Sunday, January 27, 2013

Wasting the opportunity to trust

Mat 5:2  And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying…

Mat 6:25  Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?

How is it possible for us to take no thought for our lives when in truth isn't that mostly all we think about, our lives? How can we help but think of our lives? Our Savior doesn't want us to be overcome with the TEMPORARY to ETERNITY parts of our lives to the exclusion HIS will, loving others.

When He said take no thought for our lives He included the following-

Don't worry about what you're going to eat.
Don't worry about what you're going to drink.
Don't worry about what you're going to wear.

Life is MORE than eating and our bodies are mean more than what we are wearing.

Jesus KNEW the serious temptation that people fall into concerning food, drink, and clothing. He knew the DANGERS of us obsessing over those parts of our lives.  And we DO obsess over these things. We obsess over so incredibly much that we should never obsess over.

If our Father in heaven wants us to eat, drink, and wear clothes HE will provide a way for these things. That isn't to say we are to just sit about and wait for the stuff to fall out of the sky. In providing us these things He provides a way for us to get these things that won't have us obsessing, or sinning in any way.

He will provide the means.

He tells us NOT to WORRY.  We spend so much time WORRYING. 

The thing is, that old bottom line will forever read that whether you worry or not the situation remains the same, worrying will NOT change the situation. We have an opportunity towards FAITH that we squander on worry.  I'm so guilty of this, so incredibly guilty, Lord God please forgive me for wasting so many opportunities to trust You with my endless, my countless hours spent worrying - thinking about my life.

Please LORD help me to recognize the worry when it first creeps in and seek YOU in prayer, coming to YOU knowing YOU will provide whatever I truly need to fulfill YOUR will for me whatever that may be. Please LORD teach ME! Help me to LEARN LORD!

All through YOU, all through YOUR amazing LOVE!

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