t. To admit, or come to one mind concerning; as, to agree the fact. Also, to reconcile or make friends; to put an end to variance; but these senses are unusual and hardly legitimate. Let the parties agree the fact, is really elliptical; let them agree on the fact.

I like this definition- to come to a compromise of differences- to be reconciled.

When we are with our adversaries and there are intense disagreements, resolving things is very important. When two people usually buckle down and don't *agree to disagree* they are digging their heels in and that refusal to PUT SELF aside is where Jesus would have us emulate Him and shove self totally aside and when that happens more often than not there is a reconciliation.

Self is often unwilling to agree to disagree. Self is right there wanting victory. Self wants to be proven right at all costs. Self wants earthly justice which is often missing in many, many trials between adversaries. I've found out personally dealing with the courts and my ex-husband for child support issues that fairness, justice is RARE! That's just my experience there but I'm sure there are a lot of instances where justice seems absent and the guilty win over and over again. We see a whole lot of *proven innocent years later through DNA evidence* going on and for every case that is proven you know there have to be so many more that are as well but they're not proven. Satan loves when the innocent suffer and if he can get an innocent put in jail he has an easy situation in which to corrupt that person. They might not have been guilty before but the incarceration experience changes all that. Is it any wonder we should not be eager to get involved in situations that lead to adversarial disagreements that could have us end up in jail?

Brotherly love, selflessness, these are things Jesus wants to teach us, things we should all be learning and building on that learning experience daily. We have countless opportunities to love, to show the love of our Savior.

Mat 5:25 Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him; lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison.
Mat 5:26 Verily I say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means come out thence, till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing.

We should show brotherly love and selflessness when we are with our adversaries, having a willingness to agree to disagree, having a willingness to be cheated, abused, face injustices without seeking vengeance. Jesus is our example in ALL things and there were many adversaries He faced that wanted to do Him harm. He didn't provoke them. He didn't taunt them. He didn't seek earthly justice. He spoke truthfully in all things but He did not egg on His adversaries hoping they'd drag Him to court. The Apostles were the same. They did NOT provoke their adversaries, they did stand up for the truth in all things and they were judged and killed for their faith. Does this mean they didn't listen to Jesus? That they didn't *agree* with their adversaries? No. They did listen to Jesus. They NEVER senselessly sought to provoke their adversaries, never.

Jesus would have us love one another selflessly. When we find ourselves in-- let's call them *tense* situations, when we face adversarial encounters , let's remember Jesus' words. It's not important that we garner justice here on earth no matter how much we desire that justice. Allowing others to seek our pain and use the government court system to increase that pain tenfold- or to the *uttermost farthing* isn't what Jesus would have us do. We must do as He would have us do, we must learn what Jesus wants to teach us and by His grace we will!

In His love!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful thoughts. Thank you.