Thursday, January 24, 2013

Our hearts set on heaven

Mat 5:2  And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying…

Mat 6:19  Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
Mat 6:20  But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:
Mat 6:21  For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Do you have a single treasure here on earth right now? A single treasure.  We pity those who have no possessions, we call them poor, we call them destitute, we call them sad and miserable, lowly and unworthy. We call them bums, homeless, and we pity those who have nothing.

Yet we read this-

Lay NOT up for yourselves treasures upon earth.
Treasures- possessions- things that moths can destroy, things rust can ruin, things thieves can steal..

What sort of things are those? In truth, almost all things, right?

If you've ever had your home broken into by a thief you know the damage that can be done to your possessions.  That prized collection of silverware, the costly clothes and shoes, the jewelry you cherish, the electronics you love, they are gone, all gone.  And if all our treasured possessions are gone we mourn them, why, because our HEART is with those possessions.

How much do you cherish your eternal life? Seriously, do you find joy in the heavenly treasure you can possess? Or is heaven treasure so vague and surreal, so very intangible that you seldom think about it, let alone love it, putting your heart with it.

Jesus doesn't want us to TREASURE the things of earth.
Jesus wants us to put our TREASURE in heaven.

You most assuredly cannot put a shoe collection in heaven, in fact you cannot put anything material in heaven so what does that say? We are NOT to treasure material things, not a single one.  Does that mean we can't love our family heirlooms passed down over the years and beloved by great grandmothers, grandmothers, and mothers? That we can't love that hand print in clay that your baby made years ago? That we can't love the pictures of cherished memories of people long gone now?

Truthfully none of those things should fill our hearts as much as God, nothing should.  Enjoy them all, yet, but they shouldn't have our HEARTS to the exclusion of our GOD and heavenly treasure. You know that none of those things can go to heaven with you when you are called by Christ at His coming. You will NOT take a single thing with you, not one. 

We need to think about that a little bit because just how often do we sin over THINGS that ultimately have NO meaning at all, in the ETERNAL scheme of things?

I don't think we ask ourselves nearly enough if this or that matters in the eternal scheme of things. There is so much as I've said many times before that is TEMPORARY to ETERNITY.  We need to define and make all those things real as being TEMPORARY to ETERNITY so they aren't holding the importance that only Heaven should hold for us.

May God help us to put our HEARTS in heaven with HIM, and not here on anything earthly.

Our love for others is a HEAVENLY treasure as long as it is love that come from our SAVIOR, a real love, a godly love.


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