Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Forsaking ourselves

 'The cleaving of soul and spirit means not only their separation but also a cracking open of the soul itself. Since the spirit is enveloped in the soul, it cannot be reached by the Word of life save through a cracked shell. The Word of the cross plunges in and splits open a way into and through the soul so that God’s life can reach the spirit within and liberate it from the bondage of its soulish shell. Having received the mark of the cross, the soul now can assume its proper position of subjection to the spirit. But if the soul fails to become a “thoroughfare” to the spirit, then the former surely will become the latter’s chain. These two never agree on any matter. Before the spirit achieves its rightful place of pre-eminence it is challenged persistently by the soul. While the spirit is striving to gain freedom and mastery the strong soul power exerts its utmost strength to suppress the spirit. Only after the cross has done its work on the soulish life is the spirit liberated. If we remain ignorant of the damage this discord between the spirit and soul can bring or remain unwilling to forsake the pleasure of a sensuous walk, we shall make hardly any spiritual progress.'  The Spiritual Man- Watchman Nee (Excerpt)

Spiritual progress.

Are we unwilling to forsake the pleasure of a sensuous walk?

How much of our lives is spent appeasing our senses in one way or another?

There are and there have been many people who believe that they need to forsake a lot of the material world in order to walk with God. Could they be right? We don't want to believe they are. We don't want to believe we may have to give up any of our creature comforts. We reason all around and in many different ways convincing ourselves we do not need to stop pleasing our senses.

Think on the following verse for a while….

Mat_16:24  Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself

When you've thought on this for a while ask yourself a question- What are you to deny?

More on this tomorrow by the grace and mercy of our Lord, Jesus Christ!!!

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