Thursday, September 7, 2017

Lord, Full of Truth.

Joh_1:14  And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

Jesus was full of TRUTH.
Jesus was TRUTH.

Do we want truth? Or do we prefer lies to truth?

Why would we prefer lies to truth? Because we like sin. We like living in the darkness. We like this because simply put we are SELFISH.

As long as we look to ourselves we will not be looking to Christ.

Not a single sin occurs that isn't self-focused in some way.

We sin when we are led away of our own lusts and let that lust create sin in us.  We will have lusts, but lusts can be denied (through our Savior, through the Holy Spirit). 

Jesus is TRUTH, Jesus is filled with TRUTH, we are not filled with truth if we are not filled with our Savior!

The truth isn't easy in a world that is plagued by sin. Where sin is called good and acceptable, where sin is even called holy and righteous- and we stand against what the majority believe is good, acceptable, holy and righteous, it is then we have to realize just how hard it is to live in truth.  So many do not find it hard because they are deceived -their truth is really lies and they can never see it because they refuse, they like their blindness.

With all the horrors in our world we choose to ignore a lot of sin because it is not the worst of sin. We teach ourselves to accept the lesser sins, the lesser lies because they really aren't all that bad, they aren't hurting anyone. We base our lives on what we determine is good or bad, and when we do that we are playing God. It's what GOD determines is good and bad, not us! It is the One who knows the end from the beginning who determines what is good and bad. It is our CREATOR who has the right, our REDEEMER who has the right, not us! We need to decide to FOLLOW their TRUTH not the truth we find acceptable.

Please, LORD full of TRUTH, please help us to follow all YOUR truth and not be deceived, not be corrupted by the evil, not be led away by evil, please! Save us from OURSELVES! Please!

All through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ now and forever and ever!

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