Thursday, September 6, 2012

Jesus- Our Perfect Example of Perfect Submission to God

From yesterday-

Jas 4:7  Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

'In that submission comes resistance towards the Devil who would have us never yield ourselves to God. The last thing the Devil wants is our submission towards God because he knows when we are submitted to God that he cannot touch our eternal life and that is the thing he wants most from us- our eternal life.'

Why do you suppose it is that a lot of people who seemingly reject God and embrace Satan's ways have what we'd call a good life? They make lots of money, they have power, fame. I'm not going to say, and will never say, that Satan controls all the rich, famous, powerful people. I am going to and will always say that Satan controls most of them. Satan could careless what devices he uses to keep us from eternal life.  If some are kept his by riches, great. If others are kept his by adversity, wonderful. If giving fame to others will keep them from God, Satan is thrilled.  Some curse God when they face rough times and others embrace Him. Some bless God when they gain riches, and others… well, most are thrilled and will seldom curse God for good things. And while they might not curse God they may grow seemingly closer to God as they receive what they perceive are blessings, but truthfully a lot of those who do this are the first to curse God when bad things begin to happen and so you KNOW that the relationship they've forged with God is superficial and not a true one. They are only God's when good happens and when bad strikes they blame God. 

There are as many variations of relationships we can forge as there are grains of sand on the sea shore. No two relationships are completely the same.

The ultimate end to all our lives is one of permanent life or permanent death, nothingness.

Satan isn't so much concerned with our temporary death sleep except to ONLY get us into that death sleep before we are God's. If he can get us to die in our sins, unrepentant, unregenerate to the new life in Christ, then he's thrilled because he has claimed another for his side.  If HE is going to meet his ultimate end, he wants to take as many of us human beings with him as he possibly can and this is his goal, his reason for what he does. He would deprive God of as many of His possible children as he can.

God created human beings lower than the angels, and yet, it was an angel who introduced sin and then encouraged humans to sin.  That angel had NO ONE, NO BEING whatsoever encouraging him to sin. 

Just as a child who grows up in a wonderful environment with truly no horrors that can infect many childhoods, and that child turns out to be filled with evil.  People look to the parents to blame them. People want to learn of that sicko's warped, deranged upbringing that turned him or her into that evil creature. It's NOT always true that there is a horrific childhood to blame.  So how does it happen? It happens with the choices we make .

Two children in the same environment and one turns out great the other horrible so what's to blame? The choices the individuals made shaped them. We make choices. Both could have been confronted by the choice to commit sin, but only one may have embraced that sin while the other shunned it.

Our choices shape us and will always shape us.

If Satan can influence our choices to his design then he's going to do it, no matter what that means. He stops at NOTHING to urge us to sin.  Just as we know and believe that he influenced our first parents, he influences each of us. He doesn't sleep, he doesn't have to rest at all, he can work ceaselessly to get us to be his, on his side.


SUBMISSION to GOD is our ONLY protection, our ONLY means of resisting Satan. You cannot submit to God and God's ways, and fall to Satan's evil. It's only when we STOP submitting that we are overcome by sin. 

Our SAVIOR was the perfect example of perfect submission to the will of God. Jesus' entire life was one of submission to the Father God.

We must cling to our SAVIOR, cling to HIS righteousness and pray for the same submissiveness, the same yielding to God that He had and has towards Him.

Remember, Christ could do NOTHING without the FATHER. He dare NOT do anything without the FATHER! The Father is LIFE, the Father is LOVE! Choosing anything other than the FATHER is choosing death and evil, it may not seem so. A lot of sins seem completely harmless because the BIGGER picture is completely lost. We cannot afford to lose the BIGGER picture, yet for many the BIGGER picture is completely lost and they like it that way.  The bigger picture reveals God, it reveals us and our relationship with God. Unfortunately many don't even want to think about God at all or their relationship with Him.

Please Lord help us to CHOOSE YOU always! Help us SUBMIT to YOU and in that submission resist the Devil who would steal our eternal life with YOU and YOUR LOVE.

Help us LORD! Save US!

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