Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ask Seek Knock

Mat 7:7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
Mat 7:8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

How simple that sounds, doesn't it? Seriously, it sounds amazingly simple. Ask and receive. Seek and find. Knock and the door is open. Simple.

Ask and it SHALL be given you.
Seek and ye SHALL find.
Knock and it SHALL be opened unto you.

And everyone that does this will have the same results. It doesn't get more simple than that, right?

How lovely it would be if all life was this way- if all that we asked for we received, if all we sought we found, and every time we knocked the door was opened. But I don't believe there is a single person who hasn't experienced asking and not receiving, seeking and not finding, knocking and not getting that door to open. We live with this throughout our lives. So what exactly does Jesus mean by telling us that everyone who asks, everyone who seeks, everyone who knocks- SHALL get what they 're wanting to get?

We need to remember what Jesus' message is for us-- preaching the Kingdom of Heaven.

What is Jesus teaching us?

How to receive the Kingdom of Heaven.

Jesus' life was all about this message, the gospel, salvation in Him, salvation from evil and reward in eternity. This is what Jesus was all about and NOTHING else! This is the love of our God, saving us. There is NO greater love, none! Being saved when we do not deserve saving- this is LOVE! If anyone tries to tell you differently they'd be steering you in the wrong direction.

Knowing this, we have to read this teaching message of our Savior with His message, His mission, in mind.

For seekers of Eternal Life in Jesus Christ-

Mat 7:7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
Mat 7:8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

Ask- acknowledge that you need to ask.
Seek-acknowledge that you need to seek.
Knock- acknowledge that you need to knock.

We are NOT given eternal life automatically.

We ARE given the choice to choose eternal life or not choose it.

We must ASK to be forgiven, we must ASK to be saved. We need to seek God, we need to seek life in Christ, we need to seek a relationship with our God. We need to knock and knocking is requesting entrance and we need to request entrance into the kingdom of heaven through our Savior, it is our Savior who OPENS that door we are knocking on.

This message to us is incredibly important, more than a simple directive. More than using this as a formula to try and wheedle our desires from God. So much more than us begging for material things in our lives, or our desires. It's a lot more than praying for things even very important things to us. There is nothing more genuine than a person praying for a sick loved one whether that loved one is a newborn babe or an elderly parent, and even this is more important than those genuine hearts desires. Nothing is more important than loving our God because it is FROM Him we have any ability to love whatsoever. Without God we do not have a real love to give others, it's just not possible. The love we might think we possess isn't the love that is true and pure because that love can ONLY come from God. It is by the grace of our Savior we can have this love through HIM.

It is NO mistake, no slip of our Savior's tongue when He told us this--

Mat 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Not a mistake at all! This is life advice, eternal life advice, the advice of love unfathomable love!

By the grace and mercy of our Lord may we come to understand this message fully all in Him!
