Friday, June 12, 2020

Thoughts Perish.

Life and Death are set before us…


Deu 30:19  I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live


Life and death.  Blessing and cursing. We choose. We choose life.


Deu 30:15  See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil


Life and good. Death and evil.


We know what it means to live. We only know in part what it means to die. What do I mean that we only know in part what it means to die?  It's true. When someone we know dies, we know that we will no longer have them in our lives to talk with, to touch, to listen to, to look at, to simply know they are available to touch base with. They will no longer be with us, all that is left of them are the memories they have given us. Their possession are no longer their possessions but instead become the possessions of others. Their presence can be felt in the things they've left behind- again- memories. Some people leave behind great big gaping empty caverns in the lives of those around them- their presence was felt to that extreme. Others leave behind barely small ripples, their absence scarcely felt at all. Death takes people from us, their existence is over. Their presence in our lives is completely over. We will never hear a new word from their mouths, only possibly recorded words they've spoken in the past- memories. There will be no new memories made with them, not a single one. They are gone and we are left to live on without them.


The dying sometimes have the opportunity to comprehend that they are leaving this existence. People make plans with the knowledge they will no longer be around. They know they won't be around for the next holiday, birthday, the future of whatever family additions are made, they comprehend that they will be gone from this world.


The part about death people get confused about is what happens to the dying one after they breathe their last and their heart stops beating. Do their thoughts stop? Is their consciousness completely gone? Is there no life in any manner after they die? Does any part of them live on?


There are many theories on what happens to a person after they die, many theories. The truth of the matter is we have to make a choice about what we believe, about who we believe.


The danger in choosing something that isn't true could be eternally detrimental. If you choose to believe there is absolutely nothing after death, that you are gone from existence completely forever, and that turns out not to be true- you may have cheated yourself of eternity. If you choose to believe traditions various cultures have invented and they turn out not to be true- again, you may have cheated yourself of eternity. If you choose to believe the only source of truth then you will have availed yourself of eternity.


What is the truth?


I get my truth from my Heavenly Father God, from my Savior God, from my Holy Spirit God.


My God left a whole lot of information for me. My God didn't want me to believe in this information without proof of its authenticity. My God didn't want this information to come off as fiction, as fable, as fairy tale, as something invented by man for man. So my God included in this information historically authenticated knowledge, irrefutable facts for those willing to accept the knowledge of it all that is available to them.


I could hold out a book to you and tell you the secret of a good life is inside and you could refuse to read it. By your refusal to read you haven't made the knowledge inside any less real, any less true; you've just cut yourself short of having the knowledge available.  When someone hands you a manual on how your phone works you can refuse to read it and you'll still be able to use your phone. However, you may never avail yourself of all its many features because you refused to read the manual. The knowledge is there but if you don't believe the knowledge given, or even want the knowledge then that's the choice you are allowed to make.


History has verified that the information left to me by my God is factual. Now I need to take the information in, study the information available to me.


My studies from this information on the particular subject of death have taught me the following-


…His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.  (Psalm 146:4)


Breath goes forth.

Body returns to earth.

Thoughts perish.


… For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 9:5,6)

Living know they shall die.

Dead know not anything.

Dead have no more reward.

Dead even the memory of them eventually is forgotten.

Dead their love, hate, envy is perished.

Dead have nothing to do in this world.


If a person's thoughts are entirely gone, what does that mean? Our ability to think is a part of what makes us living beings. If all our thoughts are gone, are we really alive? Some may think of those who are kept alive without any higher brain function, kept alive by machines that keep their physical bodies from decaying, yet not a single thought can be processed again by that person. Technically they are living and not thinking, but the life they are living is nothing that they are conscious of at all in any way- why? Because they have no thoughts.  The dead have no thoughts. The dead know not anything. My God has given me this information.


When I die I will have no thoughts, I will know nothing.


More on this tomorrow by the grace of our LORD, by His will, not mine.


All in the name of our Lord, our Savior, Jesus Christ now and forever.





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